Finally Back Home

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Emma was rushed to the emergency room in the labor & delivery section. She was hooked up with wires and the baby heart monitor on her baby belly. Emma in tears, "Killian, it is too soon. I am only 29 weeks pregnant. What if something is wrong with our baby girl?"
"Emma, she is going to be alright. She is strong and brave like her mother." He held her hand and kissed her on the forehead.
Dr. Claire came, "Hi Emma. I am here to examine you. We can figure out what is going on with your baby girl." She examines her. "You are not in labor yet but let me do an ultrasound to figure what caused you to have the sharp pain." Killian holds onto Emma's hand. Dr.Claire got an ultrasound machine. She put the cool gel onto Emma's baby bump and then the doppler. "Thump, thump, thump. "The heartbeat is the same strong 160. Let's see your little girl...She looks healthy. I think the sharp pain is caused by overworking yourself, Emma."
"I am now on maternity relief. We just got back from our babymoon trip this evening."
"The busyness of your vacation or traveling home today may have caused your body to exhaust itself which most likely caused the pain. I want you to stay overnight for observation. Tomorrow, you are on bedrest. Do not walk too much. You can still come to our appointments and no heavy lifting. Enjoy your resting while you can. By the time your baby girl arrives, you will want sleep."
"Thank you, Dr.Claire. Do not worry, my husband barely lets me lift a finger."
"I am glad you are in good hands. Now rest. I will check up on you later."
"See, Swan, I told you our little girl is going to be fine."
Emma starting to cry again, "It is my fault... if I did not plan our babymoon, I would not be here and not being put on bedrest."
"Hey, hey." He hugs her. "Love. It is not your fault. We had an amazing vacation just the two of us before the babe arrives. You will be ending up on bedrest eventually."
"You are right. We are not ready still. I still need to get a fuzzy rug for her room, a little cot for her to sleep in our room, one of those swing chairs and the playmats. We have not even baby proofed the house yet."
"Emma, we will get it done. Do not worry love. We have our family to help us."
"Thank you for being here and for being my rock when I am a terrified mess."
"Anytime for my two loves. I love you both so much. Please get some sleep love. We had a very long day."
"Yes, we had a very long day."Emma rubs her belly, "Baby Hope Mommy wants you to stay in here a little while longer. We want you to be born healthy." She falls asleep with her arms around her beach ball sized baby bump.
Killian walks out of the room to make a few phone calls and watches Emma sleeping. Kilian calls Charming first. "Killian, it is 1:00 in the morning. What is wrong?"
"Regina droves us home from her house. We were entering the house. Emma fell onto the floor, I caught her. She had a sharp pain and ambulance picked us up. She is not in labor. The sharp pain was caused by overworking her body. She is under observation for the night. She is ordered bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy."
"How is she now?"
"She is asleep now. She is now nervous that we are not prepared for the babe."
"We will come over tomorrow. We can help with anything."
"Thanks, mate. I am beginning to calm down now. I was so nervous for both Emma and our little lass."
"Do not worry, Emma has a lot of support."
"I know. I have to call Regina now, to tell her and Henry. Night."
"Night. Give my love to Emma."
"I will."
At the Charming house, Snow, " Charming, Who was that?"
"It was Killian. Emma is in the emergency room. Regina dropped them off at their house. As soon as Emma entered the house she had a sharp pain and fell to the floor, Killian caught her. She is not in labor. The sharp pain caused by Emma overdoing, moving around. She was admitted for the night. She is on ordered bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. Killian told me that she is nervous now that she is not prepared. I told him that we will help. Also, he gave me a list of items that they need for the baby, we can use for the baby shower."
"Charming, I must go see her."
"Killian told me that she is finally asleep. They did have a long day."
"I am going to see my daughter. I want to be there for her, especially we did not get to help her last time. Can you please write down on what she needs. I am going to see our daughter."
"Tell her, I love her."
"I will." She quickly got dressed and ran to the car.
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Killian made another phone call. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. Is everything okay? You never call this late."
"After you dropped Emma and me off, once we got into our house, Emma had a sharp pain and fell and I caught her before she landed on the floor."
"Oh my god, is she in labor?"
"No, the lass is not coming now. The sharp pain was caused from either from our vacation or flight or both, the business strained her body."
"I knew something was off, she looked very tired. That is why I offered to drive you both home. She probably over did it."
"Aye. she is now on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy. Please tell Henry but not to worry, she is okay now and asleep finally."
"Please let me know if you both need anything. Knowing Henry, he will want to see Emma right away."
"Aye. We are going home tomorrow, you and Henry can visit her then."
"Good. We will. Night Killian."
"Night, Regina."
At the Mills residence, Regina enters Henry's room and sits on his bed waking him up. "Henry, Henry wake up."
"Mom, what time is it?"
"It is 1:30 in the morning." Henry turns his night lamp on. "Why are you waking me up?"
"I just got a call from is about Emma."
Henry nervous "Is Mom okay? Is she having the baby?"
"Henry, she is at the hospital. She is not having the baby yet. After we dropped Killian and Emma at their house, she had a sharp pain and luckily Killian was next to her and caught her just in time before she fell to the floor. He called an ambulance. The baby is still healthy. Your mom sharp pain caused by her body overdoing it for being almost 8 months pregnant. The trip or flight home may have caused it. She is ordered on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy."
"Mom, can we go see her?"
"From what your Dad told me, she is finally sleeping, she had a long night. They are coming home tomorrow and we can visit her then okay?"
"Is there anything we can get her?"
"They may need some home cook meals and we can buy something for Emma."
"Like a gift for my sister?"
"Sure we can. I think you can stay at their house tomorrow and you can be there with her. Just being there with her will make her happy and being helpful at the same time. Now, go back to sleep."
"Night, Mom."
"Night, Henry."
Back at the hospital, Killian was holding Emma's hand while she sleeps. Snow White enters the room, "You should be asleep, Killian."
"Snow, I told Charming that you can come visit us at home tomorrow. She is asleep."
"I know, but I want to see my daughter. It looks like you need a hug. Come here." He hugs her and cries. "Shh..shh...Emma is not in labor and the baby is healthy. I know that must have been terrifying."
"It was terrifying, I thought I was going to lose them both."
"You are not losing your family, Killian. We are here. Your wife is here and your daughter is still growing inside of Emma. Now sit on that chair and get some sleep. I will watch her."
"Thank you, Snow, for coming."
"Of course, I wanted to come to see how Emma is doing and I would not be able to sleep at home anyways."
"They checked the babe's heartbeat and a sonogram. My little lass is strong like her Mommy."
"Yes, she is. She gets it from her Mommy and Grandma." Killian falls asleep. Snow White watches Emma.
Emma woke up hours later seeing her Mom. Groggily, "Mom?"
"I am here Emma. You and your baby are okay."
"Mom..." SHe starts to cry and Snow hugs her. "I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose my daughter."
"Sweetie, she is healthy and a little fighter. You are not going to lose her. We will all here to help you while you are on bed rest, okay?"
Emma nodded. "Where is Killian?"
Snow White pointed at him "He is asleep on the chair. He would not move away from you until I came."
"I am happy that you are here Mom." Snow gave her another hug as best as she could from Emma being hooked up on monitors. Killian wakes up with Emma and Snow White talking. He just listened to their conversation. Snow went out to call Charming to let him know what was going on. Killian walks up to Emma, "Morning, Love. How are you?"
"Morning. I am still a little shocked from last night."
"I know love, me too. Our little lass is not in any danger and she is safe inside of you."
"I know. It is good to just hear it from you."
Killian gives her a hug and a kiss on the lips. "Hey, let's see if we can go home."
"Sounds good." Emma gets the okay from Dr.Claire to leave.
Emma was rolled out of the hospital in a wheelchair by a nurse. Killian was holding her hand and Snow White walked right by them. Snow White drove them home. Killian carefully helped Emma out of her Mom's car. "It is so good to be home."
"Aye, it is love."
Killian brought Emma to their room and helped her get settled in. She changed out of the clothes she been wearing since she traveled home from Florida in. She sat in bed trying to be comfortable as much as possible. "Killian, can you bring me the bag of the baby clothes we got on the trip?"
"Sure love." She organized Hope's new clothes while pairing them with cute bow bandanas. Emma cooed to her baby bump, "Hope, Mommy got you such cute outfits for you to wear in the summer or springtime."
Snow enters her room with the luggage. "I brought up your luggage from the trip. Do you want me to wash them in washing machines?"
"Sure, all of my clothes are dirty from the trip. Except for the shopping bag of clothes. Those I got for the summer."
Snow White sees the baby clothes on the bed. "Oh, are those clothes for the baby?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, they are. Look I got little bow bandanas. She is going to look so cute in these outfits."
"She will, Emma. Do you need to wash them too?"
"Not now. I just want to organize them first."
"Look at this "Lil Sis" pink onesie, I got this in a blue tee shirt for Henry that says, "Big Bro." They are going to match."
"Awe. That is so sweet. Did you give the tee-shirt to Henry?"
"Yes, I gave it to him last night. It was one of his souvenirs from the trip. He loves it."
Emma rubs her baby bump, feeling baby Hope move.
"Emma, she is okay."
"I know. I just want to feel her that is all."
They hear the doorbell.
Meanwhile downstairs, Killian answered the door. "Ah, Regina and Henry what a surprise."
"Hi, Dad. Can I see Mom?"
"Yes, you can. She is in our room. Just be gentle with her, she is still sensitive from last night lad." He runs upstairs to see Emma.
"So, Killian. How is she now?"
"Snow White is upstairs with her now. She is still a little shaken up from last night."
"I see. I brought you my famous lasagna and salad. I figured you two need a few meals since you both just got back home from the trip and the hospital."
"Thank you, Regina."
"Your welcome."
Upstairs, Henry enters Emma's room seeing Emma and Snow White talking. "Mom!"
"Henry!" He gives her a hug. "Sit next to me." "Emma, I will put the baby clothes in her nursery."
"Kid, you have no idea how happy I am to see you."
"Mom, I am so happy to see you too. How is my baby sister?"
"She is still inside me, strong and healthy. She is still moving a lot."
"I brought you something." He gives her a small bag.
Emma opens the bag of a gold necklace, that says "Mom" with a swan and hook on the sides. "Oh Henry, I love it." She had some happy tears in her eyes. "Can you put it on me?" Henry put the necklace on Emma. "You always cheer me up you know that?"
"Oh, I got something for my baby sister." He gives her another bag. "It is a little swan plush doll."
"Henry, your baby sister is going to love it." She gives him a big hug. "Can you put the swan plush in her crib?"
Henry went into his sister's room, while his Grandma organizing the baby's clothes. "Hi, Grandma."
"Hi, Henry. Oh is that for your little sister?"
"Yes, it is." He puts the swan plush doll in the crib.
"Henry, you painted all of these murals?"
"Yes, I did."
"They are gorgeous Henry. Your little sister is going to love them."
"I know."
Regina visits Emma in her room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Regina. Come in."
Regina sits on Emma's bed. "You look a little better than last night?"
"I feel a little better. I am still a little scared and surprised that it happened. I want her to grow inside me and not be born early with health issues."
"Emma, she is not born yet. She is still healthy growing inside of you. She is healthy. Killian told me that they did and sonogram and the heartbeat monitor."
"Yes." She rubbed her baby bump and feeling her little girl move. Henry comes into the room, "Mom, while you are here, check out baby sister's bedroom murals, I painted."
"Murals?" to Emma, "Go check them out, Regina."
Regina saw the paintings, her mouth dropped. "Henry, you did these?"
"Yes, I did. In one day."
"I had no idea that you have such a talent for art."
Snow White carrying a pile of dirty laundry, "Same here. He is an amazing artist and author. He is going to be a great big brother."
"Mom, I gave Mom the necklace and the swan. She loves them both."
"I had a feeling she would love them, Henry. Go be with Emma." He left the room. Regina spoke to Snow White, "Emma is definitely not herself."
"I know. She was so afraid when she woke up from the hospital today. I went there as soon as Charming told me what happened. I figured since she is on bed rest. I would help out."
"I told Henry, to be there and help Emma as much as he can."
"She will recover soon. We still have replanning the baby shower."
"I am hoping she gets better soon, for her own sake and the baby."
"She will get better, just as her support system, will help show her she is not alone the time."
"Let me help with that." Snow gives a pile of dirty laundry to Regina and both went downstairs to the basement.
Henry with Emma in her room. "I have a question. Is it weird to have a little human growing inside of you?"
"Not really. I have gotten used to it. She loves to move around but at night she only calms down when your Dad talks to her."
"Can I read to her?"
"Sure but can you help me up? I have to use the bathroom." She waddles to the bathroom. On her way back to her room, she looks into Hope's room. She can imagine rocking Hope in her rocking chair, playing with her on the rug and reading her many books. "My sweet baby girl, Mommy loves you so much already and cannot wait to have fun with you." She returns to her room with Henry on her bed with his storybook, "Do you always talk to her?"
"Yes, I do. I am looking forward to being a mom again." She slowly lays down. Henry sits close to her baby bump. "Hi, baby sister. This is your big brother Henry. I am going to read a story from this special book that is part of you and my history." Emma nudges him to sit next to her as he read hugs him. "Once Upon A Time there was a man named Geppetto...." Emma guide his hand as he read, to her baby bump to let him feel his baby sister move, letting him know that his sister was listening to him. "She is really is listening to me Mom."
"Yes, she is kid. She knows that you are her big brother." Emma falls asleep. Henry put down the storybook down and slept with her and one hand on her baby bump. Henry whispers, "Your big brother Henry loves you, baby sis. He is happy you and Mom are safe." Killian brought up a tray of lasagna and salad for Emma. He saw the site of Henry and Emma sleeping together. He put the tray down and took a picture of Emma and Henry sleeping together. Regina and Snow came up with the clean laundry and saw Emma and Henry. They both were in awe. Snow whispered, "This is so sweet. We cannot wake them up now it will ruin the moment."
Regina, "No way. I do not have my phone."
"Loves, I took a picture. I can text it to both of you."
"Great. Do you need anything else?"
"Not at the moment loves. Thank you both for your help."
"Henry is sleeping over. Enjoy the food."
"Thank you, Regina. You have helped a lot, especially with Henry. I know that he wanted to come to the hospital right away."
"Yes, he did. I promised him that he can come and stay over the night."
"Aye, I think having him around will help Emma feel better, knowing one of her children is here helping her."
'Yes, that what I told him last night. Please call me if you need anything."
"Thanks again, Regina." She leaves.
"Killian, she is going to be just fine. She has you and Henry and all of us. I am pretty sure Henry is going to help a lot now."
"Aye, he gave the babe and Emma a gift each."
"Yes, I saw the swan plush doll."
"Henry gave her a special necklace."
"Aye. My Emma is special."
"She is Killian. I am done with the laundry. Have to go back home to Charming and Leo. Make sure Emma eats."
"Will do love, once she wakes up. I will make sure she eats. Thank you for your help, Snow."
"Anytime Killian, call me if you need anything else." Snow leaves. Killian walks up to Emma and whispers, "I love you and our family so much." He kisses Emma on the head. "I will always be there for you, Henry and our baby girl."

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