Moving In

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Killian and Henry packed both the family car and Henry's car with all of his needs for his college dorm. Ava was helping Henry load the car. She was riding with him and Regina in his car as Killian drove the family car with Emma and Hope with the rest of Henry's belongings. Emma was going over Henry's list with him making sure he had everything packed in the two cars. Henry was up in his room, packing his author's pen to take with him. Hope goes to her brother's room seeing most of his stuff gone. "Henwy?"
Henry holds his sister. "I am going to a big school."
"Not home?"
"I will be driving home to see you, Mommy, Daddy, Leia, Ava, and my other Mommy."
"Your home here."
"I know, but in college, which is a big people school, you have to go to another place to go to school." Hope hugs her brother.
Emma sees Hope hugging Henry. "Hope, we are going to visit your brother, sweetie. He will visit us too."
"I will be home for holidays and long vacations too."
"Henwy, book."
"I am leaving my book here with you and baby sis."
"Want you wead it." Hope was crying.
"Hope, Daddy and me will read the book to you all the time."
"Baby sis too?"
"Yes, Hope." She rubs Hope's back knowing Hope's separation with Henry will be hard.
"Hope, we are still going to have our H&H time."
"You can ride with me and Ava in my car to Boston."
"Woad twip!" Henry smiles.
"Mom, Hope can ride with me and Ava. Her car seat can fit in my car."
"Okay, most of your stuff is in the family car." Henry carried Hope to his car.
"Hi, Ava!"
"Hi, Hope."
"Hope is joining us in my car."
"Woad twip." Kilian sets up Hope's car seat in the back of Henry's car.
Regina approaches her son. "Which car am I riding in?"
"With Emma and Dad. Hope and Ava are riding with me."
"Woad twip, Ina."
Killian approaches his son. "Hope's car seat is set."
"Thanks, Dad."
"Do you have everything?"
"Yes, everything I need is all packed. Mom went over the list with me three times."
Killian chuckles knowing his swan was nesting. "Your majesty, you are riding with me and Emma."
"Ava!"Ava holds Hope.
"You are excited I am riding with you and Henry?"
Emma arrives outside with her bag. "Henry, drive careful. You have Hope, Ava, and your belongings in your car."
"I know." Henry hugs his Mom. "I will be careful. How is my baby sis?"
"For being exactly 9 months pregnant, your sister is still moving around knowing something is going on."
"Baby sis, our big brother is going to college. I will be here when you are born. Mommy, Daddy and the rest of our family are helping me move in. My college isn't too far." He drove out of Storybrooke, he cannot believe he is going to live in Boston. Hope and Ava rode with Henry as Killian drove the family car with Henry's belongings with Emma and Regina. Ava and Henry talked a lot on the road trip, Hope was talking with them.
In the other car, Killian was driving the car while Regina and Emma was arguing. "Why did he choose Boston? He could have chosen somewhere closer?"
"Regina, Henry wanted to go to Boston! He got into a new college! It was either Boston or Rhode Island where the main campus is. 4 ½ hours road trip is better to Rhode Island."
Killian hates when Emma and Regina fight, especially when Emma can go into labor at any minute. He did not want his swan to go into labor on the highway to Boston. "Regina, stop arguing with my Emma. Our son chose where he wanted to go to college, that is it! End of discussion!" Regina stops talking. Emma laid her hand on her husband's leg silently thanking him to stop the argument. "Thank you."
When Henry drove into Boston, he was in awe, "Boston! This is where I am going to college."
Ava smiles. "It looks like a great place to go to school. And for me to visit."
"You can visit me on the weekends."
"I will."
"Me too!"
"You can come to Boston, little sis." He arrived on the campus, which was new buildings around the city. He parked the car with other freshman family cars. Killian parked behind Henry's car. "Dad, I have to get my parking pass."
"Aye, son. I will start unloading the car."
"Henwy." Henry goes to get his parking pass.
Ava holds Hope. "You can stay with me. Henry will be back."
Emma holds Hope. "Were you a good girl for Henry and Ava?"
"She was good, Emma. She was talking to me and Henry the whole ride here." Emma was smiling at the new campus, her son is going to college here in the middle of the city.
Killian and Regina began unloading the car. "So this is Boston?"
"Yes, it is your majesty. It is a beautiful city."
Henry returns with his parking pass and ID card and keys to his dorm He leads his family to the dorm, two-bedroom. "I only have one roommate."
"That is a thing kid."
"I am hoping we will get along." Regina, Ava, and Killina helped Henry moved his bedding, bathroom supplies, and his art supplies into his dorm on the 2nd floor. Emma was helping Henry organize the dorm and keeping an eye on Hope who was trying to get into everything. After Henry fixed his room, he held hope. "What do you think of my dorm bedroom?"
Hope sees art supplies, television, Henry's laptop, mini-refrigerator, funko pops, and Henry's bed. "Good bro."
"You ask for Hope's opinion not mine?" Ava gives Henry a look.
"What do you think?"
"It looks good, Henry."
"Thank you, Ava." They kiss.
Killian takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, kissing is not eww."
"Yes, it is, Dada."
Emma chuckles. Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I have everything I need."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I have my mini-refrigerator, my snacks, and a water case in my car."
Emma hugs her son. "My baby is in college."
"Mom, I will call you for updates."
"You can call me anytime, kid."
"Lad, if you need anything, call us."
"I will, Dad." They hug. "If I need help with the car, I will call you first then Mike."
"My Dad will help you with your car, Henry. He loves your car." Emma takes Hope into the hallway so Henry and Ava can have privacy.
Henry hugs Ava. "I am going to miss you. This will be the longest time we are going to be far away from each other."
"I know. I am going to miss you so much. I will facetime you all the time. Plus, whenever my Mom is in labor, I will be coming to Storybrooke to be there to meet my new baby sister."
"I can drive here to visit you."
"You can drive here anytime to visit me." They hug and kiss. "I have orientation in an hour."
Henry goes to his Mom. "Mom, I am going to be okay. Let me know when you are in labor, I am going to meet my baby sister first."
Emma was tearing up and hugs her son. "Yes, I will call you, kid. You are going to meet Leia first just like when you met Hope."
"I will visit, Mom. There are holidays here that Storybrooke does not celebrate."
"Yes, you are right, Henry." She hugs her son. "I know you will do great here."
"I will study hard, Mom."
"I know you will, kid. I love you."
"I love you, Mom."
"Henwy." Henry holds Hope.
"Hope, I am going to miss you while I am in school. Be a good girl for Mom and Dad."
"I will."
"I'll be home when Leia comes." Hope hugs her brother.
"Little love, we need to go."
"No, stay with Henwy." Killian takes Hope from Henry crying.
"We are going to see Henry soon, Hope. Lad, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you, Dad." Killian takes Hope out of the dorms.
"Ava, we need to go." Ava hugs Henry.
"I will talk to you soon." They kiss. Emma and Regina look away from their son kissing his girlfriend.
Emma leads Ava away back to the elevators. She hugs Ava. "He is going to miss you too as much you will miss him."
"I know. I have a feeling we are going to see him soon."
Regina hugs he son. "Are you sure you want..."
"Mom, I love the college and the major I am in. I am still going to visit you when I return home. You can call me anytime, Mom." Regina hugs her son who is going to be in college far away from her. "I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom."
"You are happy?"
"Yes, Mom. I am so excited to start college. After 3 years in home school online. College is going to be fun."
"I am sorry that I got mad over where you chose to go to college." She hugs her son. "Study hard."
"I will Mom. I will call you and Emma for updates." Regina leaves.
Henry looks at his dorm room. "I am at Brown University!"
Killian was carrying a crying Hope off the campus to their car. "Killian, before we leave Boston, I think we should eat."
"Aye, 4 ½ hours of driving back will be a long ride. I know you two are hungry."
"Yes, Leia and I are hungry. I know a place where we can eat."
"Did you hear that little love? Mommy knows a place where we can eat something yummy." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"Hope, we are going to visit Henry here, sweetie."
"Mommy." Emma holds Hope.
"I can hold Hope, Killian. Boston is where Henry found me. Now, he is going to college here. "
"Aye, your relationship began here, now our son is going to school here."
"Yes." Emma was in tears because her son is at college, something she had always wanted for him to have a higher education. They went into the car. Killian puts Hope in her car seat. "Ava, Henwy."
"We are going to see Henry soon. When your baby sister comes, Henry will be home." She looks at Emma. "I am hungry too."
"I know a place where we can go." Regina catches up with the Swan-Jones family.
"Regina, we are going to get something to eat before we return to Maine."
"He is happy here, Regina."
Killian was in the driver's seat, Emma was in the passenger seat. Ava was sitting with Hope in the middle and Regina sat in the back. "Swan, where are we heading to?"
"Picco Pizza. It is on Dwight Street."
"Aye, Dwight Street."
"Killian, I can use Good maps on my iPhone."
"Thank you, Ava." With Ava's good maps directions, Killian found the restaurant. "Emma, why do you go ahead and get us a table? I will find a parking spot."
"Hope, we can go with Emma."
"Ava! Come!" Ava helped Hope out of the car.
Emma held her daughter's hand. "Let's go get a table, Hope." Ava, Emma, and Hope entered the restaurant. Emma went to the hostess, "Hi, table for 5.'' The hostess leads Emma, Ava, and Hope to their table. The hostess gave Hope a booster seat.
"Mommy, sit next to me."
"I am going to sit next to you, sweetie." Emma sits next to Hope and notices Ava was sad. "Ava, we are going to see him soon."
"What if Henry forgets about me? And he meets someone else?" Ava began crying.
"Ava, don't cwy." Hope hugs Ava.
Emma goes to her and hugs Ava. "Oh, Ava. Henry is not going to forget about you. He loves you so much."
"We have only been dating for 10 months."
"He loves you, Ava. When I see you two together, I see him happy and his face lights up when you are around. He cares for Ava. Please do not tell him I told you this but he was crying last night after he finished packing. He told me he could not be so far away from you, Ava. I am going to tell you what I told him. Sometimes true love lovers need to be apart. Whenever Killian and I were apart in different realms or in trouble, we always end up finding each other. We rescue each other whenever one of us are in danger. You and Henry's story is different fewer realms but different states." Ava smiles. "My point is whatever challenges you two have, living in different states you two will get through it."
Ava hugs Emma. "You are like a mom to me, Emma. I never had a Mom."
Emma smiles. "I can be a Mom to you, Ava. You can talk to me anytime." Ava hugs Emma making Emma smile having a feeling she will be Ava's mother-in-law in the future.
Killian and Regina enter the restaurant. "Ava, are you okay?"
"Ava and I are just having some girl talk? That is all, honey."
They all look at the menus. "Little love, do you want pasta or pizza?"
Killian chuckles."We can get you pizza, little love." They ordered a few charcoal pizza pies two regular cheese pizzas, two large pepperoni pies, fig & gorgonzola pie, and antipasto salad. When their food arrives, Killian gave Hope a slice of pepperoni pie. "Yummy Mommy."
"I told you Hope that I knew a good pizza place." She kisses Hope on the cheek. As they ate, Ema and Killian were keeping up the conversation for the group since Ava and Regina do not get along.
After lunch, Killian drove everyone back to Maine. Ava was talking with Hope for most of the ride who eventually fell asleep. They dropped off Regina first. "Emma, I know Henry will be happy in Boston. Now that I saw it for myself...I was wrong. I am sorry for being mad at you both and Henry at his college choices."
"It was Henry's top choice. He got a full scholarship there. I know our son is going to do great there." Regina leaves.
"Emma? Can I come over?"
"Yes, you can." Killian drove his family home.
"Hope,do you want to play with me?"
"Yes, Ava!" Hope and Ava play in the backyard.
Emma was watching from the kitchen sitting down. Killian was making his swan her craving chocolate ice cream with sour cream, cheese, and pickles. "Here is your craving swan and little cygnet."
"Thank you." She tries it, "Yum."Killian gave her a disgusted look. "Leia likes it. She wanted it and now is happy." She rubs her baby belly. "Our rainbow baby loves her craving."
"Aye, enjoy your craving, love." He looks in the backyard at Ava and Hope playing on the playset. He sits down next to his swan. "I am just curious love, what was wrong with Ava at the restaurant?"
"She was worried that Henry will meet another girl in college and dump her."
"No, Henry won't do that."
"That is what I told her. She also told me she thinks of me as her mother figure." She smiles. "I think of her as a daughter."
"Ava is part of our family."
"I have a feeling she will be our daughter-in-law."
"Funny, I told Henry on his birthday when we were on the Jolly Roger that I knew he and Ava are true love."
Emma smiles. "What did he say?"
"He was embarrassed. He just said "Dad!"
Emma laughs. "You and I are thinking the same thing captain."
"Aye, we are husband and wife after all and best friends."
"That is right, captain." They kiss.
After Ava left, Emma, Killian, and Hope had a family movie night. They watched Winnie the Pooh. Killian wrapped his arms around his swan rubbing her baby belly as Hope was hugging her Winnie the Pooh doll. Emma was putting Hope to bed. "Hope, do you want a bedtime story?"
"No. Snuggle."
"We can snuggle." Hope moved around. Emma gets on the bed. "Am I squeezing you?"
"No." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"When you baby sister comes. I can give you better hugs." She hugs her daughter. "I love you, Hope."
"I luv you, Mommy. I luv Leia too."
"Me too." She kisses Hope on the head. "My little duckling."
"Mommy, stay here for night-night."
Emma smooths Hope's hair. "Yes, I can sleep with you, sweetie."
"Yay!" Emma's iPhone rings. Killian brings her iPhone to her.
"Swan, it is our son."
Emma swiped to Henry's facetime. "Hi, Henry!"
"Hi, Mom!"
"Hi, Lad."
"Hi, Dad!"
"Hi, Hope! Ava told me that you two played in the backyard."
"Ava is fun!"
"Kid, How is college?"
"It is going well. I met a few friends at orientation. It turns out they are in the same dorm building as me and in some of my classes with me. We went to dinner in an Italian restaurant after orientation."
Emma was so happy her son made friends quickly since he did not have too many friends in Storybrooke. "That is awesome, Henry! I am so happy you made friends already."
"They are from everywhere, two of them are from New York, and one is from California. I heard from Ava that you all went to a pizza restaurant before leaving?"
"Aye, yes we did, lad. Your Mom knows a good pizza restaurant in Boston."
"I need to check the restaurant out with my friends."
"Henwy, miss you."
"I miss you too, little sis."
"Dada dwove us home. Not you."
"I am going to come home soon little sis to visit you, Mommy, Daddy, Ava, and Leia, and my other Mom."
"Visit us first." Emma and Kilian both laugh.
"I will, Hope. Mom, Dad I have to go to bed soon. I have class early tomorrow."
"Okay, Henry. Good luck tomorrow."
"Thank you, Mom."
"Lad, text us tomorrow on your first day."
"I will text you both, tomorrow."
"Night, kid."
"Night, lad."
"No, Henwy."
"Hope, we are going to have H&H time on Mommy's iPhone tomorrow."
"Bye, Hope."
"Bye,bro." The phone conversation ended. "Mommy, Henwy."
"Yes, we talked to Henry. Are you happy now?"
"Yes!" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Baby sis we talked to Henwy." She kisses her Mommy's baby belly. Leia moves. "Mommy Leia hear me."
"Yes, she did. Leia knows her big sister is happy." Hope smiles making her parents smile. Emma told Hope a few stories until she fell asleep on her. Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Our son is happy at his college."
"Yes, he is happy at his new school."
"He finally has friends."
"Yes,he does, love. He is happy." He looks down at Hope hugging his swan's baby belly. "Our whole family is happy."
"Pretty soon, our littlest duckling will make her arrival. She will complete our family."
"Aye, our little pirate princess will complete our family." They kiss. Emma was happy her son was happy in college and about to have her second daughter, her third child with her true love.

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