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The Swan-Jones family life went back to normal after Emma rescued Killian from Morgana. Emma and Killian were both overprotective of each other, Emma was still in recovery. Killian returns home from the Sheriff Station and finds Emma writing a list while Hope played in the living room. "Morning, love."
"Morning." They kiss.
"What are you writing?"
"A grocery list for Thanksgiving. It is in a few days. With the company we are having over on Thursday, I am figuring out how much food we need to cook. Allison is helping us cook some of the food at her houses since we need more than one oven to cook everything."
"Love,I will buy all of the groceries at the store." Hope toddled to her Daddy.
"Hi, Hope. I know a little pirate needs a diaper change." He holds Hope on his hip. "Do you want to go to the grocery store with Dada?"
"Mommy." Emma kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Mommy is coming too baby girl." Emma was getting ready, she hears Killian talking to Hope, she looked from the doorway, Killian pointing at Hope in the mirror. "Who is the little lass in the mirror?" Hope babbled. "The little pirate." Hope babbled. "That is right, little love, you, Hope. You are so beautiful you take after your Mommy." He tickles Hope. Emma took a picture on her iPhone and returns to her room. Hope sees her Mommy and walks into the room carrying her Barney doll. "Mommy."
Emma kneels down to Hope's level. "Do you want to take your Barney to the grocery store?" Hope babbled. "Up!"
"Yes, little duckling, up!" She holds Hope on her hip. Hope babbled. She gave Hope kisses on her cheek and hears Kilian iPhone. "I love seeing my two loves smiling."
Emma smiles."We are very happy because we are all in the same realm. Right Hope?" Hope babbled a lot.
"Hope, Mommy is letting you bring your Barney doll to the grocery store?" Hope screamed.
"Yes, your Mommy is the best."
"She has the best Daddy, too which is you." They kiss. Killian drives his family to the grocery store in the yellow bug since their family car is still in mechanics from the storm. Killian gets the cart, Emma puts Hope in. "Killian, we have to be careful. Our little pirate loves grabbing everything she sees."
Killian chuckles. "Hope can help me grocery shop. Right Hope?" Hope babbled. Killian pushes the cart and lets Hope grab the small items, which Emma took pictures of. "You are helping Daddy, little love." Hope shows him, Barney. "Aye, Barney is helping us shop too."
Emma chuckles. "Baby, are you helping Daddy?" Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Emma takes Hope from the cart and holds her Barney. "Hope, you want to be Mommy's helper?" Hope babbled and hugs her. "You just want to be hugged." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hopey. It is getting close to your naptime. "
"Love, I will get the turkey." Killian goes to another aisle. Emma walked around with Hope until they saw Regina.
"Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope."
"She loves saying your name."
"It is cute." Hope shows Regina her Barney doll "Hope, is that a purple dinosaur?"
"Regina, it is Barney the dinosaur, from a television show called Barney and Friends. I showed Hope into the show and loves it."
"Yes, Auntie Allison bought you the Barney doll." Hope babbled.
"How is being back home after rescuing Killian?"
"We are both overprotective of each other but we are alright. We are shopping for Thanksgiving."
"What dessert do you want me to bring?"
"Definitely pies, bring a few. We are having a lot of company over."
"Let me guess the whole team that helped you get Killian back."
Emma smiles, "Maybe." Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is your naptime. You can nap on me while I talk to Regina."
Regina smiles." Hi, Hope. Hope, it is your nap time. Listen to your Mom."
"Hope was helping Killian and me grocery shop." Hope cried more and hugs her Mommy. "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl. Shh..shh...I am not anywhere. I am holding you and your Barney doll."
"Regina, I will see you soon. I have to take Hope to the car."
"I will tell Killian. Hope needs her nap." Emma brings Hope to the yellow bug. Hope was still crying. "Hopey, we are in the yellow bug car." She gets Hope's quilt and wrapped around her daughter. Hope just wanted her Mommy. "Hopey, you are with Mommy, baby girl." She hugs her daughter eventually falls asleep. Emma loves when Hope is sleeping on her, she kisses Hope on her head. "I love you so much, baby girl. You will always have me." Emma remembers her memories created when she found this car, when she met Neal, when they stole, being on the run, when she stole Neal's watches, when she got the car back after prison time for Neal's time, moving around, sleeping in the car and the rest of the bad times. The good times were taking Henry to Storybrooke which changed her whole life around, having a home, family and true love. Henry, Killian, and Hope were her happy beginning. Killian finished grocery shopping and found his two loves in the car. Emma snaps out of her daydream, Killian was back and Hope was still sleeping on her and they were shopping for their second Thanksgiving. He loaded the trunk. "Hey."
"Hello, love. You can sit with Hope, I can put more groceries in the passenger seat." After he finished loading the car, "Hope gave you a rough time?"
"Kind of. She just wanted to snuggle with me while she napped. I love our snuggles."
"She is just happy to have one on one time with her Mommy." Emma smiles.
"She just wanted me all for herself. She would not stop crying when I was talking to Regina and I had to take her here to calm down."
Killian chuckles their little lass is so much. "Our little lass reminds me of you."
"She is my mini-me." She carefully puts Hope back in her carseat and buckled her in, Hope fusses. "Hope, I am staying right next to you. Daddy filled our car with so many groceries." Killian smiles. He drove his family home and unloaded the car and put groceries away while Emma snuggled with sleeping Hope in the living room. He knew there was something on his swan's mind. He sits next to his wife and daughter. "Are you okay? I saw your face when I was returning to the car, you were thinking..."
"It was nothing."
"Emma, I know you by now." He wrapped his arm around his wife. "You can tell me anything, love."
"I got thinking of how I got my yellow bug, the bad memories all came back to I stole a stolen car, to being a thief, being on the run, having no home, sleeping in the car and how I got the car after...prison.." He hugs his wife. "I was alone, abandoned and being used...the only happy memories in that car when Henry found me, you being my deputy and husband, and being Hope's mommy and she is our little sheriff. The only happy memories in that car were from you, Henry and Hope. When you came back to the car, I snapped out of my bad memories and knew that I have you, Hope and Henry in my life, I am not alone anymore...I told you it was nothing."
"Emma, you survived being in that blood awful system, the streets, the prison where you should not have been in, giving up Henry and being a bondswoman,until Henry found you. That is survival love. There is no shame in that..." Emma leans on his chest and he hugs her. "You are my strong brave wife, who is a survivor just like me."
"When you snapped me out of my bad memories, it helped me realized where I am now and what I am thankful for Thanksgiving, you and our children."
"Aye, we made our family together with love and our home with our children."
"I will still alone if Henry has not found me."
"Aye, I will still be a pirate seeking revenge if I have not found you. It is not Thanksgiving yet but every day I am thankful for my beautiful wife and our family."
"Every day, I am thankful for you. I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. Hope wakes up crying.
"Hope, sweetie. We are at home. Mommy talking to Daddy. Are you hungry?" She nurses Hope. "There you go, little duck."
Over the next few days, Emma, Killian, and Henry were busy cooking and cleaning for Thanksgiving. Killian lifted everything for his wife since she was still in recovery. The day before Thanksgiving, Emma was chopping up vegetables for stuffing, Henry was helping Hope make a drawing of a turkey on her high chair. He let her color in the turkey after he traced her hand. "Hope, it looks so good, little sis."
"Mommy." Hope holds her drawing. Emma sees Hope's picture. "That is a pretty turkey picture." Hope colors more. "Mom, I had a feeling Hope was going to be an artist."
"You were right, she is like all of us." Henry showed Hope stickers.
"Hope, do you want stickers on your drawing?" He showed his sister colorful ocean theme stickers.
"Hope. Henry got your ocean stickers."
"Dad got them for Hope. I thought she will like them."
"Stickers are new for Hope. We got to teach her." Emma shows Hope what stickers are and places a few of them on her face. Hope smiled, Emma taught her how to take off stickers. Hope put them on her Mommy's face.
Henry faces his baby sister. "Hope, can I have stickers too?" Hope places stickers on her brother's face.
"Hope, you want to draw and color the Jolly Roger next?" Hope screamed. "That is a good idea, the drawing will go with your stickers."
Emma giggles, "Hope is a mix of us." Hope hands her turkey drawing to her Mommy. "Thank you Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "My little artist. I will put it on our refrigerator so we can all see it." Hope babbles.
"Mom, wait..." Henry writes down Hope's name on the bottom.
"Perfect." Emma puts an anchor magnet on top of Hope's drawing, Hope's first artwork on the wall which she loves. Henry and Hope clapped their hands.
"Little sis, your artwork is on the fridge. Now everyone can see your drawing." Hope babbled. "More art? You definitely are my little sister." He tickles Hope which makes her laugh and he draws an outline of the Jolly Roger. Hope colors in her picture. Henry was trying to help.
Ema chuckles. "Kid, Hope knows how to color from you, let her color. You can help me with the stuffing." Hope about to put the crayon in her mouth Emma stopped her. "Hope, is not food." Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope out of her high chair. "Hope, you can still color. You cannot eat the crayons, okay? They are yucky. I do not want you to get sick." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are not in trouble. Mommy is not mad." She holds her daughter until Hope calmed down. "You want to color your picture?" Hope babble. She puts Hope back in her high chair.
"Mom, I will do art with, Hope." Killian returns home, finds his family in the kitchen, Emma and Henry were covered in stickers. "Hello, my swan with stickers." Emma chuckles.
"Our little duckling gave Henry and me stickers. She did not want them on her artwork but she wanted them on us."
Killian smiles, knowing his little lass is like his swan."Aye, I can see that." He goes to his little love. "Hi, Hope." Hope shows her Daddy her coloring. "Ah, you are coloring with Henry."
Killian smiles proudly at his little pirate. "It is beautiful Jolly Roger drawing, Hope." Hope gave her Daddy a few stickers on his face. "You are making me more handsome?" Hope babbles. Emma took pictures of their father and daughter moment. Hope babbles. "You are done coloring?"
"Wawa! Da-da."
"Dad, Hope wants you to see her drawing." He takes Hope out of her high chair and holds her. She gives her drawing to her Daddy."Thank you, Hope. I love your artwork." Hope babbles, "Wa-wa." He kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Aye, my little pirate artist. I will put it on my wall in our captain quarters."
"Mommy." Emma looks at Hope's drawing and smiled big.
"Hope, I love it!" She kisses Hope on her cheek. "My little artist."
Killian helps Emma cook. Henry sets Hope down on the floor and she walks around opening cabinets and taking out of pots and pans. Emma kneels down to Hope, "Hope, can I have that pan? I need to cook." Hope gave her Mommy the pan. "Thank you, baby girl. You like being my little helper." Hope screams which made Emma chuckle. They continue to cook, Hope was around Emma hugging her legs or patting them for attention. "Swan, you cooked the stuffing and cleaned the turkey. You need a cooking break. I can make the cranberry sauce after I put the turkey in the fridge.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome, love." They kiss. "Our little lass is telling you to play with her. Right Hope? You want Mommy to play with you?"
Emma smiles and holds her daughter. "You are right. I do need a cooking break. I need to play with my little duckling." They kiss. Emma plays with Hope in the living room, Emma lied down on the floor as Hope was sitting on her stomach babbling away, while she was singing songs to her daughter. Henry could not help but take pictures of his sister with their Mom. He loves seeing his Mom playing with Hope. Emma was chasing around Hope. "I am going to get you...I am going to get you..." She scoops Hope into her arms, "I caught you." She gives her tickles and raspberries making her laugh. Killian was taking a video of Emma playing with Hope on is iPhone until she began to cry. "Hopey." She puts her daughter on her lap.
Killian sits next to his two loves. "Hope, do you want Dada's hook."
"Yes." She holds her Daddy's hook as her parents look at each other smiling, their daughter's new word. "Hope, your new word, baby girl."
"Aye, I have a feeling we are going to hear that word a lot." They both laugh. Henry took a picture of his family in their proud moment with his sister. Henry kneels to his baby sis, "Hope, do you love me?"
Henry smiles. "I love your new word, Hope!" Hope chews on her Daddy's hook. "You are a little pirate."
The next morning, Hope was sleeping with her parents. Hope climbs onto her Daddy, "Da-da!!"
Killian smiles waking up seeing his little lass who is a morning person just like him."Good morning, Hope. Happy Thanksgiving. Let's go play in your room." He lets Emma sleep in. He takes Hope into her room, he let her walk around as he was getting her outfit ready for the day. Hope gets "The Ugly Duckling," book and brings sit to her Daddy."Dada!" Killian smiles and kneels to Hope. "I will read you the book after I change your diaper." He lets hold the book as he was changing her into a thanksgiving outfit. Hope babbles happily. He brings Hope to the rocking chair and read her favorite story. Emma woke up hearing Killian reading to Hope their favorite story through the baby monitor, which she loves. She goes downstairs and cleans up. The parade was about to start, Henry came down and turned on the television. "Happy Thanksgiving, Mom." He hugs his Mom.
"Thank you, Henry."
"We are going to watch the parade right?"
"Yep, that is right. Hope and Dad are coming."
"Yes, I had feeling Hope gave Dad a had time when he stopped reading the ugly duckling."
"Yes, you are right." Emma heard Hope crying meaning storytime was over. Killian brought Hope down.
"Hopey." She takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, why are you crying?"
Hope hugged her Mommy."Mommy b-b-b-..." Emma loves hope saying their favorite story.
"Hope, Mommy will read you the book later. We are going to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade on television. You will see all the balloons and singers and marching bands."
"You are going to stay with me the whole time. We can snuggle. I love your hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope calmed down, Emma sat next to Killian and Henry. Kilian wrapped his swan into his arms. They were enjoying the family tradition that they started last year, watching the Thanksgiving Parade. Emma loves their family traditions, so does Killian, they are having traditions for their children unlike their childhoods no family or holiday traditions. Emma nurses Hope who eventually falls asleep on her. Killian puts the turkey in the oven. He can tell Emma was nervous. "Love, are you okay?"
"I just want our thanksgiving to be better than last year."
"It will be better than last year even though Hope is being your mini-you, stubborn."
"I rather have our little girl being stubborn for a little while than injured one."
"Aye, you are right swan." He rubs Hope's cheek, "Our little love takes after her Mommy. I know she will have fun today because her ocean princess's best friend is coming to celebrate."
"I did forget to tell you who I am arranging a playdate with...."
"Who swan?"
"You arranged a playdate for our daughter to play with the child of the bloody crocodile?"
"Gideon is also Belle's son."
"Aye. you are right. Belle and I are friends."
"Rumpletstilskin did help us find you without a price...Belle and Gideon told him to help us because I did help them give another chance of parents..."
"Aye, I still think it is weird how adult Gideon was your enemy and now he is a little lad."
"I know, it is weird. Gideon went straight to Hope when she was crying for you. I have a feeling they will be great friends. Even if their Daddy's are arch enemies."
"Aye, Hope can have her playdate with Gideon just as long I am there."
"The babies will have their playdate at the library or here but the first one in the library."
"Still, I want to watch our little love." Emma loves Killian being an overprotective Daddy of their daughter.
"You can bring Hope to her playdate. Gideon is nothing like his adult self. I would not even plan a playdate if somebody will hurt Hope."
"You are right but I will being Hope."
"You can bring Hope to her playdate."
"Love, I will put the stuffing in the oven." Hope wakes up. "Hi, little love. Did you have a good nap?" Hope babbles. Henry comes back downstairs.
"Hope, do you want to do art with me?" Hope babbles. Henry takes Hope upstairs. Emma and Killian snuggle on the couch. "I am just so happy that you are home."
"Aye, you are my strong brave brilliant wife captain swan. What you did was amazing. Your plan on how to rescue me."
"I was being creative and when II used everyone's abilities with what I had, like when we rescued Henry in Neverland. All I could think of getting you back to me."
"I knew you were going to find me, love."
Emma blushes. "I did." He kisses her on the cheek.
"My brilliant swan."
"You save me, I save you."
"That is why you are my true love."
"Yes, we are perfect for each other." They kiss. The afternoon came, Ariel, Prince Eric, Melody, and Max were the first guests to arrive, Emma and Killian opened the door. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving."
"Emma, thank you for inviting us."
"You are very welcome, Ariel." Melody babbled.
"Hi, Melody. Hope is upstairs playing with Henry." Max barks and goes upstairs to find Henry and Hope. Henry was helping Hope with a thanksgiving gift for their parents. Max barges in and licks them both, "Hi, Max." Hope screamed happily.
From downstairs, "Max found Hope and Henry."
"Aye, that sounds like it." Melody babbles and reaches out for Emma.
"Ariel, I can hold her." Melody babbles happily. "Hi,Melody!"
Prince Eric carries a cake, "Killian, where can I put this?"
"Aye, I will show you." He leads him to the kitchen and the two fathers talk about sailing. Henry brought down Hope with Max trailing behind. Hope screams seeing her best friend.
"Mommy." Henry gives his Mom to hold Hope. He took pictures of his Mom holding both of the babies. Hope hugs Melody.
"Love, I think they want to play in the living room."Hope babbles.
"Hope, you can play with Melody." Emma brought them to the living room and let the babies play. Emma and Ariel talk while watching the babies, Henry talked with Prince Eric and his Dad about sailing, while Max was playing with everyone. The next guest arrived was Elsa. Emma answered the door. "Emma."
"Elsa!" They hug. "Come in."
"I brought cupcakes."
"Thank you. You can bring them to the kitchen." Elsa joined Emma and Ariel in their chat. The doorbell rang, it was Regina. Henry answered the door. "Mom!" He hugs his Mom. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving Henry." They talk in his room after she brought in desserts her apple turnovers. They hear Hope crying, Emma was in Hope's room changing her outfit, turkey outfit with a matching bow headband. "You are okay, Hope. Don't cry." She sets Hope e down and she walks into Henry's room by opening the door.
"Hope, why are you crying little sis?" He scoops her into his arms. Hope hugs her brother. "You want to play with me? Or story time?" Hope babbles. "We can have storytime. Mom, Hope will be with me."
"She had a poop explosion which got her upset."
"Hope wants her big brother." Hope hugs her brother. Emma and Regina left Hope with Henry and went downstairs, Allison arrived with Connor Lizzie and Ted. Ted was teaching the pirate and prince about football. Allison hugs Emma. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison."
"Where are Hope and Henry?"
"They are in Henry's room. Hope got really upset and she wanted to be with Henry."Emma sees Elsa playing Lizzie. "I see Lizzie met Elsa."
Allison smiles. "Yes, they are becoming close friends." They want into the kitchen to arrange desserts and talk. Charming arrives."Emma."
"Happy Thanksgiving."
"Thank you. I am very happy that you came."
"I would not miss it." Henry brings Hope downstairs. "Happy Thanksgiving, henry and Hope."
"Thank you, gramps."
"I have something for both of you." He gave Henry and Hope, chocolate turkey lollipop each.
"Dad, I will take Hope's, I do not want her to choke."
Hope sees Allison. "Antie!" Henry lets Hope walk to their Aunt Allison. Allison loves how Hope always runs to her to give her a big hug, "Hi, Hope. Happy Thanksgiving."
Henry hugs his aunt. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"Happy Thanksgiving Henry."
"I helped Mom cook the stuffing."
"Oh, really? I brought extra stuffing, pumpkin pie, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top."
"That sounds good."Hope babbled.
"Hope, you will like my sweet potatoes." Henry played video games with Connor. Allison and Emma and Ariel talked while Hope was playing with Max in the living room. Emma had to check on the food, all Hope saw were so many people around her, Charming, Regina, Elsa, Lizzie, Connor, her aunt's family, Ariel, and her family. Hope cried so loud, "Mommy!" Killian scoops Hope into his arms seeing his Hope scared. "Little love...Dada is here...dada...Mommy is in the kitchen...everything is okay..." Emma rushes into the room.
"Hope." Hope just cried. "Killian..."
"Emma, she just started crying." Killian takes Hope into the kitchen. Emma and Allison followed. "I think she is overwhelmed." He hugs his daughter. "Hope, everything is alright, little love."
Emma holds her daughter. "Hopey...little duckling, you are with Mommy and Daddy. Shh...shh...Mommy is here...mommy is here...shhh...shh...Mommy and Daddy are not going anywhere. We are all home together. It is okay to have people over for the holiday. I know you are not used to it but everything is okay." Hope calmed down. "Allison, Hope has been extra clingy to Killian and I."
"Aye, she has been more attached to both of us."
"Emma and Killian, you two both been through a lot lately, Hope probably got afraid with the extra people in the house and not seeing both of you, she probably got afraid." She rubs her neice's hand. "Hope, your parents are safe." Hope grabbed her Aunt Allison's finger.
"Little love, Daddy and Mommy are not going anywhere. We are both at home."
"Hope, you want to talk with Mommy and Auntie?" Hope babbled.
Killian smiles. "That sounds like our little love. She loves girl talk." Hope babbles. "You can talk to Mommy and Auntie Allison. Dinner is almost ready." Killian checks on the turkey and went to the living room to talk to the rest of their guests. "Allison, is she having anxiety?"
"Emma, she is too young for anxiety. She is not used to having so many people in the house. You and Killian have been through a lot recently, losing each other, storms and a war. Hope just wants to know that you are not going to leave her..."
"Hope, I am not going to leave you. Dada and Mommy find each other all the time. No matter what happens you are not going to lose Mommy and Daddy. " Hope hugs her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy will never leave you or abandon you like I was as a child. You always will have me." Killian puts his hand on his wife's shoulder.
"Emma, she will always have both of us."
"Dada." Hope grabs his hook.
"Yes, little love, Dada is here." Emma was holding Hope as everyone else set the kitchen for Thanksgiving dinner. Henry set up the table with decorations to make the table more festive. Emma and Killian sat together with Hope on her lap, Henry was on Emma's other side with Regina on the other. Allison and her family were across from Emma, Elsa sitting next to Lizzie, Ariel, Melody, Prince Eric and Charming. Emma knew her daughter was happy to be with her, which she loves and Killian at her side, he made Hope's plate a little of everything, which Hope enjoyed. Emma loves seeing everyone gathered around the table, talking, laughing
"Emma, Hope loves her Thanksgiving dinner." Hope eats the sweet potatoes.
Emma chuckles seeing her daughter covered in her Thanksgiving meal. "Yes, she is happy she can eat Thanksgiving dinner this year. Allison, Hope loves the sweet potatoes you made." Hope clapped her hands.
"I am happy you like them, Hope."
"Aunt Allison they are really good. I agree with Hope." Hope places her orange potato covered hands onto Henry's arm. "Hope." Hope babbles. He gently tickles her.
"Henry not too hard. She can choke."
"Yes, Mom. Hope we will play later." Hope screams which made the adults laugh.
Regina leans to Hope. "Hope, Henry is the best big brother?" Hope hugs Henry.
"Henwy." Emma, Killian, and Regina were in awe. Allison took a picture of Henry and Hope. Hope babbles. "You are thankful for me? Mom Hope is starting, the what we are thankful for." Emma smiles. "Who else are you thankful for?"
"Mommy...Da-da...Auntie." Everyone was in awe, Emma and Killian were holding hand and hook seeing their daughter and son being grateful for them.
"I am next, I am grateful for my mom, my other mom, my dad, Hope, my aunt Allison, gramps and being able to fight in battles finally and use my sword which is awesome."
Emma chuckles. "Lad, we will have more sword lessons, soon."
"Yes!" Everyone went around telling everyone what they were grateful for. Hope was sitting with Henry. Emma and Killian were last. "Love, you are next." He wrapped his arm around his swan. "I am thankful for my home, my Killian who will always love me and be there on my side and how our true love is strong enough that no matter what happens we will always find each other. I am also thankful for our two children Henry and Hope and our friends who are here today."
"I am last. I am thankful for my swan, if I have not met you in the Enchanted Forest I would be still a pirate seeking out for revenge and not have any love in my life or our two children.
"So your not mad at me for locking you up with the giant?"
"Not anymore knowing your past." She hugs him. "I am not going anywhere."
"Neither am I." Henry carries Hope to his room and brings down the present.
"Mom, Dad, this is from Hope and I." He gives them a big card with a turkey made up of Hope's handprints, "Happy Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad." Henry list down why they are thankful for them. "Best sailing teacher, best Mommy and Daddy, to my future magic instructor." Emma was in tears."Henry, Hope, Come here." She hugs them. "I love it."
"Lad, I love it too." They had a family hug. Hope babbled a lot. "Aye, little love. I see your artwork." after dinner and dessert, Hope was playing with Melody, Lizzie, and Max in the living room while the Moms' talk in the living room. Killian was talking to Prince Eric,Ted and Charming in the kitchen cleaning up. Henry and Regina were talking in his room. When Melody needed to leave, Hope hugs her best friend. "Tay..." Killian took a picture of Hope not wanting her best friend to leave. Ariel kneels down to Hope. "Hope, we are going to visit soon. I promise." Ariel holds Melody and hugs Emma. "Emma, thank you for inviting us."
"You are very welcome. Thank you for coming."
"We had so much fun. We will visit soon. I know Hope and Melody will play a lot." Hope hugs her Mommy's legs. Emma puts Hope on her hip. "I know they will play a lot the next time you come over." Ariel and her family left. She sees Allison and Elsa talking with Lizzie, happily knowing her best friends are getting along. Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Swan, I know it is our little duckling's bath time."
"Hope, Mommy will read you a bedtime story after your bath." She kisses her on the cheek. Killian takes Hope upstairs for a bath. Elsa leaves, after telling Lizzie all of their adventures in Maine or back in Arendelle. Emma hugs Elsa. "Emma, I had fun today. I will definitely bring Anna next time."
"I had a feeling my niece will love you."
"Yes, I am happy to make her happy. I will visit soon." Charming hugs Emma next.
"Dad, I will see you soon. I am going back to work soon."
"We are going to Granny's before our next patrol." They hug. Charming leaves with Elsa, he wanted to know about Anna and Kristoff. Allison brought leftovers home. "I am bringing a little bit of everything home."
"I can tell." She hugs her best friend. "Thank you."
"For what?'
"Being my best friend giving me parenting advice."
"You are welcome. Don't worry about Hope. She just overwhelmed by the number of guests you had over. We need to have granny's soon and talk."
"Definitely." They hug. Emma goes upstairs hearing Hope screaming for joy with Killian was talking to her and playing with her. Emma just stood and watched them thankful for her amazing husband and Daddy to both of their children. Regina leaves. Henry hugs Mom. "Mom, did you have a good thanksgiving?"
"Yes, kid. I did. This is the best one yet."
"Yes, Mom. Hope is not hurt but happy this year."
"I was worried about her getting hurt."
"Mom, Leo did not come."
"I know, it is my job to worry because I do not want you or Hope injured."
"You are doing your job right." Emma changes Hope into her pajamas and lets her chase henry around to tire herself out before bedtime. Emma and Killian snuggled in the living room after he set up a fire. Henry brings down crying Hope. They joined their parents on the couch, drank hot cocoa as Emma, Killian, and Henry took turns reading stories from Henry's storybook until Hope and Henry fell asleep. "Perfect Thanksgiving Emma?"
Emma smiles. "Yes. Everyone was here is our friends and our family, everyone got along, Hope did not get hurt and it was a great day. It was all I ever wanted for Thanksgiving."
"Aye, I know we will have Thanksgiving like this every year."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Emma."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Killian." They kiss. Emma and Killian were grateful for each other, husband and wife, having their family and rescuing each other and always be at each other's side.

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