Home and Family

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During the night, Hope woke up, as usual, to be fed and changed. "Hope, are you feeling better sweetie?" Hope cooed. "Yes, we do not want you to be a sick baby girl. As long we give you your medicine you will get better soon." She kisses Hope on the head and fed her. After she was fed Hope was awake. "Hope, are you not sleepy anymore? You are not letting me sleep."
Killian wakes up. "Love, I can hold Hope."
"Hope, Daddy wants you, sweetie." She places Hope on her husband's chest so Hope can snuggle with her Daddy.
"Hi, little love. Are you keeping mommy up?" Hope cooed. "Mommy needs to sleep so she can take good care of you and play with you. Now you and I can have daddy-daughter time. We have to be quiet, Henry, auntie Allison is sleeping." He kisses Hope on the head. "You want a story, little love?" Hope smiled. "Aye, storytime it is then. Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Emma loved hearing Killian telling their love story to their daughter. Killian told their love story to Hope, she did tummy time on her Daddy while she was listening to her parents' love story. "Hope, be careful little love." He had his arms wrapped around her afraid that she will fall if Hope was anything like her mother she is strong like his brave wife. "You are getting stronger Hope." He watched Hope doing tummy time on him until she tired herself out and slept on him, which he loved his one on one time with his little love. "Sleep well, Hope. Daddy loves you." Henry woke up seeing his parents passed out of tiredness of being up with Hope most of the night. Henry got dressed and packed for their flight home. He returns to the room, Aunt Allison was awake. He whispered. "Morning Aunt Allison."
"Morning, Henry."
"How much sleep did you get?"
"On and off. You?"
"Same here."
Henry sees Hope awake and gets her from their Dad's chest. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Daddy at night?" Hope smiled.
"Henry, we can get breakfast downstairs. We can let your parents sleep in more."
"Yes, they both look really tired." The three of them went downstairs to the breakfast buffet. As they were eating Hope was being held by aunt Allison and Allison loved playing with her little god niece. Henry knows Hope love their aunt very much just seeing how happy she was playing with Aunt Allison. "Aunt Allison Hope loves you."
Allison smiled. "Yes, I know."
"She is really going to miss you like I am."
"Henry, you know that I will be coming over all the time. You and Hope are welcome to come over anytime, just call me when you are coming over."
"I know you and mom are going to be having a lot of girl talk. I know Hope is going to be very happy to see you everytime you come over."
"Hope, are you going to happy to see me when I visit you and Mommy and we have girl time?" Hope smiled and moved around in her auntie's arms. "Yes, that is right little niece." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, you can teach me how to draw when I come over or when I babysit Hope."
"Yes, we did not have our drawing lesson. I can teach you how to draw when you come over. "
"I am looking forward to that." Hope began to cry.
Emma arrived downstairs dressed in a high ponytail, maternity jeans, and a long tee shirt. "Hope, Mommy is here sweetie."
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry." She hugs her son.
"I will make you a plate. I know Hope is hungry." Allison gives Hope to her Mommy.
"Hi, Hope. Mommy will feed you, sweetie." Emma breastfed her daughter. "Allison, Are you ready to go home?"
"Yes, I am. How about you?"
"Yes, I am." Henry brought Emma her breakfast. They ate breakfast together. After they finished, Emma brought up a plate for Killian. He was packing their luggage for their flight home.
"Killian, I brought you up breakfast."
"Thank you, love." Henry carried Hope.
"Hope, are you ready to go home sis I can read to you on the plane would you like that?" Hope moved happily in his arms. "Yes. I know I am the best storyteller in the family."
"Lad, I tell Hope pirate stories."
"I tell her stories from my storybook."
"I tell her stories from my experiences.."
"I tell her stories from everyone experiences in Storybrooke."
Hope began to fuss and Emma gets Hope from her son. "Hope, come to Mommy baby. Daddy and Henry are fighting who tell the best stories to you. I know you love them both telling you stories." She tickles her daughter.
"Emma, boys tend to be competitive."
"Oh, really. I did not realize that." They both laughed. Emma changed Hope into a romper and fed her her medicine and breastfed her. "Allison, do you think the medicine will help her on the plane?"
"Yes, it will Emma. If you need help, I can hold Hope on the plane."
"I know Hope will be happy being with her loved ones taking turns holding her. " She tickles Hope. They got picked up on time by the same car service back to the airport. They checked in their luggage. Henry and Killian carried Hope's car seat and stroller. Emma held Hope on her carrier. Hope was asleep the entire time they were in security. While they were waiting for their flight at their gate, Henry held Hope letting Hope sleep on him, while their Mom and aunt went to get their Starbucks. "Lad, how is Hope?"
"Happy. She loves sleeping on me. I like giving Mom a break. I love my baby sister."
"Aye, I know to Hope loves you as much you love her." Hope moved in her sleep.
Emma and Allison returned. "Henry, how is Hope?"
"She loves to sleep on me Mom."
"You are her big brother she looks up to you."
"I know. Mom...Dad... (he looks at both of his parents) "For my birthday I know it is in August. We never get to celebrate it as a family or during the curses in Storybrooke. Since I am living with you both and Hope....can we have a family sailing trip on my birthday?" Emma and Killian smiled at each other. Hope fussed in Henry's arms and Killian takes his daughter from his son.
Emma hugs her son and kisses him on the head. "Henry, we can do whatever you want on your birthday."
"Mom, you are the best!" He hugs her. "Also, after the sailing trip can we have a family dinner, aunt Allison can you join us?"
Alison smiled. "Yes, I would love to join you on your birthday Henry."
"Your family can join us as long as Lizzie does not hurt me." Emma and Allison laughed.
"Henry, I am going to talk to Lizzie."
"Aunt Allison, I know she has a crush on me."
"Well, I am going to tell her that you are her cousin."
"Good. I just want to have my family with me on my birthday."
Emma hugs her son. "We all love you, Henry."
"Yes, I love my family." Henry falls asleep on his Mom while they waited for their flight. Killian was holding sleeping Hope.
"Emma, I know his birthday must have been hard when he was not with you..."
"Yes, every year. I always took off from work. I never forget that day. I always remembered his birthday..." She hugged her son. "He is with me now that is all I care about. I am going to give him his happiest birthday ever. He is turning 16. My baby boy." She kisses Henry on the head.
"Love, we all will help you with our lad."
"Yes, Emma. We can make his birthday special."
"Yes, with you both, Hope and my parents. I know he will have a great birthday with all of us."
"Love, we will give the best birthday celebration."
"Flight 455 to Maine is now boarding."
"Henry, wake up kid. Our flight is boarding." Henry woke up. "Killian, give me our daughter."
"Aye, love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, we are going home little love." He hands over Hope to his wife and she placed Hope in her carrier. Emma had her backpack full of her and Hope's needs. Killian and Henry dropped Hope's stroller and car seat as they entered the plane. Killian helped Emma take off her backpack. "Mom, can you and Hope sit in between Dad and me?"
"Yes, we can." Henry sat by the window. Allison sat across from them. "Killian, are you ready to go home?"
"Aye, I am. You swan?"
"Yes, I am. I told my dad on the phone yesterday that we can have a family barbeque in our backyard to catch up. Hope is going to love the baby pool we got her."
"Aye, she will love it. She will play with her Uncle Leo in the baby pool."
"Dad, I will be the one making sure Hope is safe in the pool."
"Aye lad I know." Their flight was about to take off.
"Killian, can you get Hope's pacifier?"
"Sure, love." He gives Hope her pacifier. "Here you go, little love." Hope sucked on her pacifier as the plane took off.
"Little sis, we are going off the ground." Henry opened the window and showed his baby sister. Hope looked scared and gripped her Mommy.
"Hope, it is okay baby. Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry please close the window. Hope is afraid."
"I am sorry Mom. I did not know."
"Kid, Hope was afraid when we were on our last flight you were asleep."
"Yes, I was." When their plane was in the air, "Hope, do you want a story little sis?" Henry gets his storybook out. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, you can." Emma unbuckled Hope from her carrier and she gives Hope to her brother. Hope began to cry. "Hope. Do not cry, little sis." He bounced her and kissed her. "Mommy is right next to us." Hope cried louder.
"Kid, I can hold her and you can read to her. How does that sound?"
"Good. As long Hope is happy." Emma placed Hope back in her carrier and Hope calmed down.
"Love, will her quilt her calm down."
"Hope you want your quilt sweetie? Daddy is giving you your quilt so you can be nice and cozy on me while you listen to Henry's story." Killian got Hope's quilt out of Emma's backpack. Killian placed Hope's quilt on her as Hope was on her Mommy. "Here you go, little love. You are warm and comfy on your Mommy and you can listen to Henry's story." He kisses Hope on the head and she smiles.
"Hope, are you ready for storytime?" Hope smiled at Henry. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess..." Emma and Killian loved listening to Henry reading his little sister. After story time Hope began to cry.
"Hope." Emma checks her diaper. "Hope, Mommy will change you, sweetie. Allison."
"Yes, Emma?"
"How do you change a baby on an airplane?"
"I will help." Killian handed Allison a clean diaper, her changing pad, and wipes." Emma leads Allison to the bathroom. "Emma, you need to change Hope on your lap since the bathroom is really tiny."
"Can you hold her needs while I get her positioned to change her?"
"Yes, I can." Emma took Hope into the bathroom. Emma sat on the toilet with Hope and placed the changing pad on her land and undressed her daughter. "Hope, Mommy never changed a baby in a small bathroom before so bear with me." Hope cried. "I know sweetie. You will be clean soon." She used her foot to open the door slighting while holding Hope on her lap. "Allison. Can you help me hold her?"
"Yes, I can." Allison held Hope on her Mommy's lap as Emma changed her, Hope made more poop which splattered on Emma's shirt. Emma's mouth dropped in surprise. "Hope..."
"Emma, I have an extra shirt. I will be right back." Allison rushes back to her seat to get Emma a shirt to change into from her backpack and returns as Hope was being changed. "Hope, it is okay, sweetie. Mommy is not mad. I know you have an upset stomach, sweetie."
"Emma, here is an extra shirt."
"Thank you." Allison takes Hope from Emma and played with her while Emma changed into a new shirt. Emma threw her dirty diaper in a plastic bag. "Allison, thank you for helping me. I had no idea how to change her in a small bathroom and of course, I get poop on me of all times."
"Your welcome, Emma. Don't worry poop explosions happen, a lot to both parents."
"I know, from having Hope so far, a lot of poop but I love my daughter. If you want to, Hope can spend some time with you."
Allison smiled. "Hope, you want to play with me?" Hope smiled. "That is a yes from Hope." They both smiled and went back to their seats. Hope played with her auntie Allison for the rest of the flight. Allison's hands Hope back to Emma before their plane was about to land in Maine. Emma placed Hope pacifier in her mouth before the plane descended. "Hope, did you have fun with auntie Allison?" Hope smiled. They landed back to Maine on time.
"Love, we are home."
"Yes, we are." Henry slept on Emma's shoulder. "Henry, we are home."
"We are?"
"Yup, kid. We are." Killian helped Emma with her backpack as Hope was already in her carrier. While they were lined up to leave the plane, "Allison, how was your flight?"
"It was good. I got some reading done and I love playing with Hope."
"How was your flight?"
"It was good. Hope was a good girl and she had fun with her auntie." Allison smiled. "Allison, we are really going to miss you."
"You know I will be over all the time."
"Yes, we all know." They walked off the plane together, Killian and Henry got Hope's stroller and car seat. At the gate, Emma sees a very familiar person. "Dad!"
"Hi, Emma! Hi, Hope." She hugs her Dad.
"Dad, how was everything when we were gone?"
"Not too busy at the station." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dad do you want to hold her?"
"Yes, after I give Henry a hug."
"Henry!" They hug. "Hope had a good flight. I read to her and she slept on mom and played with Aunt Allison most of the time."
"Henry I know Hope loves your time with you." Charming takes Hope from his daughter. "Hope, did you have fun with Henry on your plane ride?" Hope cooed.
"She loves you, gramps."
"Yes, she does. My little princess." He kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, I can see why you called her a princess. Her nails are pretty."
"Thanks, Dad. Allison painted them. Hope loved her nails getting painted."
"Hi, Killian, it sounds like you all had a great vacation."
"Aye, we did. Hope and I love the ocean."
Allison watched Emma reunion with her Dad until she heard a familiar voice and sees a familiar little brunette running towards her. "Mommy!!" Lizzie was running up to her Mom.
Allison had a huge smile on her face. "Lizzie!" She crouched down to let her daughter give her a big hug. "I missed you so much, sweetie." She lifts Lizzie and held her in her arms.
"Mommy, I missed you so much." She held her Mommy tight.
Emma and Killian watched Allison reunited with her daughter."Killian, we can have a family barbeque tomorrow."
"Love this is a great idea. I have a feeling Allison and her family will join us."
"Yes, I will invite them. They are part of our family."
"Aye, they are." They kiss and watched Allison reunited with her family know how much she missed them when her kids were at camp.
"Sweetie, how are you here?"
"I brought her home from camp."
"Hi, Ted." They kissed. "Where is Connor?"
He hugs his Mom. "Mommy!"
"What about camp?"
"We missed you and we wanted to come home."
"Mommy, we wanted to come home and be with you."
"Aww. I missed you both so much. Connor, can you carry my backpack?"
"Yes, I can." He carried his Mom's backpack as she carried Lizzie.
"Ted, you pulled them out of camp?"
"They were both homesick. They wanted to come home."
"Mommy when your flight was canceled yesterday I was scared."
Allison hugged her daughter. "Sweetie. I was not on the airplane. I was on the ground at the airport with Aunt Emma, Henry, Hope, and Killian. We were inside and we got a hotel for the night. It was not raining in Florida."
She talks to her husband. "Ted, the whole point of camp is who is going to watch them during the day? We both have work."
"I can work at home for the rest of the summer."
"You would do that?"
"Yes for our family. They are happy to be with the both of us."
"I really missed them both so much. When I am not working we can spend time with both of them."
"I love that plan. " They kiss.
"Allison, Killian and I are having a barbeque in our house tomorrow, you and your family are welcome to join us."
"Emma, we would love to join you."
"Mommy, I can play with Henry tomorrow?"
"Yes, as long you are not rough with him."
"Yes, Mom." Allison and Emma both laugh. "You both have the same laugh."
"Yes, we do Lizzie."
Both families went to the carousel to get their luggage, Emma was happy seeing Allison with her family. They went in their separate cars home. Charming and Killian packed the Swan-Jones car. Henry held Hope. Emma hugged Allison. "Emma, I had a great trip with you all thank you for inviting me."
"You are in our family. You are joining us every year."
"Yes, I definitely am."
Hope began to cry. "Aunt Allison." Henry was crying. Emma and Killian were in awe. "Henry, Hope. Come here." She hugged them both together and separately. She takes Hope from Henry. "I am going to be over all the time. Tomorrow my family and I are going to come over for a barbeque at your house. Henry, you can teach me how to draw or we can paint." Emma takes Hope from her family friend.
Henry hugged his aunt. "I cannot wait to see you tomorrow."
"I cannot wait to see you and Hope tomorrow."
Henry gave her a big hug. "I love you."
"I love you too Henry. You can come over any time or call me. We do not live too far. You have my keys."
"Yes, you have our keys."
"That is right." Hope fussed in her Mommy's arms. "Hope." Emma gives her daughter to her aunt. She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I love you, sweetie. Be a good girl to Mommy. I will come over tomorrow and play with you and Henry. You and Henry can swim in your pool." She hugs her niece. Hope gripped her aunt. "Hope, you will see auntie Allison tomorrow." Allison kissed Hope on the head.
"Emma, I can put her in her car seat." Allison put Hope in her car seat.
"Henry are you okay?"
Henry hugs his Mom. "I am going to miss seeing Aunt Allison all the time."
"I know, kid. I am going to miss seeing Allison all the time too. She is family remember that. She is coming over with her family tomorrow. We are having a family barbeque. You get to spend time with your aunt. You know she will be over all the time anyway."
Henry smiled."Yes, I know."
"I am going to sit in between you both on the way home."
"Okay." Henry gets in the car.
"Love are they okay?"
"They are going to miss her. I am going to miss her."
"I know love. I know you are going to miss her too."
"Aye we all are but we will see her tomorrow."
"Yes, we are."
"Emma, Hope stopped crying she has her Pluto with her."
"Allison, all you did on our vacation thank you." They hugged
"Your welcome. That is what sisters are for. Call me if Hope has any more tummy issues."
"I will."
"I'll see you tomorrow." She gets in her car with her family.
Charming noticed his daughter was sad. "Emma, are you okay?"
"Yes, Dad. I am. I know I am going to see my best friend all the time." She hugs her Dad. "We are ready to go home." Emma sat in between Hope and Henry. Henry hugged his Mom as they drove home. Hope was holding her Pluto and held onto her Mommy's finger. "Dad, we are having a barbeque tomorrow. You, Mom and Leo, are invited."
"What do we need to bring?"
"Can you please bring burger buns and hot dog buns."
"Sure, we can. We can also bring a salad."
"That sounds good."
"Emma, Allison has gotten really close with Henry and Hope."
"Yes, Allison is their aunt and they love her. We love her."
"She is like your long lost sister."
Emma smiled. "Dad, we call each other sisters, since we only have a brother each." When they arrived home, Killian did a load of laundry after he, Henry, and Charming unloaded the car of their luggage. Emma was holding Hope. "Dad, can you watch Hope while I unpack our luggage? Allison and I did a lot of shopping on this trip."
"I can watch Hope as long as you need me too."
"Thank you, Dad. Hope, be a good girl for grandpa." She hands over Hope to her father.
"Hi, Hope. I heard you enjoyed the beach."
"Mom! The package came."
Emma went out to her door. "Wow, that is a big box."
"Love, Henry and I can bring it out back." Henry and Killian carried the baby pool it was pirate ship theme, into their backyard. Emma and Charming followed them seeing them finding a place for the baby pool.
"Hope, that is your baby pool. All just for you little princess." Hope cooed.
"Yes, Hope. Mommy got the pool for you to swim in sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, can Hope and I go swimming later?"
"If you help me unpack. Then you two can go swim."
Henry helped his Mom unpacked their luggage as Hope spend time with her grandpa. After unpacking, Emma sees her Dad playing with Hope in the living room, she watched them playing from the staircase. She loves her Dad even though he could not raise her she knows that they would have been really close if she was able to grow up with her parents, not in the foster system alone. "Dad, Hope loves you."
"Emma, of course, Hope loves her grandpa." He tickles Hope which made her smile. She sits next to her Dad on the couch. "Dad, I always wondered if you and I were close if you and Mom raised me. Just seeing you with Hope makes me think if you have not given me up, I know we would have a lot of daddy-daughter moments."
"Emma." He hugs her daughter. "We love you and we wanted to give you your best chance. Now, I have Hope who is so much like you. I know you are a mother yourself and you have Killian."
"Dad, you always looked out for me after I defeated the first curse. You are there for me, Henry and Hope. Even though I am a mom myself I am always going to need you." She leans on him and he kisses her on the head.
"I will always be there for you."
"I know." She hugs him. Hope fusses in her grandpa's arms. "Hope, you want to show grandpa your tummy time?" She takes Hope from her Dad and placed Hope on her playmat. Emma gets Hope's Pluto. "Hope, look what mommy got." Hope looks at her Pluto in her Mommy's hand as she was raising her head. "That is it, sweetie. You are getting stronger." Charming watched his daughter happily encouraging his granddaughter tummy time knowing Emma is loving her time with her daughter. "Hope you are getting so strong baby girl. Yes, you are." After a few minutes tummy time, Hope cried. "Okay, tummy time is over for you Hope." She lifts up her daughter and hugged her in her arms and gave her kisses until Hope stopped crying. Charming smiled as his daughter loving her time with her baby girl.
"Emma, Hope is getting stronger in tummy time."
"Yes, she is."
"Emma, I will see you two tomorrow."
"Dad, thank you for driving us and picking us up at the airport."
"Your welcome, Emma." She hugs her Dad. "Hope, see you tomorrow my little princess." He kisses Hope on the head. After Charming left, Emma and Killian relaxed in the backyard watching Henry and Hope swim in their new swimming pool.
The next morning, Killian let Emma sleep in with Hope in her cradle. He went grocery shopping early to restock their refrigerator and for their family barbeque. He returned home and began preparing for the barbeque after he made breakfast for his family. Henry wakes up finding Hope in her cradle awake. "Good morning, Hope." He kisses his little sister on the cheeks. "We are going to have one on one time, little sis." He takes his sister to his room. He lies on his bed with his sister on him, snuggling. "Hope, I love you so much, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Did you have fun in Florida? I had so much fun with you on the beach. I know you love the ocean." Hope smiles. "I know you so well, little sis." He puts Hope on his bed and played their tickle game. "Hope, I am the tickle monster, I am going to get you....tickle, tickle." He tickles Hope everywhere and gave her kisses on her belly which made her smile. Emma woke up hearing Henry playing with Hope in his room. She goes and watches Henry playing with his little sister. "Henry, are you having fun with Hope?"
"Yes, I am. I have the best sister ever." He lifts Hope up and hugs her and gives her a lot of kisses. Emma smiles at her two children getting along and so close. "Can you watch Hope while I help your Dad prepare for the barbeque?"
"I sure can." Emma left Henry and Hope in his room while she got ready for the day and she gets to her kitchen, Killian preparing for the barbeque. "Morning."
"Morning, love. I got our refrigerator restocked and bought the meats for the grill."
"Great, thank you."
"Your welcome love." They kissed. They prepared their backyard for their barbeque party, setting up chairs, table, setting up the grill, Hope's baby pool knowing Allison's children, Leo and Hope will all love. A few hours later, guest began arriving, first, it was the Charmings. Killian answered the door, "Hi, Snow, Charming, and Leo."
"Hi, Killy." Leo gives him a big hug.
"Hi, little prince."
"Where is Emma?"
"She is feeding Hope right now. She will be down later. We got a pool."
"You did?"
"Yes, little prince. When Hope is in the pool with you, you have to gentle around her."
"Yes, Killy."
"Hi, Killian."
"Hi Snow. You can put the food in the kitchen."
"Charming, can you put the food in the kitchen for me? I want to see our daughter."
"Sure, I can." He takes the food from his wife and she goes upstairs to find her daughter. Emma was talking to Hope in her room, snuggling with her daughter. She loves how Emma is amazing Mom to Hope. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Mom." She gets up holding Hope and gives her Mom a big hug.
"How was your trip?"
"It was fun. We also go to learn more about each other on the trip. Hope here loved the ocean, which is why we got her baby pool. She is all dressed to get wet." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, grandma is here." She hands over her daughter to her mother.
"Hi, Hope. I missed you when you were away." She kisses Hope on the head. "You have gotten so big from the last time I saw you."
"Yes, she certainly did. I need to talk to you about something."
"You can tell me anything, Emma." They sit on the bed.
"Killian and I are planning on getting other people to work with us. We will be able to alternate our shifts in the fall so we can both be with Hope."
"Mom, I know you want to help us but I know you love teaching. I do not want you to stop your passion."
"Emma, if you need someone to watch her after school hours, I can babysit."
"I am sure Hope will love that. Or when she gets bigger she can see the animals on your farm."
Snow White smiled. "I know Hope will love that."
"She will." Hope fussed in her grandma's arms and she hands over Hope back to her Mommy. "Hope, you want to go swimming in your pool?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do my little pirate princess. Mom, wait until you see Hope in the water."
"I can already imagine." They go into the backyard, Henry was filling up the baby pool with water and Killian and Charming preparing the grill.
"Hope, Henry is almost ready to go swimming with you. Henry, are you ready to get wet with Hope?"
"Just about Mom I have to see if the temperature is warm enough for her." When the water was just right, he gets his sister, "Hope are you ready to go swimming with me?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are ready. You have your Ariel swimsuit on that auntie got you."
"Henry, if she needs a break.."
" Mom, I know she can't be out in the sun too long." He takes Hope to their pool. "Hope, we are going in the pool." He sits in the water and let Hope sit on him and she was cooing and kicking the water. Snow and Charming watched their grandchildren playing in the pool together.
"I told you, Mom and Dad, Hope is a little pirate."
"Yes, Emma she is. She is so happy with Henry."
"Yes. Here is a picture of them in the bathtub." She shows them the pictures.
"Emma this is is adorable?"
"Aye, I know. I took the pictures while Emma was in awe." He hugs his wife.
"Yes, you did. Henry and Hope are so close."
"Aye, they are." They kiss. Hope continued to move around while her big brother was holding her.
Allison and her family arrived in the backyard. "Emma!"
Emam turns around and sees her best friend. "Allison!" They run and hugged.
"I missed you and I only saw your yesterday."
"I know, we missed you too." She talks to Connor and Lizzie. "Connor and Lizzie, I want you to meet my family." She brings her niece and nephew to her parents. "Mom, Dad, this is Lizzie and Connor, Allison's children. Connor, Lizzie this is my Mom Snow White and Prince Charming."
Lizzie got excited. "Aunt Emma your mom is Snow White?"
"Yes, Lizzie she is."
"Who is that?" She points to Leo.
"That is my brother Leo."
"How is that possible?"
"It is a long story, Lizzie. You can play with Leo."
"Emma, I brought over a sprinkler if the baby pool gets crowded."
Allison, that is a great idea."
"Ted and I also brought over dessert and hotdogs."
"Thank you." Leo runs to the pool and splashes Hope and Henry. Hope got afraid and began to cry. "Hope." Emma rushes over to her daughter. Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Hope, are you hurt sweetie?" She checks Hope for injuries. Hope continues to cry. "You are okay. You are with Mommy." She snuggled her daughter.
"Mom, I think she is just afraid."
"Yes, she is." Killian arrived with a towel.
"Love, I got Hope a towel."
"Thank you." She wraps up Hope in a towel.
Snow White arrives and talks to her son. "Leo, you have to be gentle around Hope. You got Hope afraid."
"Lad, I told you to be gentle around Hope. Now Hope is afraid."
"Killy, I am sorry."
"You need to apologize to your niece not me Leo." Emma kneels down to let her brother apologize to Hope. "Hope, I am sorry for scaring you." He kisses hope on the head and Hope was clinging on Emma.
"Leo, thank you for apologizing. I know you were excited about the pool." She looks around Connor and Ted were throwing a baseball and Lizzie was with Allison. "Lizzie, do you want to play with Leo?"
Allison urges her daughter. "You can play with Leo in the pool." Lizzie and Leo play in the baby pool.
"Mom, is Hope okay?"
"Hope is afraid kid."
"Hope, you are with mommy little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "We can swim later little sis. Just you and me." Hope smiled.
"Henry, you are making Hope feel better."
"Aunt Allison!" He rushes over to give her a hug.
"Hi, Henry. Did you miss me?"
"Yes, I did." Emma sits down to calm down Hope.
"How is being home?"
"I have to go back to work tomorrow but having my two kids home I did not expect that to happen."
"I know you missed them while we were away."
"Yes, I did Henry. I am also happy that I get to be with my children and to be with you and Hope."
"I know Hope is happy to see you. Maybe you can cheer her up?"
"Maybe, I can, Henry." They both go to where Emma was sitting with Hope.
"Hope, Auntie Allison is here."
"Hi, Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, I came over to play with you." Hope cooed. "We can play later little niece." She rubs Hope's cheek which made her smile.
"Hope got afraid. She is slowly calming down."
"Yes, she just wants her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, Hope does not want to let you go."
"Yes, that is right. She feels safe with me."
Henry goes closer to Hope. "Hope, you are with Mommy little sis?" Hope coos. "I know you feel safe with Mommy. Later you and I are going to swim together, just you and me." Hope reaches over to her brother and grabs his face. "Hope, I know you trust me and love me."
"She loves you kid."
"Emma, Leo and Lizzie are having fun."
"Yes, my brother and your daughter are having fun." Leo was playing his trucks in the pool. Lizzie gets one of his trucks. "It's mine." Leo grabs it is from her and pushes her and falls into the pool Lizzie began to cry. Ted and Allison rush to their daughter and Snow White rushes to her son. She scoops up her daughter. "Mommy! Leo pushed me."
"Lizzie, I got you, sweetie. I saw it happened." She hugs her daughter and kisses Lizzie on the head. "Mommy is going to examine you to see you have any injuries." She takes Lizzie to where Emma was sitting and examines her daughter. Ted gives Lizzie a towel.
"Thank you, Daddy."
"Your welcome, Lizzie. When you are ready you can play with me and Connor."
"I just want Mommy."
Allison and Ted smile at each other. "I know sweetheart. Mommy will make you feel better."
"Yes, Mommy is my doctor."
Allison chuckled. "Yes, I am sweetie." She kisses Lizzy on the head.
Snow White was mad. "Leo you cannot be mean to Lizzie and push her. That is not nice."
"But she took my toy."
"You need to share. You need to be nice."
Emma watched Allison examine her daughter for injuries. "Allison, is Lizzie okay?"
"Lizzie has no injuries."
"Mommy, can I stay with you?"
"Yes, you can sweetie." Lizzie hugs her Mommy.
"Allison, I told you she will be attached to you."
"Yes, especially when she is hurt."
"Yesterday I saw her running to you. She was really excited to see you."
"Yes, I was really excited to see her and I did not expect both of my kids were home from camp."
"They missed you."
"Yes, they wanted to come home to spend time with me." She kisses Lizzie on the head.
Charming brings Leo over. "Leo do you have something to say to Lizzie?"
"Lizzie, I am sorry for pushing you."
"Lizzie, Leo is apologizing to you."
Lizzie looks at Leo. "Are you really sorry or you are just saying that?"
"Lizzie, he really means it. Right, Leo?"
"Right, Emma."
"Can you play with me?"
Connor comes over. "Leo, you and play catch with me and my Dad?"
"Sure." Connor and Leo play catch.
"Allison, how is Lizzie?"
"She is not injured."
"That is good. We are still teaching Leo how to share."
"I understand he is only four years old."
"Emma, how is Hope?"
"I got her finally to calm down. Now she is napping on me." She sniffs her daughter. "She also needs a change. We will be back." Emma brings Hope to her room to change her diaper. Hope wakes up while she was being changed. "Hi, baby." Emma changed Hope into a swan onesie and feeds her daughter in her rocking chair. "Hope, I know you are happy to be home." Killian checks up on his two loves. "Hi, Emma. How is Hope?"
"She is changed and now eating. How is everyone outside?"
"Lizzie is attached to Allison and Connor letting Leo join him and Ted playing catch."
"Is the food ready?"
"Aye, love it is. I can hold Hope while you eat."
"Sure, you can." After Hope was fed Killian brought Hope downstairs.
"Love, I love her onesie."
"Yes, Hope is showing her Mommy side."
"Aye, she is." When they arrived everyone was eating. Emma ate a hot dog and a cheeseburger talked to her parents, while Allison was holding her daughter enjoying one on one time with Lizzie. Henry was talking with his grandpa. Killian was next to her holding their little Hope. "Killian, we need t do this more often."
"You mean having family barbeques?"
"Yes, for rest of the summer and more family time."
"Love, I love that idea."
"Me too." They kiss and look at their sleeping daughter who was snoozing on her Daddy happily being with her parents.

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