Stronger Bonds

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Killian and Henry helped with Emma in her recovery from her emergency postpartum hemorrhage surgery by taking care of her and Hope. Emma had Hope with her in bed snuggling. Henry enters her room with her breakfast. "Mom, I have your breakfast."
"Thank you, Henry." He gives her the tray and sits next to her.
"How are you feeling Mom?"
"Not dizzy anymore and feel a little weak. Luckily I need a little more rest and no medicine, I can still feed your sister."
"Mom, I can hold Hope." Henry gets Hope from their Mom's chest. "Hope, you are with me, little sis. Mommy is next to us." Emma ate her breakfast of eggs, pancakes, mixed berries and bananas with a bottle of water. "These pancakes are delicious."
"I made them Mom."
"You did?"
"Yes, my own recipe."
"Henry, I am impressed."
"Thank you, Mom. Enjoy. I already ate." Hope wakes up. "Hi, Hope. Mommy is right next to us little sis."
"Good morning, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, do you think she was very clingy 2 days ago because she knew you were not yourself?"
"I did not even think of that, maybe she knew." She talks to Hope. "Hope, were you clingy to Mommy because you knew that I was sick?" Hope looks at her Mom. "Maybe, Mom. She senses emotions especially to you."
"You are right, Henry. Your sister does sense my emotions." Hope fusses in Henry's arms and makes poop. "Mom, I will change her. We will be right back." Henry changes Hope in her room. Emma ate her breakfast. Killian went to see his wife. "Morning love."
He sits next to her on their bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than Friday, I still feel a little weak. Don't you have work today?"
"Aye, I do have work. Henry too."
"I am going to be fine with Hope."
"Love, you are still in recovery."
Henry returns with Hope. "Mom, Hope is poop free." Emma giggles.
"Henry give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Hope, you want to have a girl's day?"
"Henry, you have to work."
"No buts Henry."
There was a knock on the door. "Henry, I am going to keep an eye on your Mom and your sister."
"Aunt Allison." Henry rushes to give her a hug.
"Killian, you asked Allison to watch me?"
"Aye, I could not think of anyone else better for the job, the one who saved you. Also, she offered to take the day off and she was texting me on updates about you non stop since Friday."
"Killian, you are the best."
"I know." They kiss. "Hope, look who is here, auntie Allison."
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison." They hug with Hope in the middle.
"Love, I will see you after my shift. I know you are in good hands."
"Thank you, Killian."
"Your welcome, love. Enjoy your girl time."
Henry rushes over to his Mom. "Mom, I love you."
"I love you too Henry. Take breaks at work."
"Yes, Mom. I will." He kisses her on the head. He takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, have fun with Mommy and Auntie Allison today." Hope cooed. "Yes, you and I will play and have storytime later." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, be a good little lass." He kisses her on the cheek. Henry gives Hope back to their Mom. "Hope, we can have a girl's day. You want Mommy to paint your toenails?" Hope smiles.
"Allison, thank you for helping today. I would be worried sick."
"It is no problem, Killian. I know she is still recovering and you will feel comfortable someone to help her recovery who works in the medical field."
"Aye, her parents came by the last few days. Hope..."
"Let me guess, Hope was extra clingy to Emma."
"Aye, you are the group now, that Hope trusts the most without her crying."
"I had a feeling. I needed some time off from work anyways."
"Thank you, Allison."
"You are welcome, I love your wife and daughter, they are my family."
"Aye, you are definitely part of the family."
"How did you get in?"
"Henry gave me spare keys."
"Dad she gave me a spare key to her house, now that she is family she should have a spare. I know she is not like Grandma pancakes."
"Aye, we took away the keys from them after that incident."
"Henry, we have to go to work."
"Yes, Dad." Henry hugs Allison. "Aunt Allison, you won't let anything happen to my mom and sister?"
"Henry, of course, I will protect them both. Your Mom and I will have fun with your sister."
"That is what I like to hear. I will see you tonight." Henry and Killian leave. Hope was with Emma.
"Emma, what do you want to do today? First, how are you feeling?"
"A little weak but better than the last few days."
"What do you want to do today?"
"I was thinking, we can paint each other's nails."
"Yes, I love painting my own nails."
"I never have done it before. I bought a few nail polishes recently, with nail polish coat."
"Emma, it sounds like fun. Are we going to paint Hope's nails?"
"Yes, her toenails. I am not sure about her fingers yet." Hope fusses in Emma's arms. "Hope, you want to say hi to Aunt Allison sweetie?" Hope moves around. "Someone wants to see her auntie." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. "Hi, Hope. Are you looking forward to having fun with Mommy and Auntie Allison?" Hope coos. "Yes, you are looking forward to girls day in." She talks to Emma. "How was she over the weekend? Killian told me your parents came for a visit."
"Even though I was recovering Hope was still extra clingy. She would not go anywhere without me, Henry or Killian. I feel bad for my parents, they want to spend time with her but little Hope here wants me, her Daddy or her big brother."
"Killian told me it was a little rough."
"When my parents were here yes, other than that Hope was happy with Henry and Killian watching her as I rested more." Emma smiles. "Hope loves you, Allison."
Allison looks down at Hope. "Hope, you love spending time with Auntie Allison?" Hope smiles and moves around. They both giggle.
"I am not sure why Hope does not like being around my parents?"
"Emma, she does not see them that often. She will get used to them when she is older, for now, she is comfortable with the people that she knows."
"Yes, that is why I was surprised when she was close to you instantly other than Killian, Henry and I."
"Yes, I was a little surprised too." They both giggled. Hope began to fuss. Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, is it your naptime sweetie?" Emma puts Hope on her chest and takes her to her room to rock her until she fell asleep. "Sleep dreams, my little buttercup. Mommy loves you." She kisses Hope on her head and puts her in her crib. Emma returns to her room. "Hope is napping while she is sleeping we can paint our nails."
"Yes." Emma got her nail polish supply and the baby monitor and went downstairs to the living room. "Now, I am warning you I have never painted anyone nails before."
"Well there is nail polish remover is for." They both laughed. They took selfies together on each other iPhones.
"Should I do your fingers first?"
"Sure. Definitely, use red please." Emma painted Allison's fingernails. "You are doing a pretty good job for your first time ever painting with nail polish."
"Thank you. I love art, painting, and drawing. Henry gets his love of art from me."
"Yep. it was my favorite subject in school." She shows Allison the pictures of her and Henry paint war and including Hope on her iPhone while Allison's nails were drying.
"No way, you and Henry did splatter painting in the backyard?"
"Yes, we did."
Allison looks closer to the pictures on the screen. "Is that Hope covered with paint?"
"Yes, she loved getting messy. I started slowly putting paint on her nose and she smiled. So Henry and I took turns putting paint on her. When the paint was all gone she was crying."
"Aww. She already gets the love of art from you." "Yes, she certainly does. How about you? What was your favorite subject in school?"
"It was between math and science."
"Is that you chose the medical field?"
"Yes, I wanted to help people to make them feel better. My grandmother died when I was very young and she was very sick with cancer. I wanted to help prevent people from dying from horrible diseases." Emma puts a top coat on Allison's nails as they were drying. Hope cries through the baby monitor. "I will be right back." Emma goes upstairs to her daughter. "Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" She takes Hope out of her crib and kisses her on the cheek. "Do you want to join Mommy and Auntie Allison fun, we are painting our nails." Hope makes poop. "Let me change you before we have fun." Emma changes Hope and takes her downstairs to the living room. "Allison, someone wants to join our girls day in." Emma sits next to Allison. "Hope, look at Auntie Allison's pretty nails. Do you want to get your toenails painted?" Hope coos.
"Emma, I can hold her as you paint her nails."
"Are your nails dry?"
"Oh yes, they are." Emma hands over Hope to Allison and chooses a color nail polish to paint her daughter's toenails.
"Hope, did you have a good nap in your crib?" Hope coos. "Yes, you love your crib."
"She loves her crib because her daddy personally made it just for her. When we were in Boston, should not sleep in the hotel crib."
"Emma, you can use a pack and play for the next road trip, a portable crib for her to sleep in. Instead of the hotel cribs that have germs and who knows what else in them."
"That is a good idea. I will buy one at the baby store or order on Amazon." Emma chooses purple nail polish for Hope. Hope begins to fuss. "Hope, you want Mommy to hold you and let auntie paint your nails?" Hope smiles. "That is a yes. You do not mind do you?"
"Not at all. I love doing painting other people nails. I never did this young before." Emma positioned Hope in her arms and Allison painted Hope's toenails. Hope looked at her Mommy while Allison painted her toenails. As Hope's toenails were drying Emma breastfed Hope. "Can you do braids?'
"I can do a french braid and regular braids. How about you?"
"I can do a regular, dutch, french and crown braid."
"You must do my hair later."
"Sure, I can." After Emma fed Hope, she fell back to sleep. She puts Hope in her swing chair so she can be nearby them.
"I can do your fingernails now."
'Sure, want to order in lunch?"
"That is a good idea. What do you want to order?"
"We can order in pizza."
"Good choice." They ordered pizza. Allison did Emma's fingers and toenails as they waited for their food to arrive. Emma answered the door paid and brought in the pizza. Allison helps Emma getting the plates for them to eat in the living room.
They watched Dawson Creek on Netflix as they are their lunch. "I needed something to eat."
"Emma, it is important to eat and stay hydrated especially after having a blood transfusion."
"I know, sometimes, I forget to eat and I regret it later."
"You cannot skip meals."
"I know. Trust me I learned after I fainted and terrified my mom and especially Hope." She looks at her daughter who was still asleep. Emma falls asleep on the couch after she ate. Allison stops the television show and wrapped Emma in a blanket. Hope was awake. "Hope, your Mommy needs to rest. We can play upstairs." Allison takes Hope up to her room. Allison read Hope a story in Hope's room. After storytime, Allison gets a facetime call from Killin. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Allison."
"Hope, Daddy is on my phone."
"Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with auntie Allison little love?" Hope coos. "Allison, how is Emma?"
"She is fine. She is sleeping on the couch, so I brought Hope up to her room to let Emma rest."
"Aye. that is why she is not answering her phone."
"Yes. Emma and I painted each other nails, ordered in pizza and watched Dawson Creek on Netflix until Emma fell asleep. I have a feeling she is still tired."
"Thank you for managing the household. If its someone else besides Henry or I, I would have been very nervous."
"Killian, it is no problem at all. Hope is having fun one one one time with her favorite auntie. Right Hope?" Hope smiles.
"Do you know how long Emma will be in recovery?"
"A few more days. Why?"
"I wanted to know, so I can be less worried."
"Killian, you love your wife and you will always be worried about her."
"Yes, I know. I just don't want her to end up having another emergency surgery."
"Killian, Emma is recovering fine. She is getting all of the love and support from you, Henry, her parents and me."
"Yes, she has a strong support system."
"Yes, she does Killian."
"I will pick up Henry from your place on my way home. I called him already to check up on him. He is taking breaks."
"I will see you later Killian." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, you need a change." Allison changes Hope's diaper and changes Hope into a cute onesie. Allison talked to Hope a little bit while rocking her. "Hope, you have no idea how I worked with a crazy but very smart doctor. He gave us the most bizarre cases that my team and I had to solve. There was this one time...." Allison tells Hope a few of the crazy cases she had working for Dr.House. Emma woke up from her three-hour nap, in her living room in the dark. She heard Allison through the baby monitor talking to Hope. She goes upstairs to Hope's room. "Allison, how is Hope?"
"Hope has been wide awake listening to my stories about when I was working on a diagnostic team. I was telling her a few of my hard to believe cases." Hope fusses. "Hope, Mommy is awake." Emma takes Hope. "Hope, did you have fun one on one time with Auntie Allison?" Hope coos. "Yes, you love listening to stories. Are you hungry?" Allison gets out of the chair and Emma sits down to feed Hope. Emma fed Hope and placed her in the cradle in her room. "I can do your hair now."
"You can teach me. I can show you than explaining it."
"Sure." Emma showed Allison how she does the crown braid on herself then she does Allison. "Emma you are really good with braids."
"Thank you. I learned from other classmates or foster children while I was in the system."
"I am sorry that you went through the horrible foster system."
"It was rough. I was alone until I had Henry then I was alone again. Until he found me and brought me to my family. I get that feeling of alone at times, I have to remind myself with the help of Killian to lean on my loved ones and I am not alone. I am still getting used to having a support system."
Allison places her hand on Emma. "You are not alone, you have Killian, Henry, and Hope with you reminding every day you are not alone. Your support system just got bigger, me. Your best friend." Emma smiles and Allison hugs her. Hope wakes up and makes gurgle sounds to be noticed. "Hope, you want to join girl time?" Emma takes her out of her cradle and sits on her bed. Emma gives Hope many kisses and smiles at her daughter who smiles back at her. "I love my Hope snuggles." They heard the door open and closes. Henry and Killian go upstairs.
"Hi, Swan."
"Hi, Killian. Hope Daddy is home."
"How was your girls day?"
"It was fun. We talked, did our own nails, ordered in watched Netflix."
"It was fun, we need to do this more often."
"Yes, we should." Hope makes a sound. "Hope, you are included in our girl day." She kisses Hope on the head.
"We cannot forget about Hope." She gives Hope kisses. Emma and Allison giggle.
"Hi, Henry. How was painting today?"
"I am almost done with Elizabeth's room. I will be finished her room tomorrow. Can I hold Hope? I took a shower already."
"Sure, you can."
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Mommy and Auntie Allison?" Hope coos. "Yes, I see you got your toenails are painted. Let's have some fun in my room."
"Emma, I had fun today."
"Me too."
"Yes, we need to meet up soon, I have to go home to do paperwork."
"I hate paperwork."
"Me too." They both giggled. "We can get coffee or shop in town during the week?"
"Sure we can." They hug. "I will text you later." Allison went to say goodbye to Hope in Henry's room. Hope was being tickled by Henry. "Hope, I came to say bye." She kisses Hope on her head. "Hope, we had fun today. Auntie Allison loves you, Hope."
"Aunt Allison, Hope loves you."
"Yes, I know. I love you to Henry." Henry hugs her.
"You saved my Mom and my sister. That is a sign of love."
"That is a big sign of love Henry."
"Yes, I am happy my mom made a great friend and new family member you aunt Allison."
"I am happy to be part of this loving family. I will see you tomorrow." Killian walks Allison downstairs.
"Thank you, Allison, for helping out here today."
"It is no problem Killian, I had fun with Emma and Hope."
"Aye, I never have seen Emma this happy with a friend/ family member ever only with Hope, Henry and I."
"Your family just got a little bigger."
"Aye, it did. Good night, Allison."
"Good night, Killian." Allison leaves.
Killian returns upstairs, listening to Henry talking to Hope. He cuddles with Emma. "How are you feeling love?"
"Better. I was thinking we can spend the day as a family together tomorrow or the next day when I can go out."
"Sure, love. What do you have in mind?"
"Aye, I would love to have our whole family on the Jolly Roger." He kisses Emma on the cheek and makes her laugh.
Emma felt more back to her regular self by the next morning. She sees Hope in her crib awake making cute gurgle sounds. She smiles and picks up her daughter. "Good morning, Hope. Do you want to spend the day with Mommy?" Hope coos. Emma smiles. "I will take that as a yes. We have to be quiet, Daddy is sleeping." Emma puts Hope on her bed and gets ready for the day. She feeds Hope and changes Hope into a cute outfit. "Hope, we are going to have a Mommy and Hope day." Hope smiles which make her smile. Emma packs her diaper bag, with extra onesies Hope's quilt, diapers, and a sheet just in case they go to the park or the beach. Emma brings Hope with her to the kitchen. Henry was awake, "Morning, Henry."
"Good morning, Mom. You look like you are about to go out."
"Yes, Hope and I are going to have a mommy and Hope day." Henry looked sad. "Henry, on Thursday I am working. I was thinking your Dad can watch Hope at the station you and I can do stakeouts."
"Mom, really?"
"Yes, Henry. Oh, tomorrow, we are having a family sailing day."
"We are?!"
"Yes, we are. Please tell Allison that you are taking the day off tomorrow."
"I will." Henry finishes his breakfast. "Can I hold Hope?"
'"Sure you can." Henry holds Hope as Emma eats oatmeal with mixed berries.
"Mom, what are you doing with Hope today?"
"I am not sure, Hope and I might do a little shopping for our Florida trip, maybe go to the park or walk around town."
"Whatever you and Hope do, I know Hope will have fun."
"You got that right, kid. After I finish my breakfast, I can drop you off at Allison's house." As Emma ate her breakfast, Henry played with Hope. Emma went upstairs to see Killian. She kisses him on the cheek until he woke up. "Morning."
"Morning, love."
"I am feeling so much better. Hope and I are going to have a mommy and daughter day. I am going to drop Henry off at Allison's."
Killian smiles. "Have fun with our little lass."
"I will. I told Henry already about our sailing adventure tomorrow."
"Love, I am looking forward to our little sailing trip." He picks her up and they make out.
Henry carrying Hope into their room. "Mom, Dad really?!" He covers Hope's eyes. They both laugh.
"Lad, you cannot be too surprise every time that we kiss."
"Yes, Dad but still..." Hope begins to cry. "See, Hope agrees with me, she wants to see Auntie Allison before her girls day with Mommy. Right Hope?" He kisses Hope on the head.
"Okay, Henry. I am ready to go." They kiss. "Have a good day at work."
"Have fun with Hope."
"We will." Henry takes Hope to the car and Emma brings Hope's diaper bag, quilt, and carrier into the family car. Henry sits in the back with Hope and plays with her as Emma drove them to Allison's house. Emma takes Hope out of her car seat and Henry walked ahead and opened the door with his spare keys. "Hi, Aunt Allison."
Allison greets Henry. "Hi, Henry." She was surprised to see Emma and Hope with him. "Hi, Emma and Hope."
"Hi, Allison. We are dropping off Henry. Hope wants to see her auntie before she and I have a Mommy and Daughter day." Hope fussed in Emma's arms. Emma hands over Hope to Allison.
"Hi, Hope. I am so happy to see you and your Mommy as a surprise visit." Allison plays with Hope.
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, have fun with Hope today."
"Thank you, Henry. Remember tomorrow is sailing and Thursday during my shift is our stakeout."
"Yes, Mom. I am looking forward to both." He talks to Allison. "Aunt Allison, I am taking the day off tomorrow. On Thursday I will be working in the afternoon, I am going to working with my Mom."
"Oh, really what are you going to do at the station?"
"Mom and I are going to stakeouts. Right, Mom?"
"Right, Henry."
"Mom, can I show you how much I have done so far?"
"Sure, Henry." Emma, Henry, Allison with Hope went upstairs.
"As you can see, I am almost finished Elizabeth's room." The room was covered with several Disney Princesses' such as Belle, Cinderella, Elsa, and Ariel with their castles in the background. Allison walked around the room with Hope, showing her the murals. "Hope, Henry did these paintings."
Emma hugs and kisses her son on the head. "Henry these are amazing. You did a great job. I am so proud of you."
"Thank you, Mom. I am enjoying this job."
"Maybe art school for college?"
"That can be a possibility. Today, I am finishing up in here than starting Connor's room."
"I know you will do great, like here." Henry hugs her.
"Hope." Allison gives Henry his sister. "Hope, what do you think little sis? Did I do a good job?" Hope moves around and smiles at Henry. "I thought you would say that." He gives Hope multiple kisses on the cheek.
"Allison, thank you for giving Henry this opportunity."
"Your welcome, Emma. He is really loving this."
"Aunt Allison, you have to thank Hope. If it was not for her, I would not have found my talent for painting."
"Oh, really?" Allison goes to Hope. "Little niece, you inspired Henry to be an artist? Thank you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope moves happily in her big brother's arms, which made all of them smile at Hope. "Hope, have fun with Mommy today little sis." He kisses her on the head and hands her over to their Mom.
"Henry, remember to take breaks."
"Yes, Mom. I will. Have fun with Hope."
"Thank you, Henry." Allison and Emma left the room. "What time you have to be at work?"
"I have to be there at 9:00. Want to get some coffee in town?"
"Sure." They drove separately into town. Emma and Allison both parked their cars in front of Granny's. They walked in together.
"Hi, Granny."
"Hi Emma, Hope and...." Granny's jaw dropped. "Emma, there are two of you?" Emma and Allison laugh. "No, Granny this is Allison, she is the town's new pediatrician."
"Hi, Granny. I am Allison. I come in here all the time but never saw you."
"It is nice to meet you." They sit down in Emma's regular booth. "What can I get for you both?"
"I would like to have dark coffee with two sugars and milk."
"I will have decaf coffee with two sugars and my usual to go please."
"Coming right up."
"How are you feeling Emma?"
"I am feeling so much better than the last few days. Thank you for coming over yesterday."
"Your welcome, Emma. I had fun."
"Me too." They both laughed. Hope fusses in Emma's arms. "Hope do you want to play with auntie Allison?" Emma hands over Hope to Allison.
"Hi, Hope. Did you like seeing Henry's painting at my house?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you do." She talks to Emma. "Is Hope less nervous?"
"She is not as clingy but she still cries at times. I was thinking..."
"Yes, Emma."
"Hope was extra clingy the whole day when I got sick, do you think Hope knew that I was sick?'
"Maybe she does. Babies know their mother's bodies for nine months and have good senses of their mother's moods. Maybe Hope knew your body was off."
"Maybe, she does. How was she when I was in surgery?"
"Most of the time calm then when she wanted you it took Killian a while to calm her down. Both of them."
"Henry too?"
"Yes. Regina was calming him them as much as Killian was calming her down. They both wanted you."
"Aww. Who calmed down first?"
"Henry. He fell asleep in Regina's lap way before Hope fell asleep in Killian's arms." She talks to Hope. "You were a good girl for Daddy."
"I was worried because of last time. She would not calm down at all with my parents until Henry came when I was in the emergency room. I am just happy when I had an emergency surgery, Hope was calm with people who she knows and trusts." She reaches her finger to Hope and Hope grabs it. "I was wondering, do your children like the zoo?"
"Yes, Emma. They love the zoo." A waiter gave them their coffee and Emma's meal to go in a bag.
"I was thinking of planning a three day trip to Boston with Killian, Henry, and Hope. Maybe you want to come with us?"
Allison smiled. "I will let you know. Ted and the kids have this week-long camping trip. I do not go camping. If they cannot come, I would love to come."
"That will be great." Hope begins to cry. Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, are you hungry?" Emma feeds Hope. "Before the Florida trip, I have to schedule Hope's 2-month appointment with you."
"I can make an appointment for you."
"Great. How many shots would she need to get?"
"She is not going to be happy."
"I know. I hate giving babies their shots but they need them to stay healthy."
"Hope will not be too afraid to go in to see you."
"Yes, she will not. After the shots, I get to spend time with my niece." Hope looks at her Mommy and Auntie. "I think she understands what you are saying, Allison."
"It looks like it." They both giggled. "Hope, after your shots I got something special for you." Emma and Allison finished their coffees after Hope was full and burped. They walked to their cars. "Can you hold Hope for a sec?"
"Sure." As Allison held Hope, Emma got out Hope's stroller and placed the diaper bag underneath.
"Allison have a good day at work."
"Thank you, Emma." They hugged. "Have fun with Hope today."
"Thank you. Hope say bye bye to auntie Allison,"
"Hope, have fun with Mommy." She gives Hope kisses on her cheek and hands over Hope back to Emma. Allison went in her car and drove to work. "Hope, it is just you and me. Do you want to go shopping for our beach vacation? We have to get your bathing suits to get wet in the ocean." Hope smiles. "You are my little pirate princess." She puts Hope in the stroller and went cloth shopping for Hope first, getting her bathing suits, sunglasses and a hat for Hope. Hope napped most of the time Emma shopped for her. Emma went to other stores to buy supplies needed for their trip, and clothes for herself, Henry and Killian. After cloth shopping, she put all of the shopping bags in the trunk and puts Hope in her car seat for a moment while she puts the stroller away. She drives Hope to the park. She gets the stroller and diaper bag back out and put Hope in her stroller. "Hope since it is nice out baby girl, how about you and I have some fun at the park?!" Hope smiles. "I knew you would like my idea. There were a lot of children at the park. Emma found a nice shade section on the open grass to park the stroller underneath an oak tree. She placed a sheet on the grass and got Hope out of the stroller. "Hope, do you like the shade under this tree?" Hope gurgles. "Yes, it feels good to be underneath the shade when it is really hot out. Hope made her poop face. "Hope, do you need a change? Mommy will change you." Emma easily changed Hope on the sheet. Emma brought a few books to read to her. Emma took pictures of Hope as she was reading to her, tummy time and snuggle time. Emma got a text from Killian. "How is mommy and Hope day going?" Emma texts him a picture of a selfie of her and Hope both smiling under the oak tree. "My two loves are having fun together." She responds to him, a picture of Hope snuggling on Emma "Yes, the best time with our little girl."
Ashley and Alexandra approach Emma. "Emma!"
"Ashley!" Emma got up with Hope. "Hi, Alexandra."
"Emma is this Hope?"
"Yes, this is my little Hope. Hope, this is Ashley/ Cinderella."
"Emma she is beautiful she has Killian's eyes."
'Thank you, she looks like me and takes up after me already."
"Alexandra, say hi to Hope." Emma kneels down to show Alexandra baby Hope. "Alexandra this is Hope."
"Hi, Hope." She touches Hope.
"Emma, I never got a chance to come to say congratulations to Hope. After all, you did for me."
"Ashley it is okay. Hope has been keeping me very busy."
"How is it being a Mom to a newborn?'
"I absolutely love it. I don't want to miss any of it. Hope loves me, her Daddy, Henry, and her auntie Allison."
"Yes, she is Hope's godmother and auntie."
"I know that your Mom watched her."
"Yes. She is going to watch her at the station during the time I am working. I cannot be too far from Hope for too long, she is very clingy and only breastfed."
"No bottle?"
"Nope, not for my little girl. How is the daycare?"
"It is going really well, busy. I have extra help, so I can spend time with Alexandra."
"She is getting so big."
"Yes, she is six years old."
"Wow, already. How is your step sister Clorinda?"
"She is good. She and her husband just had their first child a son in March. She does not visit her, my stepmom in prison."
"I was happy to help your family."
"Thank you for that."
"It was no problem at all."
"Mommy, can I go play in the jungle gym?"
"In a minute sweetie." She talks to Emma. "Hope is adorable. Is she sleeping at night?"
"It is a work in progress."
"Emma, I am really am happy for you, you finally have your time with your family instead of saving everyone."
"I know. I am enjoying my time with both of children and Killian."
"I will see you around." Ashley and Alexandra leave.
"Hope, that was Cinderella the one from Henry's book. They sit back underneath the tree. Hope napped in her stroller while Emma ate her lunch under the tree. When Hope was awake, Emma laid Hope on her knees and sang a few songs to her. After three hours in the park, Emma decided it was time for them to return home. When Emma returned home from the park, Killian was home. Emma took Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, we are home."
"Hello, love. How are my two loves?"
"Killian." They kissed. He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope did you have fun with your Mommy at the park?" Hope cooed.
"We also went shopping too."
"Aye, do you need help to bring them in?"
"Yes, please. I bought clothes for all four of us for Florida next week."
"Aye, I am looking forward to our family vacation."
"Me too, I have to start packing Hope's bags and make sure we have everything for her."
"Does she need a seat on the plane?"
"I booked three seats. We can take turns holding her on the flight."
"Aye, I do not mind that at all love." he carries a few bags with him as he and Emma walked inside. Hope begins to cry. "Hope, do not cry sweetie. Are you hungry?"
"Emma, feed Hope. I got the shopping bags."
"Thank you, honey." They kiss. Emma brings Hope up to her room to be fed. "Hope, did you have fun at the park with mommy?" Hope cooed and smiled. "Yes, I love my special time with you. I cannot wait for our family trip next week. We get to travel on an airplane, your first airplane ride. You and Daddy will love Florida, especially the ocean air." Emma feeds Hope and puts in her crib for a nap. Emma takes a nap herself. Killian picks up Henry after he was done at Allison's house. Henry came home exhausted and napped with Emma on her bed. Killian takes a picture of Henry and Emma sleeping together. "I love capturing family moments." He hears Hope's cry. "Little love, Daddy is coming." He takes Hope out of her crib and talks to her as he snuggled her. "Hope, Daddy missed you today little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "I know you have fun one on one time with Mommy. Tomorrow, you Mommy and Henry are all going to ride my ship the Jolly Roger." Hope smiles. "Aye, you are my little pirate princess, Hope!" He kisses her and talks to her enjoying his quality time with his daughter and his wife and son were sleeping in the next room.

Happy Beginning Captain Swanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें