Captain Swan Christmas

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The next day, it was Christmas day. Emma and Killian were sleeping in their bed with Hope sleeping with them. Killian kisses Emma on her blonde head. "Swan, it is Christmas."
Emma wakes up smiling. "Merry Christmas, Killian."
"Merry Christmas, Emma." He leans over to his swan and they kiss.
"Be careful our little duckling is still sleeping."
"Aye, love. I know our plan for today."
"Yes, I called everyone last night and told them the password to come in. Only those who know the password is coming in." She hugs her daughter.
"That is the only way people are coming in today."
"Yes. I also get updates from Lily and Mulan, they are taking shifts on Mary-Margaret."
"We also have the password for our guests to enter, love. Hope is going to be safe with us." He kisses her on the head.
"I am just worried. I do not want to lose our baby. We almost did lose her when Mary-Margaret planned her kidnapping Hope which killed Hope."
"I am worried too, love. That is why I am going to make sure our daughter is safe. We are going to be extra cautious who comes in and out of our home. Henry and Hope need a great Christmas. You and I will give our children a very normal happy Christmas because both of our children need a great Christmas. They are going to have everything they want with people who love them."
"You are right. I know we are going to have a great day today, a Swan-Jones Christmas."
"Exactly, swan. Team Swan-Jones style."
"Yes, captain." They kiss. Hope began waking up. "Merry Christmas Hope!"
"Chris-mas Mommy!"
Emma hugs her daughter. "Yes, Hope, Christmas." She kisses her on the head.
"Merry Christmas, little love."
"Chris-mas Dada." He scoops Hope into his arms and hugs her.
"Santa came last night. We need to see what he brought us underneath the Christmas tree." They walked out of the room. "Henwy." Hope opens the door and climbs onto Henry's bed. "Henwy!! Ake up! Ake up!! Chris-mas!!" Hope jumps on the bed.
Henry wakes up seeing his sister bouncing on his bed. "Hope!"
"Henwy Chris-mas!!" Hope jumps near her brother.
Henry hugs Hope. "Merry Christmas Hope! We need to go downstairs to see what Santa brought us." Hope pulls Henry's hand. "I am coming little sis." They went downstairs. Hope sees the presents and goes to the tree.
"Mommy Henwy ake!!" Emma chuckles.
"Little sis, Santa came! Mom, Hope did not stop waking me up until she woke me up."
"I can tell. Merry Christmas, Henry." She hugs her son.
"Merry Christmas, Mom."
"Merry Christmas, son."
"Merry Christmas Dad!" They hug. They took family photos by the tree in their matching Christmas pajamas.
"Dada, Henwy, Mommy gifts twee."
Emma kneels to Hope. "Yes, there are gifts under the tree, baby girl. Do you want to open your gifts?"
"Let's go find your gifts with your name!"
Hope walked around trying to find her name. "H!"
"Whose name starts with an H in this family?"
"That is right, this is Henry's gift."
"Henwy! Ohen gift!" Hope picks up the gift.
Henry smiles. "Thank you,Hope." Henry opens his gift which was an ugly Christmas sweater of Batman. "Awesome! I am so wearing this today. Hope, I am going to find you a gift since you found my gift." Henry finds a gift for Hope. "Hope, this is from Santa."
"Santa." Hope opens her gift which was pattern shapes and boards to match colors and shapes to make shapes. "Ooh, wed, blue, gween."
"That is right baby sis. We can make patterns by matching the photos."
"Yes, H&H time." Hope hugs Henry. "Let's open more presents. Your turn to pick for me."
Emma hugs Killian seeing Henry and Hope giving each other gifts to each other. Henry got a lot of DC, Marvel shirts, a Batman pajama set. He opens a gift, he gets a new phone, an iPhone 12. "No way!! A new iPhone!!"
"Well, I knew you needed an updated phone."
Henry goes to his Mom and hugs her. "Thank you, Mom. I really needed a new iPhone! Thank you!!"
Emma smiles. "You are very welcome, Henry!!" She kisses her son on the head.
Hope goes to her Daddy and hugs him. "You want to open more presents?"
"Yes." Henry joins his sister by the tree and opens presents. Emma joined her family by the tree. Hope opened her presents, waffle blocks, Disney Princess Animator's collection Ariel pajama set. clothes, pop up tents with a tunnel, more pretend food for her kitchen set, Ariel doll, a Disney castle with the disney princesses. "Castle!"
"You have your own Disney castle baby girl!"
"Pway you."
"Yes, Hope. We can play together." She hugs her daughter. Hope opened another present which was a Disney Mickey Mouse and friends' 5-minute bedtime stories. "Pluto book!"
"Hope, you have more books for your bedroom library little sis!"
Henry smiles. "You take after me, Hope because you love to read."
"Wead Henwy!"
Emma chuckles. "You have one more gift from me." Hope opens her present which was a Minnie, Mickey, and Pluto red Christmas sweater. "Pluto! Mickey!" Hope puts her new sweater on herself backward. Emma chuckles as she helps Hope put her sweater on the right way.
"Little love, you have one more gift from me." He shows Hope the big present.
Hope opened her gift which was a pedal-less wooden bike. "Hope, Dada bought you your own bike!"
"Bike! Wide."
"Dada will get it fixed so you can ride it in the house."
"Dad, I have a feeling Hope will be riding this bike a lot in the house." Henry opens more gifts, he got DC and Star Wars on DVDs, more xbox games, and art supplies. "Hope, you have one more gift from me, little sis." Henry gives Hope her present. Hope opens her present, which was a pillow of him and Hope on the Jolly Roger. Emma was in awe. Hope goes to her brother and hugs "Henwy!"
"You like it?"
"Luv it!"
Henry smiles. "I love you."
"Luv Henry." Killian took pictures of Henry and Hope's brother and sister moment.
"Hope, you have a gift for Henry, baby girl."
"Yes!" Killian gives Hope her gift for Henry. "Henwy!!"
"This is for me, baby sis?"
"Yes, you gift!"
Henry opens his gift which was a DC poster. "Thank you, Hope." Henry hugs his sister. "I am going to put it up in my room. Are you ready to give Mommy and Daddy their gift from us?"
Henry gets the gift or their parents and lets Hope help him hold the gift. "Mom, Dad this is from Hope and I. Merry Christmas." Emma and Killian opened their gift which was a Captain Swan painting of the two of them. "Henry, this looks so really like a photograph, kid. I love it."
"Thanks, Mom. Hope helped me out with the painting though."
"You two are such great artists." Emma hugs her two children. Hope climbed onto her Mommy's lap. "You helped Henry?"
"Yes, art!"
"Lad, this is brilliant. How long did it take you to make this?"
"Since last month."
"Wow! That is a long time."
"Yes, I wanted to make sure it was perfect for you and Mom." Killian hugs his son.
"You have done an amazing job. I love it."
"Thanks, Dad." Henry looks out the window. "Whoa! Snow! Hope, it is snowing outside, baby sis. We are going to have a white Christmas!" Hope goes to her brother. He holds Hope on his hip. "Snow!"
"Mom, can Hope and I play in the snow after we open presents?"
"Yes, after we finish open presents."
"Aye,swan, it's your turn." The family sat by the tree. Emma opens her gifts, she got a new dress. "Killian?"
"I have a feeling you need a new dress for our date nights."
"You know me so well, captain." They kiss. Emma continues to open her gifts, she got a new fuzzy blanket, oversize comedy sweaters, makeup, and clothes.
"Swan, this is from me. " Emma opens her present which was a polaroid camera. She smiles big. "I am so going to use this!"
"Aye, I know how much you love taking pictures."
"Thank you, captain." She takes a picture of Killian.
"Mom, this is from me." Emma opens her gift which was a pillow with images of herself with Henry and Hope.
Emma was in awe. "Henry! Come here." She hugs her son. "I love it! Thank you."
"You are very welcome, Mom."
"Little love, you can give Mommy your present."
Hope gets the gift from her Daddy and goes to her Mommy. "Mommy! Gift!"
"Thank you, Hope." Emma opens her gift which was a white mug that says Swan, lover.
"Cocoa Mommy!"
"Yes, sweetie. I use this to drink this for my cinnamon hot cocoa. This is an odd shape."
"Dad, this is from Hope."
Killian opens his gift from Hope which was a red mug, Captain, lover.
Emma now understands why the mug has a weird shape. "Killian, our mugs are a pair?"
"Swan?" Emma sits next to her husband and puts her mug towards his, the mugs kiss, Captain Swan, lovers.
"Aye, now I get it. It is a great gift, Hope."
"Cocoa, Dada and Mommy."
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "I now have a new mug for my cinnamon hot cocoa. Dada can drink cinnamon hot cocoa with us." She kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Dada gifts!"
"Yes, Hope, I am going to open my presents."
He scooped Hope into his arms. "You can help me open my gifts." He puts Hope on his lap. Emma and Henry took turns giving Killian his gifts. Killian got a new warm blanket, clothes, new boots, a new cleaner for his hook and new eyeliner. "Dad, this is from me." Killian opens his gift which is a pillow of himself, with their family on the Jolly Roger and with his swan. Killian smiles big. "Henry!" He hugs his son. "I love it! I am going to put this on the Jolly Roger."
"Kid, did you gave a pillow theme for all three of us Christmas presents?"
"Pillow bed!"
"Hope, that is a great idea, little sis."
"Do you have a gift for Ava?"
"Yes, I do. She is coming over soon so we can give each other gifts."
"Pway snow, Henwy."
"Yes, we can play in the snow, baby sis."
"You two can play in the backyard."
"Yes, Mom." Henry goes upstairs to get ready.
"Swan, I have a gift for you."
Emma opens her gift which was a silver bangle with a Jolly Roger, a heart symbol and a swan. "I love it." They kiss. "I have a gift for you, Killian."
Killian opens his gift which was a new spyglass with his name on it, Killian Jones. he smiles big. "Emma, I love it!" They kiss. Emma gets Hope ready to play in the snow as Killian cleaned the living room and shoveled outside and salted the steps. Emma was watching Henry and Hope playing in the snow in the backyard. Henry and Hope were building a snowman. Killian hugs his wife. "They are happy."
"Yes, they are love. They love their gifts and now are playing in the snow. When should we start cooking Christmas dinner?"
"In a few hours. We are making meatloaf with mashed potatoes, broccoli and dessert."
"Sounds delicious, swan." They kiss. Hope throws snowballs at Henry.
"She is such a little pirate like the one I know."
"Aye, she takes after me." The doorbell rings.
"Remember the password?"
"Yes, love." Emma answers the door. "Who is it?"
"Ava. The password is orange."
Emma opens the door, it was Ava. "Ava. Come in. You must be freezing." She lets her in. "Merry Christmas Ava!"
"Merry Christmas Emma!" They hug. Killian closes the door.
"I am sorry about the password. We only found out Mary-Margaret was let out of the psych ward yesterday."
"I understand from the last time she was out,she kidnapped Hope. I understand. Where are Henry and Hope."
"They are playing in the backyard. I see you have presents."
"Yes, I have presents for you all. Nicky and my Dad are coming later." "Aye, I can hold them so you can take your coat and boots off." He takes them from Ava and goes out.
"Thank you, Killian." Killian puts the presents on the couch and goes check on Henry and Hope. "Actually, I am going to go out in the backyard to surprise Henry."
"He will be very happy to see you."
"I heard about what happened with Regina. That is awful what she had done to get revenge. He was so upset. He told me how much you two were arguing you were defending him and us. Emma, I know you were his Mm when you came into town." Ava hugs Emma. "Thank you for reuniting my family and for being Henry's Mom who is raising him to be my kind caring boyfriend."
Emma smiles. "You are very welcome. I am doing my best."
"You are raising him, right."
"How about we can have cinnamon hot cocoa and cookies. You need to warm up."
"That sounds good." Emma and Ava sat in the kitchen to talk. Emma learned more about Ava.
Killian brought out a carrot. "Henry and Hope I have a carrot for your snowman."
"Dada! Dada snow piwate!!"
"A snowman pirate?"
"Hope is right,Dad. We are making a snow pirate!" Killian puts the carrot onto her face and sees the candy cane pirate hook. He takes pictures of Henry and Hope with their snow piwate with his iPhone.
"H! Henwy!"
"Yes, H&H time!" Hope attacks Henry with a hug and he falls into the snow ground. "Hope"
Hope laughs. "Very funny, little sis." Ava and Emma join them outside.
"Henry! You and Hope made a snow pirate?"
"Yes!" He looks at his Mom and Ava. "Ava! Hi!"
"Hi, Henry. I see Hope tackled you?"
"Yes she did." Killian takes Hope from Henry. Ava goes to Henry and kneels down next to him and they kiss.
Emma and Killian smile at Henry and Ava. "Eww!"
"Mom, I taught her that."
Emma laughs. "Hope." She scooped Hope into her arms. "You do not say that Henry kisses Ava, it is sweet."
"Good idea, baby girl. Kid, when you are ready to come inside. We will have cinnamon hot cocoa with breakfast"
"Thanks, Mom." He throws a snowball at Ava.
Ava giggles. "Hey!" She throws a snowball back at him. Emma, Hope, and Killian returned inside. They dressed in dry clothes and made cinnamon hot cocoa. Killian returns downstairs and sees Hope in her new Disney sweater. "Hope, you are wearing your new Pluto sweater?"
"Yes! Cocoa Dada!"
"Mommy made you cinnamon hot cocoa?"
Henry and Ava return inside. "Ava, hi!"
"Hi, Hope."
"I will be right back, little sis." Henry takes his boots off and goes upstairs.
Ava sits next to Hope. "Hope,I know you're going to like the gift I got you for Christmas."
"Yes, got you a gift also for your Mom, Dad and Henry."
"Henwy luv Ava." Everyone laughs. Henry returns downstairs with Ava's gift. "Ava gift!"
"Yes, Hope."
"I have gifts for you too, in the living room."
"We can open gifts after breakfast." Emma and Killian made candy cane shape pancakes with whip cream and cut up strawberries for their family. Henry sits next to Ava during breakfast. They go into the living room. Killian was holding Hope. Ava and Henry exchanged gifts first. "Ava, this is for you. Merry Christmas." Henry gives her his gift for her. Ava opens the gift which was a sliver Alex&Ani bracelet with two pendants of a paintbrush and a flower. "Henry, I love it." She hugs him. Emma and Killian smile at each other.
"You are welcome. I have a feeling you will love."
"I am going to wear it right now." She puts on her gift and gives Henry his gift. "Merry Christmas, Henry."
Henry opens his gift which was a wooden box with their names on top and pictures of themselves. Henry smiles big and hugs his girlfriend. "I love it. This is going to go on my desk next to the pictures for Hope and the rest of my family."
"I knew you needed a few pictures of us in your room." They kiss.
Emma takes out her polaroid camera and takes the picture of Henry and Ava. "Henry luvs Ava."
"Hope!" Henry takes Hope from their Dad and tickles her making her laugh. Emma takes a picture of her two kids.
"Ava, join in." Emma smiles as she took a picture of Henry, Hope and Ava.
Henry gives Hope the picture. "Yes, Hope. That is what a polaroid camera does, little sis. The picture comes out of the camera."
"Emma, Killian, I have gifts for you too." Ava gave gifts to Emma and Killian. Emma opened her gift which was a swan pendant. "Ava. Thank you." She hugs Ava.
"You are very welcome, Emma. I know this can go with your keychain."
Killian opens his gift which was rum. "Aye, I like my gift. Swan, we can share this later."
"I love that idea."
Ava gives Hope her gift. "Hope, this is for you."
Henry sits down with Hope on her lap. Hope opens her gift which was a Pluto shirt. "Pluto! Henwy Pluto!"
"Awesome Hope! What do you say to Ava?"
"Ank you Ava!"
"You are welcome Hope." Hope hugs Ava. "You are sweet."
"How about we watch a Christmas movie?"
"Henry, that is a great idea."
"Killian,we need to start cooking dinner."
"Aye, love I will help after I shovel the snow."
"Be careful."
"Yes, love I will be careful." Killian puts his coat on and shovels outside.
"Ava, you and Hope can choose the movie while I help my Dad shovel the snow."
Hope goes to the movies. "Ava here!" Ava goes to Hope.
As Henry and Killian were shoveling, Allison arrived. "Merry Christmas Killian!"
"Merry Christmas Allison!"
"What is with the password?
"Regina let Snow White out of the psych ward."
"Oh my gosh."
"My other Mom let my grandma out of the pysch ward to get revenge on Mom because she is mad at us."
Allison hugs her nephew. "I am sure that is not true."
"That is how my other Mom is, revenge is her only answer. Where are Ted, Lizzie and Connor?"
"They are coming later. Lizzie and Connor, Ted took them sledding."
"Aye, Hope and Henry played in the snow in the backyard already. Come in. I know my swan will be very happy to see you."
Allison enters the house. "Emma! Hope!"
Hope gets off the couch and sees her aunt. "Auntie!"
Allison scooped Hope into her arms. "Merry Christmas, little niece." She sees Ava. "Hi, Ava."
"Hi, Allison! Merry Christmas!" They hug with Hope in between them.
Emma enters the room. "Merry Christmas Allison!"
"Merry Christmas, Emma!" They hug. "I brought everyone presents and something for the meal. Ted, Lizzie and Connor are coming over later."
"Yes, Hope?"
Allison hugs Hope. "Little niece, are you happy that I am here?"
"Yes. Afe."
"You can stay with me, little niece. I love your new sweater."
Henry entered the house and took his snow boots off. "Snow is shoveled.Ava what movie are we watching?"
"Hope and I chose The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
"Mommy." Emma took Hope from Allison.
"Little sis, do you want to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas with me and Ava or talk with Mommy and Auntie?"
Emma puts Hope on the couch next to Henry. "Hope, Mommy and Auntie are going to be in the kitchen okay?"
"Hope is going to be with me and Ava, Mom."
"Henwy!" Hope hugs her brother. The movie began. Ava laid her head on Henry's shoulder as Henry was hugging her brother.
Allison and Emma go to the kitchen to talk, as Emma began making the mashed potatoes. Killian returns inside and makes the meatloaf. "Emma, I heard from Henry and Killian about what happened last night?"
"How Hope has been?"
"She slept with us last night. She was afraid when Mary-Margaret came by here last night."
"Aye, Hope was terrified. As long as we are nearby Hope is happy.We are not sure what to do about Mary-Margaret."
"If she tries to kidnap Hope we are putting her back in the psych ward." Emma goes to check on Hope was watching the movie with Henry and Ava. When she returns to the kitchen, Killian engulfs her into a big hug. "Hope is alright, love."
"Emma, I do have a gift for my best friend."
"I also have a gift for my best friend." They give each other their gifts. Emma opens her gift first which was a new red leather jacket with a swan symbol on the front. Emma smiles. "Allison, I love it!" They hug.
"I knew you would love it."
"I will add it to my collection of red leather jackets."
Allison opens her gift which was a gold necklace of a stethoscope with her name on it. "Emma, I love it!" She hugs her best friend and puts her necklace on her neck. "It is perfect!"
Hope enters the room. "Mommy." Hope hugs her legs.
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hope, are you okay?"
"Tay you."
"You can stay with me, Hope."
"Little niece, I have your Christmas gift."
Emma sat on the chair with Hope on her lap. Allison gave Hope a big box. Hope opened her gift which was a box of different Disney princess dresses. "Hope, you can wear new princess dresses for dress-up!"
"You want to wear the Pluto shirt the one Ava got you?"
"You have one more gift from me, Hope."
Hope opens her gift which was an Ariel Christmas doll. "Mel-Mel mommy Chris-mas."
"Yes, a new Ariel Christmas doll!"
"Auntie!" Allison takes Hope from Emma. Hope hugs her. "Ank you, auntie."
"You are very welcome, Hope."
Emma takes Hope upstairs to change into her new Pluto shirt.
"Killian, how is Emma?"
"Upset last night but she just wants to give a great Christmas to Henry and Hope. She just wants to make sure Hope is safe."
"I know you and Emma are going to do all you can to protect your family. I am going to help you both make sure Henry and Hope have a great Christmas." Emma returns downstairs with Hope. "Ava! Henwy!" Hope goes to Henry and Ava. Henry paused the movie.
"Little sis, you are wearing your new Pluto shirt?"
"Ava, you got Hope the right shirt."
"Yes,I did. I know your sister well." Hope hugs Ava. "You like the shirt, Hope?"
"Luv." Ava hugs Hope. Henry takes a picture of Hope and Ava.
Allison enters the room. "Henry, Ava, I have gifts for you two."
"You got me one Allison?"
Ava smiles. "Of course, I did. You are part of our family." Allison gave her gift to Ava.
Hope goes to her auntie and hugs her. Allison holds Hope. "Auntie."
Ava and Henry opened their gifts. Ava got a new dress. Henry got a new paint set. "Thank you, Aunt Allison." He hugs Allison.
"Allison, thank you for the dress."
"You are welcome, Ava."
"Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Allison. "Mommy."
"You are with me, baby girl. You are okay." Hope hugs her Mommy. The doorbell rings.
"Swan, I got the door."
"I remember, love." Hope began crying.
"Hopey, why are you crying?"
"You are with me, sweetie." Emma takes Hope upstairs to her bedroom and changes her diaper. "We can snuggle in your bed." She gets into the comforter with Hope. "You are okay. You are with me, baby girl. Shh..shh..."
Killian went to the door, he opened a little bit seeing Nicholas, Michael, Lizzie, Connor and Ted. "What is the password?"
Killian opens the door. "Come in. Merry Christmas!" They entered the house.
"Hi, Lizzie. Henry and Ava put on The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."
"Yes!" They went into the living room. Ted goes to Allison.
"Hi, Killian, how are you?"
"I am happy that it is Christmas. Yesterday was fun until Snow White came over."
"I heard from Ava that it was Regina who let her out."
"Aye,that's right."
"Ava wanted to come over right away when Henry told her last night which is why she came early."
"Aye, your daughter is cheering Henry up."
"Where are Emma and Hope?"
"Hope got upset and scared. She took Hope upstairs to her room."
"She is the Mom who always fights for her kids and always there for them. I met Emma when she first came to Storybrooke. She helped me realize how to be a parent especially when it was unexpected during my curse self. When she and Henry broke the curse, I was the same father to my twins."
"Aye, Emma brings all the happy endings."
"If Emma needs anything, with her Mom back in town. She has my watch."
"Aye, I appreciate the extra eyes in town."
"Emma helped me and now that our kids are dating, it is the least that I can do to help out."
"I am going to check up on Hope." Killian goes upstairs to Emma and Hope in Hope's bedroom. "Little love."
Killian joins them on the bed and rubs Hope's back. "Dada is right here, Hope."
"Mommy... dada afe."
"You are safe, Hope." Hope stops crying. "You are enjoying your snuggles with your Mommy" Hope smiles. "Tay Mommy."
"I am staying with you, baby girl."
"Swan, Ted, Lizzie, Connor, Mike and Nicholas are here. I told them you are up here with our little pirate."
"Hope just needs some quiet time. I also think it is close to her N-A-P."
"Aye, love. I will meet both downstairs, later." Kilian goes downstairs.
"Hopey, do you want me to braid your hair?"
"No, mommy. Hug."
Emma smiles. "We can hug." She kisses Hope on the head enjoying her Christmas day one on one time with her daughter. "I love you."
"Luv you, Mommy."
Henry and Ava come upstairs talking. "Hey, kid what is going on downstairs?"
"Lizzie is playing with her Christmas gifts. Connor, Nicky, Mike, and Dad are watching a football game. Hi, Hope."
"Henwy." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, do you want to play with me and Ava?"
"No. Tay Mommy."
Ava kneels to Hope. "Hope, do you like your Pluto shirt?"
"Yes, Ava!"
Henry brings his book over. "Little sis, do you want me to read to you?"
Henry and Ava sit on Hope's bed. Henry began reading to his sister. Hope walks over to her brother and sits on his lap. "Henwy."
"Hopey. Do you want to see the pages?"
"Sit you." Henry hugs his sister.
"Emma, we can stay here with Hope."
Emma goes back downstairs and finds her best friend in the kitchen. "Emma, how is Hope?"
"She got afraid. I had to calm her down. She is with Henry and Ava, he is reading her a story." Allison gave Emma a drink of rum. "You need this."
"I do." She takes a sip of her rum.
Killian enters the room and hugs his swan. "Enjoying your rum?"
"Yes, I am captain."
"Mike and Nicholas brought macaroni and cheese."
"My family brought sweet potato casserole and lasagna. We also brought dessert."
"Perfect. We have rest for the meal. I also baked dessert."
"If you need more rum, love. I have more in my flask."
"Thank you but I have enough." Killian went back to the living room."Allison,how is work?"
"Busy but good. Nothing crazy lately. I have been going home earlier than usual." Emma and Allison continue to talk as they are preparing for dinner. "I was thinking we can have a girls day soon."
"Have not had one in a long time."
Henry walks down with his sister followed by Ava. "Dad, where is Hope's bike?"
"She wants to ride it and show Ava."
Killian gets Hope's bicycle and puts it by his little lass. Hope climbs onto her new bicycle. He kneels down to Hope. "You move the bike with your feet, Hope!" Hope moved her legs. Killi was smiling his daughter was riding a bike. "You are riding your bike Hope!"
Emma smiles seeing Hope riding her bike and seeing Killian's very excited proud dad moment. Hope was coming at her. "Mommy, bike!"
"I see you are riding your new bike baby girl!"
"Bike Dada!"
"Dada taught you?"
"Yes!" Hope turned around and rode her bike. Emma chuckles. She goes to her Daddy who opened his legs letting her pass. "Dada!" Hope turns around and goes through her Daddy's legs. Emma, Henry and Ava were all smiling at hope. Henry taking a video of his sister on his iPhone. Lizzie goes to Hope and pushes the bike. Hope fusses. "No, Liz. Dada!"
Killian goes to Lizzie and Hope."Lizzie, Hope wants to ride her bike herself."
Killian kneels down. "Lizzie, did you get your Christmas present from us yet?"
"I know where your present is." Lizzie smiles. Killian brings Lizzie to the tree and gives her the gift. Lizzie opens her gift which was a Disney Animatior's collecton Belle doll and Belle pajama set. " A new Belle doll!" Lizzie hugs Killian.
"Your Aunt Emma knows what you love."
Hope rides her bike away to Henry and Ava. "Henwy!"
"Little sis, are you riding your bike?"
"Yes! Bike! Ava!"
"Yes, Hope?"
Ava chuckles. "Yes, I see you are riding your bike."
Hope backs up."Bye!" Hope rolls away.
"Your sister is so cute."
"Yes, she is. Do you want to do art in my room?"
"Sure." They go upstairs.
Hope rides her bike to her Mommy. "Mommy, Mel-mel."
"Melody is at her castle."
"Mel-mel..." Hope began crying.
Ema scooped Hope into her arms. "Sweetie, you are going to see your best friend soon."
"Tay you."
"You can stay with me, sweetie. Auntie and I are having girl talk."
"Girl talk won't be the same without Hope." Hope smiles. She tickles Hope.
Lizzie enters the kitchen. "Auntie Emma! Thank you!" She hugs Emma.
"You are very welcome, Lizzie."
Lizzie goes to her Mom. "Mommy Auntie Emma got me a new Belle doll!"
"You have a new pajama set too!"
"Yes! I can wear it to bed tonight." Lizzie returns to the living room to show Connor.
"Emma, you are adding more Belle dolls to her collection."
"Yes, like you are adding to Hope's Pluto collection and Ariel collection." They both laughed. The oven went off, meaning dinner was ready. Killian enters the kitchen seeing Hope was hugging Emma, "Swan, I can set up the table."
"I can help."
"You can be with me, while I help Daddy, baby girl."
Mike enters the room. "Killian, Emma. I can help."
"Aye, thank you, Mike."
"Mommy, Ava Dada." Hope points at Mike.
"Yes, I am Ava's Daddy."
"Nice!" Emma smiles.
Mike smiles. "You are very sweet, Hope."
"Afe, Mommy."
"Your Mommy helped me reunite with Ava and Nicholas."
"Your Mom is a hero, Hope. Emma, Hope is talking so much."
"Yes,she loves to talk. You like Mike?"
"Yes! Ava Dada nice." Hope smiles. Henry and Ava return to the kitchen. "Henwy luvs Ava."
Everyone laughs. "Hope!" Henry tickles Hope. "You love saying that." He takes Hope from their Mom, Ava and Henry tickle her. "Ava!" Ava holds Hope. "Ava!"
"Hope likes you."
"Yes, Dad. Hope likes me. High fave!"
"Five!" They high fived. "Sit you Henwy, Mommy."
"You can sit next to me and Henry."
Emma gets Hope from Ava. "We can sit next to Henry and Ava."
"Yes, you can sit with me while we have dinner." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry and Ava helped set the table. Everyone sat the table, meatloaf, sweet potato casserole, string beans,macaroni and cheese and lasagna. Emma had Hope on her lap, with Killian at her side with Henry and Ava on her other side. Allison and her family sat across from the Swan-Jones family, with Mike and Nicholas. Everyone talked. After dinner, everyone went to the living room to talk. Killian set a fire on the fireplace. Connor and Lizzie were fast asleep. Nicholas was playing a video game on his iPhone. Henry and Ava were sitting on the couch holding hands talking. Hope was with Allison playing with Hope's new waffle blocks. Killian hugs his swan as they were talking to Mike. When Mike, Nicholas, and Ava were leaving, Mike approached Killian and Emma. "Emma, I just want to know, I already told Killian already."
"What is it, Mike?"
"Ava told me about your issues with Snow White. I just want to let you know that I can keep an eye on your Mom in town. I can call you if I see anything suspicious. I do not like how she has been treating you and your family. What she had done to Hope, made me so mad when I found out. You have extra eyes in town for your Mom."
Emma smiles know that Mike was on her side of her Mom's issues, besides her squad, family and Killian. "Thank you, Mike. I do appreciate the extra eyes in town."
"We are family now." Henry and Ava were holding hands. "Henry is a good kid and treats Ava as a princess. Henry, Hope, you and Killian are all family to us."
"Yes, we are family."
Allison brings down Hope who was wearing her new Ariel pajamas she got from Santa. "Mike!" Hope goes to Mike and hugs him.
Mike smiles."Hope, Merry Christmas. I have to go home now. I have to go bye-bye. I will see you around town with your Mom and Dad, Ava and Henry."
"Henry, I will see you soon."
"Yes." They kiss. Henry holds Hope. Ava and her family leave. "Ava will come to play with you soon, Hope."
Allison holds Hope. "Hope, I will come over soon. Our girl talk is not finished yet."
"Talk!" Henry takes his sister from their Aunt Allison.
"I can read."
"Pluto book! H!"
"H&H time." Henry takes Hope upstairs to her bedroom.
"Emma, I will come over soon. Ted and I have to take Lizzie and Connor home, they are tired from sledding and busy Christmas day."
Emma hugs Allison. "Thank you for being you."
"You are basically my sister. Call me if you need to talk."
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." Ted and Allison took their children home. Killian and Emma closed the door and snuggled in the living room. They ate leftover Christmas cookies and sipping cinnamon hot cocoa. Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "A great Christmas."
"I told you,love. We will have a great Christmas."
"You were right, captain."
"Merry Christmas, Emma."
"Merry Christmas, Kilian." They kiss. Emma and Killian cannot wait to see what 2021 has in store for them

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now