Baby Sprinkle

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It was July 19th, the day of Emma's surprise baby sprinkle, Henry and Killian prepared to go sailing. Killian goes up to his room to watch his swan sleeping in. He kisses his swan on her blonde head. "I love you so much, my Emma. I will see you and our two little loves later." As Killian was walking downstairs, he heard little footsteps. He turned around seeing Hope.
"Hi, little love." Hope jumped into her daddy's arms and hugs him. "Dada is going on the Jolly Roger with Henry. You are going to have a girls' day with Mommy."
"Want to go sailing Dada."
"You do?"
"You can join Dada and Henry on the Jolly Roger. We can let Mommy rest."
"Olly woger adventuwe."
"Aye, a sailing adventure." He gets Hope ready and texts Henry that Hope was joining them. Hope was walking around downstairs. Killian goes to Emma. "Emma...Emma..."
Emma wakes up. "Killian? You are still here?"
"Yes. Hope is coming with Henry and I sailing."
"Killian, are you sure? I know Henry wanted to have one on one time with you."
"Emma, Hope will have fun with Henry and me, love. I do want to spend time with my two children. Also, you can have some time for yourself."
Emma smiles. "I do need to sleep in, I have not slept in since before Hope was born. With Leia on the way, I can use some sleeping in while I still can."
"Aye, love. My two pirates are going to have fun with their dad."
"Our pirates have the best captain in all the realms, their Dad." They kiss.
Killian kisses his swan's baby bump. "Littlest pirate, Leia. You are going to join Dada sailing when you are born. I know you love the ocean already. For now, you need to grow inside of your Mommy."
"Leia and I are going to be fine. Have fun with Henry and Hope."
"Thank you, love. See you later." They kiss. Killian goes downstairs seeing Hope waiting for him at the door. "Are you ready to sail, Hope?"
"Yes, weady, Dada!!" Killian opens the door and walks hand and hook with his little lass to the docks.
Emma smiles hearing Hope's excitement to go sailing. She rubs her baby bump. "Leia you are going to join your big brother and sister sailing with your Dada." She lies down back into bed. "I get the whole bed to myself." Leia kicks. She smiles, her daughter is listening to her. "I mean we got the whole bed to ourselves, little duckling." She gets the remote and turns on Netflix and watched Outlander.
When Killian and Hope arrived at the docks, "Steer olly Woger dada."
"Aye, you can." Hope goes to the steering wheel. Henry was setting the sails up. Killian was lowering the anchor, which made a loud splash. He returned to the steering wheel and began steering into a deeper part of the ocean. Henry was behind them controlling the motor. "Hope, are we going starboard or port?"
"Aye, starboard, it is."
Emma was enjoying her morning off, she was able to read for fun and sipping her decaf coffee after sleeping in. She was able to watch more Netflix after her nap. Emma waddles to Leia's room which is mostly ready for her arrival. She sits in the rocking chair and rubs her huge baby bump. "Leia, I am in your bedroom baby girl. I cannot wait for you to come so you can sleep in your beautiful room." She reads one of Henry's Harry Potter books in her room. She hears Henry and Hope.
Henry finds his Mom in her bedroom. "Mom! Sailing was awesome!"
"That is great, kid. "
"How was staying at home? Kid-free?"
"I got to sleep in and relax and read a book. How was Hope?"
"She had fun with us."
Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her. "Hi Mommy!"
"Hi, Hope. I heard you had fun today."
"Yes, it was fun!"
"Swan, Allison called me. She wants us to come over for lunch."
"She does? She did not tell me about it."
"She did not get a chance to call you at work so she called me instead."
"Okay, I will get ready."
Killian drove the yellow bug to the Cameron's residence. Emma was wearing a pink dress with her hair down. "I love your dress."
"Thank you. You did bought this for me."
"Aye, yes, I did." Emma chuckles. Henry and Hope went ahead inside, Allison holds Hope and Henry got his camera ready.
Emma waddles to the house. "I hate being so slow."
"I don't mind, that means I get to spend more time with my favorite person in the world. You."
Emma smiles her husband is being so cheesy. They entered the house. "Where is everyone?"
They entered the living room. "SURPRISE!! Happy baby sprinkle!!" Emma was surprised, Gepetto, August, Archie, Pinocchio, Granny, Red, Dorothy, Ashley, Alexandra, Mike, Ava, Nicholas, Ariel, Prince Eric, Melody, Liam, Belle with Gideon and Rumplestilskin, were all there with Allison her family and Henry and Hope. "Allison?"
"I had to throw my best friend a baby sprinkle to celebrate my goddaughter on the way." They hug.
"You really..?"
"Yes, it was me and Killian."
"Emma, it was me and Allison's idea, love. We wanted to throw you a party to celebrate Leia on the way." Emma began crying. Killian hugs his wife. "Everyone wanted to celebrate our daughter on the way." She hugs her husband.
"You are amazing, you know that?"
"I do." Emma chuckles.
"Supwise Mommy!"
"Hope, did you know about the party?"
"Yes! Party for baby sister!"
"I helped Hope keep it a secret from you."
"You two!" She hugs her children.
"Brother!" Killian and Liam hug. "I could not miss my niece on the way baby sprinkle."
"Thank you for coming, Liam."
"Uncle Liam!"
"Hi, Hope!" He holds Hope.
Killian lead Emma to a seat, Granny, Alexandra, Red, and Lizzie all came to talk to Emma. Killian greeted other guests.
Allison had a game planned for the guests, "Everyone! I have a game. Lizzie, can you pass the diapers around?"
"Oh bloody..."
Allison chuckles. "It is a guessing game, you have to guess what candy is in the diaper, Killian."
"Auntie, I know the answers."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, I helped Mommy with the game. I also helped Mommy with the present for my cousin."
Emma hugs Lizzie. "Your cousin is going to love you." The game began, everyone was in teams, sniffing diapers of candy. Lizzie had the answers, milk chocolate Hershey bar, chocolate pudding, Milky Way bar, crunch bar, and dove chocolate bar. Red won of course since she is part wolf. Hope and Melody were walking around talking.
After party games, it was time to open presents. Emma and Killian were both opening presents, a lot of new onesies, blankets, swaddlers, bath toys, baby lotions, and diapers all for Leia. Gepetto gave the parents a new wooden cradle, Ariel gave ocean theme onesies and dresses for Leia. August made Leia a wooden duckling. Mulan got Leia sheriff onesie. Granny made Leia a blanket. "Emma, you can tell me her name and I will sew it on."
"Thank you, granny. I will. this looks exactly like mine."
Liam gives Emma and Killian his gift. He held the box so his wife can open the box, which was a purple onesie, Yaar just jealous I be a pirate. Killian smiles. "Liam, your niece is going to look so cute in this."
"I agree with my husband, she is going to love it."
"There is more."
Emma looks more into the box which was more pirate theme girl onesies and a pirate teddy bear. "Awww. Liam, your niece is going to love the pirate teddy bear."
Mike gave their gift. "Emma, this is from me, Ava and Nicky."
"Thank you, Mke." Emam opens the box which was a soft yellow bug car, and a yellow bug onesie. "Aww, this is how I first met you all, when you found Ava and Nicky in my yellow bug. They got home not in foster care." She smiles. Killian held his swan's hand. "My daughter is going to love it."
"Emma, I chose the gift from the three of us."
"Thank you, Ava." She opens the next gift which was from Ashely, a new carrier. "Ashley, I needed a new one."
"It is a new style and comfy to carry the baby in. I know your next daughter is going to be want to be held all the time."
"Thank you, Ashley." She continues to open gifts. Henry was taking pictures of his parents opening the gifts. Allison was making a list of who brought which gift. The guests were awwing every time Emma and Killian opened a gift for Leia. Allison noticed Hope sitting on the steps looking sad. "Ava?"
"Can you keep writing down on who brought which gift?"
"Sure, I can."
"Thank you." She gives Ava the notepad and pen and goes to Hope who was sitting on the staircase. "Hope?" Allison sits next to Hope. "Why are you sitting on the steps and not at the party?"
"Gifts are not for me. It is for Mommy."
"Well, they are gifts for Leia. Like diapers and clothes. This party is to celebrate your baby sister coming." She hugs her goddaughter. "Actually, I have something for the big sister to be." Allison gives Hope her gift. "This is for you!"
"Yes, Hope." Hope opens her gift which was a new dress up princess dress with a toy pearl necklace and tiara. "Ooh a new dwess!!" Hope hugs Allison. "Thank you, auntie."
"You are welcome, Hope." Hope changes into her new princess dress. "Do you want a cupcake?"
"Yes." Hope holds Allison's hand and lead her to the kitchen. "Pink cupcake."
"Here you go."
"Thank you." She bites into the cupcake. "Yummy."
"Did you have fun sailing today?"
"So much fun!! I steer Jolly Woger."
"You did?"
"Yes!" They continue to talk.
Emma was finishing up opening presents, she was looking around for Hope. "Where is Hope?"
Ava, "Hope is with Allison in the kitchen."
"Thank you, Ava." She waddles over to the kitchen seeing Hope eating a cupcake and talking to Allison. "Hope, are you enjoying your cupcake?"
"Mommy!" She hugs her Mommy. "New Dwess!"
"I see your new dress. You are so cute! You look like a princess?"
"Yes, I am. Auntie got me this."
"I see pink frosting on your face."
"Cupcake yummy."
Emma sits next to her daughter. "Whose cupcake is better, mine or Auntie?"
"Are you having fun with Auntie?"
"Yes, cupcake and art. Fun with godmommy."
"Allison, thank you for throwing my baby sprinkle for Leia."
"You are welcome." She gets a present. " I have a gift for my little niece on the way." She gives Emma a present, which she opens, of Disney plushies, of Aurora, Belle, and Ariel. Also a few onesies. "Allison, this can go into Leia's bedroom. She is going to love these Disney plushies and onesies."
"Lizzie helped me choose the Disney plush dolls. I chose the onesies. Leia is going to look so cute in these outfits." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Do you think these Princess dolls go to Leia's room?"
"Yes, my favowite Awiel."
"Your best friend is looking for you. You can show Dada and Melody your new dwess?"
"Yes!" Hope goes back to the living room.
"Al, Hope loves her dress."
"That is why I bought her the dress.
"What is it little love?"
"Auntie got me a new dwess."
"Wow! You look so beautiful, Hope."
"Thank you, Dada." Killian holds Hope.
Back in the kitchen, "Allison, thank you..."
"Emma, I knew when Hope was sad. I noticed it right away. I explained to her that the gifts are for Leia. How are you feeling being 7 months pregnant?"
"Huge and very very tired. Our trip to Florida was fun. Killian surprised me with a trip to New York. He surprised me to a trip to the ballet."
"Ooh, the ballet?"
"Yes, we saw Swan Lake. it was amazing!"
"That is so romantic.
"Yes, it was! Leia was kicking around during the ballet. I have a feeling both of my girls will love ballet."
"You can put Hope into ballet class."
"I was thinking of that, for the fall. I know Rapunzel teaches ballet in town."
"Hope is going to love it. When is your next sonogram of my little niece on the way?"
"Tomorrow morning. Dr.Claire wanted to have my sonogram after my trip."
The doorbell rings. Ted answers the door, it was Leo and Charming. "Leo is not welcome here."
"I know. I need to see Killian."
Ted goes to Killian. "Kilian, Charming, and his son are here to see you."
"Henry? Can you hold your sister?" Henry takes his sister from their Dad. Killian goes to the door. "Charming?"
"I am sorry I am not at the party. Something came up."
"What is it?"
"Mommy is Zelena."
Killian closes the door so his wife does not hear them. "What the bloody hell is he talking about?"
"He knows Zelena is Snow."
"For how long?!"
"He noticed it when Regina released Snow last time. Leo, tell him."
"I saw Mommy looking in the mirror. It was Zelena. She is the one who tells me to do the bad things."
"Snow is in prison in Zelena's body."
"Should we tell Emma?'
"No. Not yet. Mulan is here, she can help us." Killian goes inside and finds Mulan talking to Henry. "Mulan, Henry I need to talk to you both."
"Dad you have a look..."
"Leo told me that Zelena is in Snow White's body?"
Mulan's jaw dropped. "How is that even possible?"
"Zelena has done it to Robinhood. We need my other Mom on this."
"Aye, can you call her? I need to go. I need Mulan's help. Henry, you need not tell your Mom and help her bring everything home."
"I can do that. Text me updates."
"Aye, I will, lad." Mulan heads outside. Killian goes to the kitchen where Emma and Hope was. "Emma, I have to go."
"Go? Where? You are leaving our daughter's baby sprinkle?"
"There is a case."
Emma was mad. "Killian Jones, what is the case?"
"I will let you know what it is when I figure it out."
"You know you are lying to me."
Killian sighs. "It is about your Mom."
"What about her?"
"I need to find out. Before I tell you anything, Emma. I do not want you to go into early labor again. Henry is going to take you home."
"Killian, I can drive Emma and Hope home. Henry drive the car with the baby gifts."
"Thank you, Allison." Killian leaves the house and drives with Mulan to the prison. When they arrived at the prison, Regina was there.
"Would someone explain to me what is going on? Henry told me to meet you all here and something about Zelena."
"Aye, Leo told me and Charming that Zelena is in Snow White's body and telling him to do all the mean things."
"Damn, my sister."
"We need to get them to switch bodies."
"I can use my magic but they need to be in the same building."
Mulan, "I can bring Zelena, in."
"I will bring my wife from the psych ward."
"Aye, where Zelena belongs."
Regina goes to Killian. "Does Emma know?"
"I just told her something is going on with her Mom. I do not want to stress her out, at her baby sprinkle party." Killian drove to the sheriff's station Lily was there to help. Charming had his wife in a cell. Mulan arrives with Zelena/Snow White and puts her in an interrogation room. He enters the interrogation room, "We know who you really are Zelena."
Snow White laughs and her voice changes to Zelena's voice. "It took you all 3 years to find out I switched bodies with Snow White."
Killian faces her. "Why the bloody hell would you do that?'
"To get revenge on Emma of course. She was the reason why I could not be with my daughter. So I got my revenge, by switching bodies with her mother, and ruined their mother and daughter relationship forever."
"You were the one who told Leo what to do. You were the one who kidnapped Hope and almost tried to kill her?"
"Yes, that was me in Snow White's body. I switched bodies back and forth that night. I used Snow White skills for the arrows and used Rowand's magic." Killian squeezed the body.
"That is how the crocodile could not stop Snow White."
"It all makes sense now." Regina lifts her up. "How the hell did you do that Zelena? Take your daughter's magic away?" She puts a handcuff on her sister's arm to stop the magic.
"I found a spell and snuck to find her and sucked her magic out of her."
"Wait, Regina. Before you start hurting your sister. Can you switch their bodies?" Regina had a potion, which Snow White drinks and turns back into herself.
Snow White changes back into herself and in a cell facing Charming."Charming!" Lily and Mulan were watching. Mulan's jaw dropped.
Lily groans, "I have witnessed Zelena switching bodies for revenge twice now."
"Snow!" He opens the cell and they kiss. "Is this really you?"
"Yes. Zelena switched bodies with me. What is going on?"
"Well, we are going to be grandparents again. Emma and Killian are having another baby. Leo has been causing a lot of trouble hurting a lot of people in town, mostly our grandchildren. You or Zelena caused Henry to be bullied in high school and Emma and Killian pulled him out of school to be homeschool. You were suspended from work. No wonder why Gold's lessons were not working or his help did to help us."
"What!?!! Why is he getting lessons from him?!?!"
"He was diagnosed by Archie as a sociopath."
"All because of Zelena. Emma, where is she?"
"She is at her baby sprinkle."
"Why I..."
"When Zelena was in your body she basically ruined Emma's trust with you."
"Aye, Zelena did that because she wanted Emma's relationship to be broken since she did not have one with Rowand."
"Have to go there..."
"Snow, Emma would go into early labor. You have to let me talk to her."
"Whatever Zelena said to Emma were not true."
"Do you believe that Leo does not hurt Hope, Henry or me?"
"I..I do not know."
"He has hurt them, Snow."
Killian,"You said harsh words to Emma. Not believing her about Leo."
Leo goes to Killian. "I do hate Hope."
Snow faces her son. "You do not hurt people, Leo. you do not hate Hope. She is your family."
"I do!! I hate her!! I do love hurting her!!
Snow White slaps Leo in the face, everyone in the room was surprised. "If you ever hurt Hope again, you will get another slap." Killian sees the real Snow White was back. "Killian, can I go see my daughter please?!! I have to explain everything to her myself."
"Zelena kidnapped Hope and almost killed her, also argued with Emma so many times and hurt her and lost Emma's trust."
"I need to explain to her myself. That it was all Zelena in my body, not me."
"Okay...I have to tell Emma first."
"Lily and Mulan can you make sure Regina did not hurt Zelana too much and put her in prison."
Mulan, "We can do that."
"Yes. I just cannot believe Zelena switching bodies with someone else again and changing back."
Regina saw Zelena back to her normal self and hits her. "You ruined Emma's relationship with her Mom for three years?!!"
"Yes, I did. It was fun being Snow White crazy. It was so much fun seeing Emma not trusting her mother, it was glorious."
"Because I cannot see my own daughter!! Since Emma was the reason why I could not be with Rowand."
"It was your fault, Zelena! Not Emma!!" She looks at the window. "Lily."
Lily enters the room. "Yes, Regina?"
"Handcuff her, please. I will go with you to make sure she stays in the prison pyschward." Lily did as she was told.
Allison and Ted drove Emma and Hope home. Most of the guests helped clean up Allison's house. Henry was driving the yellow bug home with the baby gifts. "Mommy."
"Yes, sweetie?"
"Leia will luv her gifts."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she will. Do you love your princess dwess?"
"Yes!! Auntie best auntie."
"Thank you, Hope." They arrived in the house, Emma got Hope out of the car. Allison, Ted, and Ava all carried gifts for Leia into the house. Emma got Hope ready for the bed and herself changed out of her dress.
"Mommy not night-night without Dada."
"Dada is work, sweetie."
"Want stay with you and Leia."
"You can keep me company, sweetie." They snuggle on the couch downstairs.
"Emma, everything for Leia is all set in her nursery"
"Thank you, Allison. Thank you for my baby sprinkle and bringing us home."
"You are welcome, Emma. I know you are nervous about Killian."
"I just want to know what is going on, something is going on with my mom. Killian is not answering his phone."
"Whatever it is, Killian will tell you. He does not want you to stress out."
"You are right."
"I can stay here with you until he comes back."
"You can stay."
"Auntie want Dada."
"Your Dada is coming home soon, little niece."
"Mom, Dad has a good reason for it, trust me. He will tell you. He is not lying to you, Mom."
"Do you know what it is?"
"Yes. There is a possibility that Zelena has switched bodies with grandma and causing all the family drama."
"What!!" Emma began crying. "Zelena has been causing all of the pain?! Because she thinks it is my fault Rowand cannot see her."
"Mom, Dad is going to make sure Zelena is locked up." He hugs his Mom.
"Zelena ruined my relationship with my Mom. You and Hope's relationship with your grandma."
"Emma. Killian will tell you. If it is... you just have to regain your mother's trust."
"I do not want her to hurt my children. I cannot trust her."
"You have a whole group of people who you trust, me, Henry, Killian, your Dad, your squad and the town. If it is true, you have to decide to have your mom in life. If you chose, it may be hard to gain her trust. It is better than not having a mother at all."
Henry hug his Mom. "We all do not trust her Mom."
"I have to see it for myself. Then I will decide."
Ted,"What about Leo?"
"I do not know, Ted."
"Mommy don't twust her."
"I know, baby. That is why I am going to make sure it is her. I don't want her around you and Henry and the baby if she still causes trouble." She hugs her daughter.
Killian arrived home with his in-laws waiting outside. Emma hears Killian and waddles to him. "What did you find out about my Mom?"
He holds her hands. "That Zelena switched bodies with your Mom three years ago and causing mayhem ever since."
"What the hell, Zelena."
"She is in prison in the psych ward, love."
"I-...I cannot believe this."
"Zelena is the one who almost killed Hope, caused Henry bullying in school, telling Leo how to hurt us, it was Zelena who took Rowand magic to control the crocodile, which is why he couldn't help us stop her. Also, she caused all the fights between you two..."
"Really?! This is insane."
"I know but we got your Mom back, Emma. Zelena is in the psych ward in the prison."
Hope goes to her parents. Henry stops her and holds her. "Mommy needs Daddy, little sis."
"Is it really her?"
"Yes, Emma. It is really your Mom." He smiles at her.
"I don't know how I can trust her again."
"Emma, when Leo was telling her how much he hates Hope, she slapped him in the face."
"Yes, and disciplining him. Just talk to her, Emma. She really wants to talk to you. I also checked her before leaving the sheriff's station for any weapons on her. There is none."
"As long you are nearby."
"I am not leaving your side." He opens the door. "Snow. You can come in." Killian goes back to his wife.
Snow White enters the house. Hope began crying. Allison takes Hope to the living room.
"Emma... you are pregnant." She began crying seeing how far along her daughter was. Emma was holding her hormones in. "I know you do not believe that I am me. I am. I have been locked inside of Zelena's body for three years."
Allison carried Hope back to her parents. "Mommy and Daddy are right here, Hope."
"Hope." She looks at her granddaughter. "She has gotten so big." She goes to her Hope who was freaking out.
"No. NO!! NO!!"
Charming lays his hand on his wife's shoulder. "Snow, Hope needs to trust you again."
"Emma, Killian I will take her upstairs." She takes Hope upstairs to her bedroom.
"When Zelena was in your body, she has done a lot of bad things to Hope. Almost killed her."
"Emma, I cannot imagine doing that."
"Aye, it did happen to our daughter. She almost died if Emma and I did not find her on time. She was in the hospital so many times because of Zelena in your body caused her."
"It will take a while for Hope to trust you again because her whole life she has been you as bad. It will take for my children and me to trust you again."
"I am willing to gain her trust again. A better grandma for her and Henry. I will gain your trust back again, Emma."
"I have heard that from you...Zelena...I do not know what to believe anymore." She began crying. Killian hugs his wife. Allison returns with Hope.
"Dada. Ama mean bad."
Killian holds Hope knowing her whole life her grandma was bad to her. "She is not going to be mean to you anymore, little love."
"Don't want her hurt Mommy and baby sis."
"I will make sure she does not hurt Mommy or your sister." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"I am not going to hurt you."
"You lie."
"Hope." Emma takes her daughter from her husband. "Zelena switched bodies with Grandma. Zelena did all the bad things to us, not Grandma."
"Both bad." She gripped her Mommy.
"Grandma, you did lie a lot, hurt yell at Hope and Mom countless of times. Zelena in your body almost killed Hope by kidnapping her when she was sick. If it was not for my parents she would not be here now. You kidnapped Hope so she can be in Mom's life."
"Henry, Hope. That was Zelena. I had nothing to do with it."
"She had done many things to my Mom and sister."
"Henry, Zelena used Rowand's magic to switch my body and hers back and forth making you all believe that it was me and her. I just remember my body being so tired." Hope cries more.
"Mom, I will take Hope upstairs." He takes Hope upstairs. "We are going to have H&H time."
"Zelena was you when you were yelling at me so many times, that you just wanted to be with me even hurting my family."
Snow White was surprised. "Emma, I would never go through countless measures to do that to get you back in my life. I would never do that to Hope or you."
"Are you sure? You would get so mad when Leo hurt Hope."
"I would never."
"What about when Leo first time hurting Hope? Or when Leo yanked Hope's legs and breaks them?"
Snow White began crying. "Why would Leo do that?" She looks at her husband.
"He did that to Hope. Leo says countless of times how much he hates our daughter, Snow."
"Emma, I am sorry Leo hurt Hope so many times. My son has darkness in him...I hate how he has hurt your daughter and your family. I am so sorry, I was not myself, Emma. Zelena being me, missing being your Mom...I lost three years away from you...I missed Hope for three years...I am sorry, Emma. I will be honest with you for now on, to gain your trust and your family's trust"
Emma knew her Mom was telling the truth and began crying. She hugs her Mom. "Mom."
"Mom is here." Killian, Charming were both smiling. This family feud is over, hopefully.
"How far along are you?"
"I am 7 months along. My daughter is due in September."
"In 2 months!"
"Yes, I get my second..."
"She is my daughter."
"I get my second chance to see my daughter being a Mommy again from the very beginning." Emma hugs her Mom. "I will get your trust back, Emma."
"I hope I can. Hope is going to be hard..."
"I understand that, Emma. It will take time for her." She hugs her daughter. "My baby is having another baby." Emma smiles at Killian was smiling at his swan. Their family feud is over.
Emma hears Henry. "I will be right back." Emma waddles upstairs, Killian was behind her.
"Emma, are you okay?"
"I think she is telling the truth. I just need to gain her trust again."
"Mommy!" Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her legs. "Mommy, here."
"Hope, yes I am here. I did not leave. Let's go snuggle."
"My woom." Emma follows Hope to her bedroom. "Bed." Hope climbs onto the bed. "Mommy you and Leia." Emma smiles that her daughter is bossy like her.
"Dad, do you think Grandma is back?"
"I think so,lad. Only time can tell.We all need to get her trust again. Especially, your Mom and Hope."
"You are right, Dad. We all do need to trust her again."
"Dad, I promised Hope a story."
"Aye, lad." He hears arguing downstairs and goes down seeing Ted and Snow White arguing. "What the bloody hell is going on?"
Allison goes to Killian. "Ted thinks Snow White is lying."
"Ted, that all Zelena causing trouble, telling Leo to hurt children, and hurt Hope and Emma."
"Including my daughter?"
"Aye, that was Zelena mate. We all need to get her trust back."
Charming laid his hand on his wife. "Snow, we need to go home to Leo."
"I need to discipline my son more. Killian, please tell Emma that I will see her soon."
"Aye, Snow." Charming and Snow White leave.
Allison goes upstairs. She finds Henry reading to Hope. "Henry, what story are you reading to your sisters?"
"Dada's stowy."
"Leia is moving around hearing Henry's story."
"Mom, it is a pirate tale, both of my sisters are enjoying the story." Emma and Allison both chuckle.
Ted looks at Killian. "You look like you need a beer."
"I am more of a rum person."
"We can do that." They went into the kitchen. Killian poured Ted a glass of rum as he drank from his flask. "How is Emma? Her Mom is back and the one being her Mom for the past three years is Zelena."
"Aye,I think Henry told her in advance, but she is focusing on Hope. I am going to keep her relax as possible. But Zelena..." He sipped his flask. "Always causing trouble ever since she came to this land. I just want my Emma to be happy after what Zelena did, ruining her relationship with her mother. Trust is always a big issue for Emma. For her to gain trust, it took me a few years to gain. With Snow White well, Zelena ruined Emma's trust with her mother. I am going to support my wife no matter what she chooses, to helping her mother's trust again. "
"Hope is going to be the hard one."
"Aye, that is going to be hard because Hope knows all three years of her life her grandmother caused trouble and hurt her. I am not sure who will be hard to get Snow White's trust back Hope or Emma."
After Allison and Ted left, the house, Emma tucks Hope into bed who passed out after Henry's stories. "Good night, Hope. Mommy loves you." She waddles to her bedroom and changes into a pajama shirt. She sits down in bed and places her hands on her baby bump. "Leia, Mommy had a great baby shower. Finding out that Grandma was Zelena all this time causing trouble is just crazy. Zelena was in grandma's body and caused our family harm, especially your big sister. I do not want you, Hope or Henry to have that danger. I don't think I can trust my Mom, the same as I used to before she went crazy." Leia moves. "You think I can? I hope so. It will take time. If I can trust grandma"
Killian sits next to his swan. "Whatever you decide, Emma. I am going to support you."
"I just do not know what to do,I can tell she is not lying anymore. The past three years have been just brutal. I do not know if I can gain her trust again..." She began crying.
Killian hugs his wife. "You have me on your side, Emma. If you do not want her near our family, I support your choice."
"I want my Mom back in my life again...but I am so worried if it is not true, causing arguments, and hurting Hope. I do not know what to believe anymore."
"Time will tell, if Snow White really has changed back to her normal self. We need to watch her when she is around us and our children."
Emma sighs."It will take time to trust her again. There is no way, I am not leaving Hope with her. I do not trust her. For Hope's whole life, she knows her grandma as the person who hurt our family, screaming at her, letting Leo hurt her and us, kidnapping her... I just want our daughter to be safe. When Leia comes, I am hoping to trust her to be around our family by then. If I do not..."
"We are not going to let Snow White around our family until we can fully trust her. I do not want my loves or son to be in any danger. We are going to work together, love, making sure our family stays safe." He hugs his wife.
Emma hugs her husband back knowing he is telling the truth."I have you, Killian at my side. I know we are going to protect our family." She kisses him on his scruffy cheek. "Thank you for planning with Allison our baby sprinkle."
"You are welcome, love. I really wanted to celebrate Leia's arrival."
"I thought it was so sweet of you planning with Allison our daughter's baby sprinkle. I love all of the pirate, Disney, and duckling-themed onesies and blankets everyone got for us."
"Aye, Leia is going to be so spoiled when she arrives." Killian rubs his wife's baby belly. "Leia, you are coming into a family full of love. We had a party full of people so excited to meet you. Mommy, Daddy, Henry and Hope are the most excited to meet you, Leia. Because we are your family,who love you so much." He kisses his wife's baby belly. Leia kicks. "Dada is here." Emma smiles Killian excited to be a daddy again to their second daughter.
"Swan, I got Hope." Killian enters Hope's room, she was crying. "Hope, what is the matter, little love?"
"Want Mommy."
Killian holds Hope. "We are going to Mommy." Hope continues to cry. He carried Hope to his and Emma's room. "Swan, someone wants her Mommy." He puts Hope next to her.
Emma hugs her daughter. "Hope, why are you crying?"
"I am right here, little duckling. You can sleep with us."
"Mommy,Dada, and Leia."
"That is right, little duckling." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Little love time to go night-night."
"Dada home for night-night."
"She would not go to bed without you,home."
Killian smiles. "Aye, I am home, little love." He rubs his little pirate's back until she fell asleep holding onto her Mommy.
Emma looks at her husband, "I will be right back. I have to pee." Killian holds Hope. Emma waddles to their bathroom. She returns to their bed, Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "I have my three loves with me."
"I have you, Hope has her Daddy. Leia is going to have her Daddy whenever she needs him."
"We are going to reassure Hope that she is safe. I want both of our daughters safe."
"We are going to do that."
"Aye, yes. Now,my swan needs to rest." He kisses her on the head.
"I have the best pirate husband ever." She kisses him on his scruffy cheek and placed her hand on Hope's back. "Mommy is here, Hope. Everything is going to be okay." Emma and Killian know Snow White is back, but gaining her trust and trust being around their children will be hard. They will get through this as a family. Emma fell asleep on Killian, grateful for him and their growing family.

** Did you expect Zelena to be Snow White all this time?**

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