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Emma was with Hope at her swimming lesson as Killian was in the driver's motor vehicle with Henry. Hope was kicking legs while holding onto a foam board. "Mommy! I am swimming!"
"Yes, you are, my little duckling." Emma feels Leia moving around inside of her, she loves the water just like her big sister.
"Everyone, we are going to let the children jump into the pool!"
"Yes!" The students of the class lined up on the edge of the pool, while their parents were standing nearby to catch them. They took turns humping into the pool. Ariel goes to Emma. "Emma, I can catch Hope."
"Good idea."
"Hope, jump to me!" Hope jumps and Ariel catches her. "Good job."
"Mommy, my tuwn."
Emma gets Hope from Ariel so she can catch Melody. "Good jump, Hope to Ariel."
"Thank you, Mommy."
'You are welcome, my little duckling."
"Swim, Mommy."
"Yes, we are swimming, baby girl." She was happy she was still able to be in Hope's, Mommy & Me swim classes even during her pregnancy. Luckily, it was her workout and safe for her to do and spend time with her daughter all at once.
Killian was waiting for his son to return from this driving test with an instructor driving around the area. Henry already got his permit in Storybrooke but Emma wanted her to get the license from a driver's motor vehicle outside of town. Killian was updating Emma by texting her. He offered to take Henry to his driving test because he wants one on one time with his son. Emma was happy that Killian offered to take Henry to get his license.
Henry was nervous, he was driving with a man watching him by taking notes of his driving. He wants to pass on his first shot to get his license before going to college. His Mom and Dad has given him a lot of practice in both cars. He was feeling confident, he hadn't hit other cars or bumped into the curb during the parking section. Killian takes a picture of Henry driving back to the parking lot. Henry parks the car. "Henry, you passed."
"I did!"
"Yes, congratulations Henry!"
"Thank you." He gets the paper from the instructor. He goes to his Dad. "Dad, I passed the driving test!"
"That is excellent, lad!!" They high-fived. They went inside the building so Henry can take a photo for his driver's license.
Back in town, Hope and Melody were on the Jolly Roger playing with Hope's toys. "Emma, how are you feeling?"
"Tired and feeling huge. But my baby girl is healthy. Thank you for catching Hope in the pool today."
"You are welcome. I had a feeling I needed to catch Hope."
"I enjoy the class with Hope. It is my one on one time with her." She felt Leia move around, rubbing her baby bump. "Also, the baby loves the water. She always moving around when I am in the water or when I am on the Jolly Roger."
"She definitely takes after her Daddy already."
"Yes, she certainly does. I know I am going to have another pirate baby for sure."She sees Hope pulling on the ropes. "Hope." She gets up. "Hope, do not pull the ropes, sweetie."
"Mommy want to pway."
"You cannot tug on the ropes that can cause the sail to lose, sweetie. If you pull on a rope that is connected to the sail, which can hurt Mommy and baby sister." Hope began crying and dropped the ropes. She hugs her daughter. "Don't want hurt you or baby is...want play with wopes."
"I know you do not want to hurt Mommy and baby sis, sweetie. You have your own ropes to play with. The colorful ones Dada teaches knots with. You can play those with Melody."
"Yes." She hugs her Mommy. "Luv you."
"I love you, Hope." Emma gets the colorful ropes from Hope's toy treasure chest and gives them to the two toddlers. "Hope, do not tie knots on, Ariel, Melody or me."
"Yes, Mommy."
"Pink wope." They began to play with the ropes.
Emma sits back with Ariel. "Hopelvoes tying knots. She has a habit of untying ropes, pulls the rope of the sails or untying knots on us."
Ariel laughs. "She is so much, Killian."
"Ye, she is a little pirate."
Emma was driving on patrol in her yellow bug after Hope and Melody's playtime. She feels Leia moving around in her womb. "Leia, Mommy is being sheriff, making sure the town where we live is safe. You will be my little sheriff just like your big sister." She parks her car at her spot, the sheriff's section, and waddles back inside the station. Emma finds Hope having a sword lesson against Charming with help of Mulan on her side. Emma takes a picture of her Dad and Mulan giving Hope a sword lesson on her iPhone. "Hope, your next move is to hit by the hilt."
"Hilt." With Mulan's help holding the heavy sword, they were able to knock the sword out of Charming's hand.
"Hope,you knock the sword out of my hand!"
Hope smiles. "We won!" Mulan and Hope high fived.
"So this what happens when I am out on patrol!" They all turn around and see Emma.
"Mommy!!" Hope dropped the sword and ran to her Mommy. "Mommy, pway wif Amps and Mulan!"
Emma smiles and holds Hoe on her hip. "You had a sword lesson with them?"
Charming walks to his two princesses. "Emma, she is definitely a sword fighter after me."
"No, after Mommy, amps." She hugs her Mommy. Emma, Mulan, and Charming all laugh.
"You do take after me, Hope."
Mulan walks to Emma and Hope. "Emma, she is fun to play with. She was trying to take my sword away from me."
"Emma, she just wanted a sword lesson." Mulan smiles. "She takes after you and Killian. She was a little aggressive like her Dad."
Emma chuckles. "She is definitely a little pirate."
"Have you heard from Killian or Henry?"
"Killian text me that it is good news but Henry wants me to tell himself."
"You are going to get him a car."
"Yes. My family will own three cars." She felt dizzy.
Charming noticed something is wrong with his daughter. "Emma, are you okay?"
"I just feel dizzy." Charming takes Hope from Emma as Mulan gets Emma a chair. He lead his daughter to the chair.
Mulan,"Emma, do you need water?"
"Yes..." Mulan went to get her water.
Mulan returns with the water. "Emma, I brought you water and a bag of pretzels."
"Thank you, Mulan." She eats the pretzels.
"Amps, down." He sets his granddaughter down. Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Hope, your Mom needs..."
"No, amps. Stay wif Mommy."
"Dad, she can stay with me." She hugs her daughter back. "I am okay, sweetie. Your sister is making me feel dizzy."
"Baby sis stop making Mommy sick." Emma smiles at her daughter being bossy to her sister growing inside of her.
"Emma, I am going to take you home."
"Emma, you need to rest. You did your shift today."
"Fine. Hope, we are going home, sweetie."
Charming helped his daughter up and walked her to the car. Mulan went with them. She puts Hope in her car seat. He drove his daughter home and helped her inside to her bedroom.
"Amps, call Auntie. Doktor."
Charming smiles at his granddaughter. "You know how to help your Mommy."
"Yes, I do." Hope sits next to her Mommy.
"Hope, dizziness is part of pregnancy, sweetie. I just need to rest."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy."
She hugs her daughter. "You can keep me company while I rest."
"I can do that!" She looks at her grandpa. "Amps, I need your help." Hope gets off the bed and lead her grandpa to her room. "I need you cawwy.." She gives her dolls to carry back to her parent's room. Emma smiles seeing Hpe coming back to her bedroom with her Dad carrying Hope's toys, her Pluto dolls, Barney doll, and art supplies. "Hope, is grandpa carrying your toys?"
"Yes! I need all of them." Emma and Charming both laugh.
"Emma, do you want something to eat?"
"I can eat saltines."
"I will get you saltines. Hope, are you going to watch your Mommy while I go downstairs?'
"Yes! Mommy and baby sis." Charming goes downstairs.
Emma felt Leia moving around. She grabbed Hope's hand, Leia kicked. "Did you feel that?!"
"Leia kick!"
"Yes, you felt Leia's kicking me." Emma smiles.
Hope hugs her Mommy's baby bump. "Leia, luv you, baby sis." She kisses her Mommy's baby belly. Emma smiles, she cannot wait to have two girls to hug. "You are going to be a great big sister." Hope goes to her Mommy hugs her. "We are still going to have Mommy and Hope time when Leia is here."
"Luv Mommy and Hope time."
"I love one on one time with my mini-me, my daughter." She hugs her daughter. Charming sees Emma and Hope having a moment and takes a picture of his iPhone. He cannot wait to see his daughter being a Mommy to two little girls.
After Henry's got his paper version of his state license card, he walks to his Dad. Killian takes a picture of Henry smiling while holding up his license. "It is official. My son is a licensed driver!" He hugs his son.
"Yes, I am! I want to show Mom myself."
"Aye, lad. Let's head back to Storybrooke."
"Can I drive?"
"Yes, you can, son." They entered the family car, Killian gave his son the keys.
"Awesome." He starts the engine. As he was driving, he drove to a few stores. Killian wanted to buy a few things for his pregnant swan and for Leia on the way. Henry didn't mind the stops, he also shopped a few clothes for himself for the summer. Henry countries to drive. "Dad, can we get something for Mom? If she is craving for something?"
"Aye, lad, let me call her." He calls his swan's iPhone.
Back at the Swan-Jones house, Charming was with Emma and Hope when Emma's iPhone was ringing. Mulan picks up. "Hi, Killian."
"Mulan? Where is my Emma?"
"She is not feeling well, she is dizzy. David is with her and Hope. We took them home."
Killian's heart drops. "Henry and I are coming back." He ends the conversation and looks at his son.
"Dad? What is wrong with Mom?"
"She is dizzy, son."
"Dad, Mom is going to be okay. Mulan and gramps are with her."
"Aye, you are right, son." Henry continues to drive. He parks the car in their usual spot. Killian rushes into their house.
Charming was coming down the stairs."Killian, Emma is alright."
"I will see my wife myself." He goes upstairs to their bedroom."Emma!" He goes to her and sat next to her on their bed. Charming followed him. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Killian." She hugs him.
"Emma, are you okay? Are you in labor?"
"I am okay. I am just dizzy. Hope has not left my side since I started not feeling well."
"Mommy." She hugs her Mommy.
Killian smiles, Hope knows to stay with her Mom. "You are doing a good job, little love. You are there for your Mommy and for your baby sister."
Charming smiles. "Hope takes after you, Killian. She has not left Emma's side. I had to bring Hope toys here to keep Emma company."
Killian smiles. "Aye, Hope does take after me and Emma."
"Dad also has been taking good care of us." She rubs her baby bump.
Killian goes to his father-in-law. "I also called Allison, she said her dizziness was part of her pregnancy."
"Thank you for staying with Emma and Hope."
"I am here for my daughter whenever she needs me."
Henry arrives upstairs. "Mom!" He hugs her.
"Hi, henry. How was your driving test?"
"Well.." He takes out his paper license. "You have another diver in the family!"
Emma smiles big and hugs her son. "You are officially a driver!! My son can drive!!" Killian and Charming smile at how happy Emma was with her son.
"I also drove Dad home."
"Awesome, kid."
"Swan, he is a good driver."
"That is because I taught our son to drive." She hugs her son. He shows his driver's license.
"Mom, we also went shopping on the way home."
"You did?"
"Yes. I will show you what we bought." Henry went to the car.
"Dada."Hope hugs her daddy.
"Dada is home."
"Emma, if you need anything, call me."
"Thank you, Dad." She hugs him. "Thank you for staying with us."
"You are welcome, Emma. " He leaves the house.
Henry returns with shopping bags. "Henry, what is all of this?"
"It was Dad's idea to shop for you. We also bought clothes for our vacation."
"Clothes, bro?"
"Yes, little sis. I have a bag just for you."
Henry gives Hope her bag, it was new swimsuits, beachwear, and dresses. "Thank you, dada and Henwy."
"You're welcome, little love." He gives Emma her bag. "These are you for you."
Emma smiles. She opens her bag which was new maternity dresses, beach cover-ups, and a spa kit. "Killian!" She hugs him. "Thank you. I love my new dresses and beachwear. I am definitely going to use my spa kit very soon."
"Mom, we also got baby items for Leia."
"Ooh." She opens the bag, a mauve ruffle onesie. "Aww."
"Leia clothes."
"Yes, Hope. this is what your baby sister is going to wear." She continues to look at the bag, she sees a Minnie Mouse pattern knot gown, another one in gray and pink. "These are going to be so easy to change her diapers in, especially at night."
"Emma, we have one more thing for Leia." He carried a box in his bedroom.
"What is this?"
"Open the box, love and see."
"Hope, do you want me to help me open the box?"
Emma began opening the box, letting Hope open the box. She smiles seeing a flower. "What is inside the box, Hope?"
Emma takes out a large soft waterproof yellow flower with big yellow petals. "Killian, what is this?"
"We can put in the sink and lay Leia for bathtime."
"We can give her bathtime in the sink. She is going to love it." Killian puts Leia's outfits and her flower in her nursery. He joins Emma on the bed and snuggles with her while Henry was playing downstairs. "I am okay. Leia is okay."
"You had me worry, love."
"We are not going to lose our daughter. Hope felt Leia kick."
"She did?"
"Yes! She was so happy, she was hugging her and kissing my baby bump."
"She is going to be a great big sister."
"Now, I just want to hug my pirate."
"That I can do." Killian hugs his swan and they kiss.
Later in the evening, when Hope was in bed, Killian went to check on the Jolly Roger. He checked on his second home. He calls Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian. How is Emma?"
"She is feeling better now after a few hours of rest and drinking a lot of ginger ale. I am wondering when are you planning to have the surprise baby sprinkle party?"
"I was thinking about having the party in July or August. What do you think?"
"I think we can have the baby sprinkle at the end of July after we return from Florida."
"Like on a weekend?"
"I was thinking maybe a Monday evening since it is the summer?"
Allison was looking at a calendar. "How about Monday, July 19th?"
"You can text me a list of what the baby needs."
"Aye, I can do that. Emma is going to love the surprise. Emma and I are taking the lad and lass to Florida for a week at the beach. I wanted us to have a babymoon but Emma would not want to leave Hope and Henry."
"I am pretty sure you will all enjoy your very needed vacation before Leia comes."
"Aye, that is right. I am thinking of sailing with her for one on one time before Leia comes."
"I know my best friend will love it. As long as it is not another trip to another realm."
"Aye absolutely not. We are going to sail around here, not too far."
"Emma will enjoy it. Whenever you give me that list, I will tell the party guests what to get her."
"Thank you for planning this party for Emma."
"You are welcome, Killian. I am very happy to be in charge of Leia's sprinkle. I will talk to you soon."
"Aye, I will talk to you soon, Allison." They ended their phone conversation.
Emma waddles over to her son's room who was drawing. "Henry?"
"Yes, Mom?"
"How about we eat some ice cream?"
"Sure." They went to the kitchen. Emma sets out a carton of cookies and cream and two spoons. Henry smiles. "Just like old times?"
"Yes." They sat at the table and ate ice cream from the carton. Emma remembers sharing ice cream like this when Henry was 11 years old. She cannot believe her son is almost 18 years old.
"You do know even with my license, I am not going to leave you, forever like my bio-Dad did..."
"Henry." She hugs her son. "I know you are nothing like your bio-Dad. You are nothing like him. I am so proud of you, Henry. You have graduated high school. Now, you are going to go to college in the end of August. I know you are going to be visiting us. I know you are growing up, you are going to go experience college, which I am so excited for you"
"I cannot be away for too long, Leia needs to know me."
"She is going to know you, kid. Why do you think you would leave me?"
Henry sighs. "My bio-Dad left you. I left you as a baby."
"Henry, I gave you up because I could not provide for you, I did not have a home, a job or an education. I wanted you to have your best chance. When you found me, I just knew I couldn't leave you again. I knew you needed me. You are going to go to college, which is everything I wanted you to have."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I just don't want to abandon you like you were."
"I know but I know you are going to come back to visit us."
"Yes, I need to see my Mom, Dad, my two baby sisters, and my Ava. My other mom..."
"Regina will get used to..."
"She still wants me all to herself."
"Is this why you were thinking..."
"Ever since my other Mom caused a scene at my graduation party, I have been thinking a lot. I got thinking of my bio-dad leaving you, and me leaving you."
"Henry, your adoption is different."
"I know that now, Mom. I am happy living here with you, Dad and Hope. Pretty soon, Leia. My other Mom just wants me for herself as a possession, even though I am almost an adult."
"She needs to realize that you're growing up and not her possession. You are going to come home and not leave forever, which I know."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, Henry."
"Can we eat ice cream?"
"Yes!"They continue to eat ice cream.
"Is cookie and cream your recent ice cream craving?"
"Yes, it changes often, mostly chocolate ice cream."
"Cookie and cream is a really good choice."
"Yes, it is."
"I read online that New York City has the first Harry Potter store. Can we go?"
Emma chuckles. "You and I do love Harry Potter. When we go to New York for comic con, we can go to the Harry Potter store too."
"We can?"
"What do you mean?" She takes scoops of ice cream.
"I was not sure we are going to New York City in the fall because Leia will be just born. You and dad will have no sleep with Leia."
"That doesn't mean we cannot go on a family vacation. Comic-con is your birthday present and part of my birthday present too. Leia is going to join us in comic-con."
"We can teach her young of DC, Marvel and comic books. I do not think Hope likes them yet, she is more into Disney princesses."
Emma chuckles. "Maybe Leia will be into DC and Marvel like us." They continue to eat ice cream and talk.
Killian returns home from the docks hearing Emma and Henry laughing. He finds them in the kitchen. "Late ice cream treat?"
"Yes, Leia wanted ice cream." They kiss. He rubs her baby bump.
"Dad, do you want some?"
"I am good. I know you and Mom are enjoying your cold treat."
"Yes, we are. Right, Mom?"
"Yes, cookies and cream is so good. Try some." She scooped him some which he left her feed.
"Yummy, love. Enjoy your treat. I am going to get ready for bed."
"Dad." Henry hugs his Dad. "I had fun today. Thank you for being with me when I got my driver's license."
"You are welcome, lad. I had a fun day spending with my son."
"Can we go sailing soon? Please? I do need another sailing lesson."
"We need to plan a sailing day soon after our vacation."
"I am looking forward to Florida, Dad."
"We are going to have fun, kid."
"Swan, I am going to bed. I had a long day."
"Okay. I will meet you up, later."
They kiss. He kneels down to his swan's baby bump. "Good night, little Leia. Stay where you are, little pirate so you can grow big and strong." Killian goes up to his room to take a shower and go to bed. Henry and Emma continue to eat ice cream and talk. Their one on one time like old times, the only difference is that Henry is living with her full time and pregnant with her second daughter. Giving her son another sibling that he did not have when he first found her in Boston.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz