Sibling Time

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The night of Emma's return home from her hospital stay after the movie. Killian put Hope in her cradle and carried Emma to bed. Henry woke up and went to bed on his own. "Little Hope, remember we have to let Mommy rest." He kisses Hope on the forehead. Hope woke up an hour later to be fed, Killian brings Hope to Emma who wakes up to the cry of Hope. "Hope, are you hungry?" Killian hands over Hope to Emma. Emma feeds Hope. She kisses Hope on the head as she eats. Killian wrapped his arm around Emma.
"How are you feeling love?"
"A little rested from the nap I just had."
"Aye, once Hope is done I would put her back in her cradle." Hope grips Emma's bra.
She giggles. "Killian. Look at Hope."
"Aye, she knows that she wants you only that is it." He talks to Hope. "Little love, I thought we agreed to let Mommy sleep more. You little pirate."
"Killian, I love my Hope snuggles." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love you need to sleep."
"I know. I need to enjoy the moments that I have with her now when she gets bigger, I won't have these specials time with her anymore."
"Emma, Hope is going to be attached to you when she is older no matter what like she is now. She is going to be attached to you for the rest of her life. You are her Mommy. You can have bonding time like it can be your girl time..."
"Or she can be a pirate like you."
"Aye. She will be like both of us. She has a stubbornness, I have a feeling she will be a lot like you swan."
"You think so?"
"Aye, I know so." After Hope was fed and burped. Emma had Hope on her chest fast asleep. Killian watched both of his lasses sleeping wrapped around his arm. When Hope needed a change, she woke up crying. "Hope, Daddy is going to change you, little love." He gets little Hope off of Emma's chest. He takes Hope to her room. "Hope, do not cry little love. Daddy has you." He changes Hope. "Hope how about you and I have a little story time." He sits on the rocking chair with Hope. "Once upon a time there was a dashing pirate that sailed the seven seas in many different realms. The worse one was called Neverland. Neverland is where children never grow up, it is a children's paradise but it was a place where a little bloody mean green devil ruled the land. In many tales Peter Pan the green little devil is known as a child who never grew up and has fun with the lost boys. In real life, the green devil is an evil boy who loves to play games just to get what he wants from others and hurts people." Hope listened to her Daddy's story looking at her Daddy. Emma overheard Killian's storytime through the baby monitor and falls back to sleep knowing Killian staying up with their daughter and having quality time with her so she can rest. Killian finished his story time with Hope and rocked her as she was falling asleep in his arms. He stayed Hope until she needed to be fed again. Hope slept for 2 more hours until Hope cried again to be fed."Hope, I am bringing you to Mommy little love." He brings Hope back into their room. Emma woke up hearing Hope's cries. "Hope, are you hungry again? Come to Mommy sweetie." Killian hands over their Hope to her, and she feeds Hope. When Hope latches on Emma kissed Hope on the head. "Did you have fun with Daddy Hope?" Hope touched her Mommy's chest. Emma smiled. Killian sits next to Emma and wrapped his arm around her. "How was your Daddy and daughter time?"
"I told her about my pirate days in Neverland.'
"Oh really?"
"Aye, Hope listened to my whole story and looked at me the whole the entire time."
"You love story time with Daddy baby girl?" She smiled at Hope. Hope was fed. Emma kissed her on the head. "I love you baby girl." She places Hope back in her cradle. Killian and Emma fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, Henry got ready for school. He checks on his parents and Hope. His parents were sound asleep. Henry takes Hope out of her cradle. "Good morning, Hope. It looks like you tired out Mommy and Daddy. Let's go downstairs, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry held Hope as he ate his cereal. "Hope, I have to go to school today. When I get home, what do you want us to do?" Hope looks up at her big brother with her big blue eyes and gurgles. "Do you want to go play at the park? I can teach you how to use the slides with you?" Emma enters the kitchen, listening to Henry talks to Hope. "I know that you are still too little for the swings. Or you and I just walk around the park? Would you like that?"
Emma smiles."Henry, I am pretty sure she is not ready for the swings just yet, kid."
"Mom, can I hold her on the big swings we will go really slow. Can I take Hope to the park?"
"Let's see how Hope is, depending on how she feels today after her shot. She seems fine."
"Mom, I can take her, please. You did say that I can babysit her."
"Yes, I did. I still think she is too young to being exposed to germs. She just got her shot yesterday and I do not want her to get sick. When Hope is two months old, then you can take her to her park. How does that does that sound?"
"Fine. I want to show her how to have fun."
"Henry, you will. You will show her how to fun, play and be a kid. When she gets to crawl and walk she will love to play with you in the park. For now, since she is little, we have to be careful since she is still fragile."
"Yes, Mom. I do not want to hurt Hope."
"I know. You are just want to have fun with Hope."
"Mom, can I give you a break today please?"
Emma thought about it. "I do need a break and she kept your Dad awake most of the night."
"Can I bring her to the park to just walking around, please? I promise Hope will not get hurt."
"Henry, you can take to park to be on the grass or walk just no swings or slides just yet. Okay?"
"Mom, I won't let Hope get hurt. I can bring a blanket for Hope to do tummy time in the park."
"Henry just take a lot of pictures of Hope and you having fun in the park. I do not want to miss a moment."
"Mom, I will take a lot of pictures of Hope, you can count on me."
"I will make sure she is fed before you take her to the park."
"Hope, you and I are going to have fun in the park later little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, hurry up or you will miss the school bus."
"Oh, man." He hands over Hope to Emma and rushes to get his school bag. Henry rushes to Emma, "Mom. I cannot wait to watch Hope later for you."
"Henry, you are so sweet and I know she will have fun with you." She kisses him on the head. "Have a good day in school."
"Thanks, Mom." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you and I are going to have fun later." He runs out the door to catch the bus.
"Hope, your brother loves you so much baby, you have no idea." She kisses Hope on the head."Come on, you and I have time to snuggle." Hope happily cooed."I know you love the sound of that baby girl." Emma takes Hope back to their room to snuggles. Killian was awake. "Good morning, my two loves."
"Morning, honey." They kiss. "You never guess what just happened."
"What happened love?"
"Henry is going to take Hope to the park this afternoon."
Killian smiles. "Oh, really?"
"He wants to babysit Hope and wants to give me a break. As long as he does not let her in the playground only on the grass, I am fine with it. He just wants to spend time with his little sister."
"Emma, you allowed him to?"
"Yes, considering how well he did when I fainted and watched her like a pro. Hope will have fun with her big brother."
"Is this a trial run of him watching Hope?'
"Yes. Since he was the one who only calmed down Hope when she was crying a few days ago, I am pretty sure he can handle her doing tummy time at the park grass area for a few hours."
"Love, I love how they are so close."
"Same, here. I only trust Hope with you and him the most and my mom at times."
"Love, Henry is going to love having time with his sister."
"I know, they both will love it." Thy kiss. "Now, I promised Hope and me to have some extra snuggle time. Right baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. Emma sat down on her bed and put Hope on her chest. Killian got Hope's quilt and placed it on Hope. He kisses Hope on the head. "Enjoy time with your Mommy, little Hope." He goes to his swan, "Emma, I will cook you breakfast. Come down when you are done snuggling with Hope."
"I will. Thank you." They kiss. Killian goes down to make them both breakfast. Hope was happy being on her Mommy's chest. "Hope, I love our time together so much baby girl. When you are older you and I going to have so much fun when you are older even when you are a moody teenager." She giggled. She gave Hope multiple small kisses on her head. "I love you so much baby girl." Hope fell asleep on Emma's chest. "I love watching you sleep, Hope." After more than an hour of snuggling, Killian brought up Emma her breakfast."Love. You need to eat."
"Thank you." He put tray by her legs and takes sleeping Hope and put her on his chest."She loves to snuggle. After I eat, back to snuggle time."
"You need to eat love."
"I know, it looks delicious by the way."
"Aye, I made it especially for you, you need to eat."
"I know." They kiss. Emma ate her whole breakfast, eggs, pancakes, and bacon with orange juice on the side. She pushes her breakfast tray aside. "How is having snuggling time with Hope?"
"I love it, little Hope can sleep on us but not at night."
"Yes, I been thinking that since she was born." They both laughed quietly.
"What do you want to do since Henry is taking Hope to the park? I already did our laundry from the trip."
'Well, you and I can sleep together and cuddle for a really long time."
"Aye, I like the way of this is going." They kiss. Hope woke up and began to fuss. "Hope, you love to interrupt Mommy and Daddy's kissing." Emma giggles.
"Killian, we will have time later." She winks at him. He hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, are you hungry baby?" Emma feeds Hope. After Hope was full Emma placed Hope on her chest and relaxed with her daughter enjoying quiet time. Emma falls asleep in the middle of her bed resting with her daughter. Killian went to check up on his two lasses. He takes a picture of mother and daughter sleeping. He quietly takes Hope to her crib. Hope wakes up crying. "Hope." He sniffs her. "Daddy will change you, little lass." Hope continues to cry. Emma wakes up hearing Hope cries. Emma goes to Hope's room and seeing Killian changing her. "Killian, why is Hope crying?"
"I took her from off of you after meal snuggle time and once she knew she was not with you, she began to cry nonstop."
"Why did you take Hope out of my arms?"
"She needs to sleep in her crib, Emma. I do not want her to go into SIDS." Emma comforts Killian, "Killian, she is not going to die from sudden infant death syndrome, you can watch her sleep on me during our snuggle time and I know she needs to be in her crib. Please do not worry too much." Hope makes poop.
"Little Hope, I just changed your diaper little love. You are a little stinky pirate." He kisses Hope on the belly. "Aye, you definitely made poop." Emma giggles and Killian changes Hope again. Killian held Hope and she gripped his shirt.
"Killian, look Hope knows you cared for her safety she is not letting you go."
"Aye, little Hope you know Daddy will always protect you no matter what." He kisses Hope. "Daddy and Mommy love you, Hope." Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "We love you so much, little girl." She talks to her husband. "Killian, I will rock her in here so she can sleep here."
"Aye. Little love, here is Mommy." He hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, my sweet girl." Hope gurgled. Emma smiles and kisses her. Emma rocks her to sleep singing. " Hush Now, Don't be scared,
Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march,
Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail.
Through our land, This sacred land,
Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way."
Hope smiled and fell asleep. "Sweet dreams my little pirate princess." She kisses Hope on the head and places Hope in her crib. Emma finds Killian in the living room. "Hope is sound asleep in her crib." Emma sits next to Killian. "Are you okay?" While she was stroking his scruffy cheeks.
"Emma, since you fainted and I am just worried that is all. I do not want to make you overtired."
"I have you and Henry to help me with Hope. I never had anyone in my life to care for me so much until I met you and that actually stayed in my life. Which are you." She hugs him.
"I do not want to lose you, my true love and my family. Everyone who I love has left me."
"Killian, I am not going anywhere neither is Henry and our daughter is not going anywhere. We are your family."
"Aye. I know. I am just so worried if something happens to anyone one of you."
"Killian, you and I are a team. When one of us is down we pick the other one up. Our family helps one another when we need it. Our Hope is so lucky to have us as her parents and she loves us all so much caring for her and being there for her. Hope and Henry are both so lucky to have you as their caring, loving Daddy who will never leave them. I am lucky to have you my true love to have this family with, without you, I would not have had Hope and still would have my walls up."
"Emma, you changed me for the better just when I first met you, you were my true love. I do not want anything to happen to your or our kids."
"Killian, things are going to happen like health issues or fighting villains, but we are going to work together as a married couple. Remember you are my deputy."
"Aye, we are a team swan."
"Yes, we are my captain." They make out. Until they get interrupted by the doorbell. " I will go get it," Emma answers the door. "Regina. Hi. Come on in."
"Hi, Emma. I just wanted to drop to see how you are doing." They walk into the living room. "Hi, Killian."
"Hello, Regina." Hope cries on the baby monitor. "Love, I'll go check on the lass." He goes to crying Hope. Regina and Emma talk on the couch.
"I am feeling bit better from fainting. Killian is helping me with Hope more during the night. How was Henry after my Dad dropping him off at your house?"
"Henry did not say too much when he came home. By the look on his face, he was really worried, I just hugged him and told him to talk to me. He, of course, asked me to let him sleepover and knowing how much he is close to you and Hope and how he did amazing with Hope at the hospital. He is really has changed into a great big brother."
"Yes, he has Regina. He helped me with Hope last night and this morning. Last night, Regina."
Regina looked concerned. "Henry opened up on how he was feeling while I was at the hospital. I saw him crying in here and he just hugged me and said: "I thought I was going to lose you." Then he explained to me that he could not express his emotions while he was being brave for Hope the entire time." Regina put her hand over heart.
"Emma, he gets the bravery from you. When I picked him up from school he got scared and ran to the car since I told him you were in the hospital. When I got the call from your parents Hope was crying uncontrollably and I knew only Henry was going to calm her down. He ran in the hospital to Hope by the time I came in he was rubbing Hope's back wrapped in her quilt rocking her and kissing her as she slept. He was amazing with her but I could tell he was worried about you the whole entire time. I encouraged him on how amazing he was doing with Hope trying to make him calm."
"Henry is actually offered to babysit Hope this afternoon, after school."
"Henry is babysitting?"
"Yes, he is. From what he did over the last few days and from you just said now. He wants to spend time with his sister. He literally begged me this morning to let him babysit Hope and take her to the park. He wants to give Killian and I a break." Regina was in awe.
"You are letting him take Hope to the park by himself?"
"Yes. I am. I told him only the grass area no playground she is too young for that and there are germs. I overheard his conversation with Hope this morning, he brought her down with him as he was eating breakfast. He wanted to push her on the swings and go down with her on the slides." Regina smiles. "Henry loves Hope so much and willing to teach her everything."
"Yes, he does. I told him to take her to the playground when Hope is 2 months. I also said that she will be crawling around soon be and he will be chasing her around everywhere and be playing with her and he will teach her how to play."
"I know he will."
"Yes, since he willing to already." They both laughed. They hear Killian going downstairs with Hope.
"Emma, someone wants her Mommy." He hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Hope coos. She kisses Hope on the head and placed her on the chest. She talks to Killian "How was she when she woke up?"
"Emma, she woke up her normal self and needed a change."
"Did she give you any trouble?'
"She squirmed a little bit but that is all. I told her a story and she began to fuss."
"Emma, did Hope had her one month check up yesterday? Henry told me that you were worried about missing her appointment."
"Aye, she threatened the nurse with her light magic to take her in a wheelchair to the children's floor which she did and made it to the appointment."
Regina was impressed."Emma, you used magic?"
"Not exactly. I told the nurse to let me go to my daughter's first appointment or else. She knew I was the savior and former dark one. There was no way that I was going to miss Hope's one-month checkup." She bends her head to Hope. "Right baby? You were happy that I was there?"Hope happily cooed to her Mommy which made all three of the adults' smile. "She only got one shot yesterday, better than the last time but she is getting so big." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope grips Emma's tee shirt. "Hope, I am not going anywhere baby."
"Killian, how is Henry math improving?"
"He is understanding it more. He will be ready for his final next week. "
"Oh, Regina. Killian and I are renting a beach house for 5 days in Florida in June. Can Henry come with us?"
"Wow, a beach house in Florida? He can go. I know that he will have fun with Hope."
"Yes, he will Hope loves the ocean already."
"Aye, she takes after me loving the ocean so far. Mostly she is stubborn from you love."
"When are you going in June?"
"The last week of June ."
"How are you going to get there?"
"We are flying. Maybe it is easier flying with a newborn than driving."
"Aye, driving is double the hours."
"Let's see what is easier so we can prepare our trip to New York."
"You are going to New York?"
"Aye, with the kids for a normal vacation not escaping to New York form a curse."
"Or picking up your crazy sister and not stopping Henry to destroy or finding Rumpelstiltskin's son who turns out to be Henry's father which is still a total shock." Killian places his good hand on Emma's shoulder.
"It is about time for normal New York trip. After Henry's finals are over please come over for dinner next Thursday night."
"Regina, we would love that. Right, Killian."
"Aye, we will. Hope you will see Henry's other' home." Hope begin to cry.
"Hope, Henry is coming here baby. He is taking you to the park. Henry and you are going to have a fun baby with your big brother." She kisses Hope on the head and rubbed her back until she calmed down. Regina was surprised on how much Hope understands their conversation and how close she is to Henry. "Regina, I will be right back. I am going to feed her before Henry comes home." Emma brings Hope upstairs to feed her.
"Wow, Killian. I have no idea how much Hope understands our conversation and how close Hope is to Henry."
"I know, Regina. It takes us by surprise how much Hope understands all of us."
"I mean I raised Henry and Rowand kind of and they both were not like that."
"Well, from what Emma told me is that when she was pregnant with Henry she did not talk to him that much because she was walled up and knowing she was giving him up for adoption, made it hard for her to talk to him. He was a quiet one in the womb meanwhile our little lass was a moving one that made her presence noticed especially around Henry who read to her all the time for most of Emma's pregnancy. Still, we are not sure how much she was aware until she responds to our conversations. " Regina giggles.
"I am going to go. Please tell Henry to study with you after he gives you two a break from Hope."
"Aye, Henry and I will study afterward." Regina leaves. He went upstairs to check on his two loves. Emma was feeding Hope. "Is Hope's diaper bag packed?'
"Not yet."
"Emma, are you okay?"
"Now I am worried what if something happens at the park?"
"Emma. He will call us or go to us knowing him he would never let anyone hurt his little sister."
"I was thinking after our little break from Hope, Henry can bring Hope with him and we can meet all meet up at Granny's for dinner."
"I love the idea swan." They kiss. "Hope and Henry are going to have a fun together. Right little lass, you are going to have fun with Henry?" Hope happily gurgled. "Aye, I know you are going to love to spend time with quality time with Henry." Hope smiles which make both of her parents. Killian kisses Emma on the head. Killian packs Hope's diaper bag and a blanket for the grass. "Killian, make sure you pack her extra diapers, onesies and her quilt."
"Aye, love. I will."
Emma read Hope a book, "Ten Little Finger and Ten Little Toes to Hope." Killian smiled how animatedly Emma was reading to their daughter. "Before you have fun with Henry you need a nap baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and placed her on her chest and rocked Hope to sleep. Emma whispers to Hope, "You love sleeping on Mommy baby girl, I love you sleeping on me so much Hope." She gives Hope little kisses on her head. Henry comes home from school an hour later, finding Hope sleeping with Emma.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"How is Hope today?"
"She is her happy loving self. I fed her an hour ago and she takes a nap."
"Should I study with Dad before I babysit Hope?"
"Yes, until Hope wakes up from her nap. After the park, you can bring Hope to Granny's we are having dinner at Granny's tonight."
"Sounds like a good plan."
"Yes, she is very excited to play with her big brother. Her diaper bag is packed and her carrier is ready for you to use." Hope begins to wake up. "Hope, are you waking up because you are going to play with your big brother at the park ?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on her cheeks.
"Mom, I can study when I come home from the diner." Henry gets the carrier on, while Emma made sure he strapped on properly and Emma placed Hope in her carrier after swaddling her in. "Now, make sure it is tight enough on her. We have packed her quilt and a bedsheet for the grass. Hope is too young for the playground. Now, remember if anything goes wrong call us okay?"
"Yes, Mom. I will call if anything goes wrong. I will take a lot of pictures." Emma hugs Henry. "Henry, you are so great with Hope. You are really are a helping me and your Dad. We need a little more sleep."
"Mom, I love helping you all and especially I get to spend time with my little sister." They walk downstairs. Killian waiting for them downstairs.
"Lad, be careful with your little sister."
"Yes, Dad. I know. If anything goes wrong call you both immediately, take pictures and no playground."
"That's my good lad." He talks to Hope. "Hope, have fun with Henry little lass. Be a good girl for Henry." He kisses her on the head.
"Henry, call me when you are leaving the park so we can meet up at Granny's in time for Hope's feeding."
"Mom, I will not let my little sister have a meltdown. Mom, please do not worry."
"Kid, I am your mother I am always going to worry for both of you." Henry hugs Emma with Hope in between them, making gurgling sounds. They all smile. Emma kisses Henry on the head. "Keep your sister safe."
" I will Mom."
"Hope, baby. Be a good girl for Henry. Have fun with your big brother."
"Mom, Dad she is with me. I will call you when we are on the way to Granny's. Come on Hope, let's have some fun at the park." He opens the door, and Emma was crying and Killian hugged his wife. "Henry has really grown up and now he is babysitting Hope for us."
"Emma he is going to be great with Hope. As long as Hope is with you, me or Henry she is going to be happy. Hope is going to love her time with him."
"Yes, they both will have fun together."
"Come on love, let's sleep together since we have this time to rest while we have a babysitter."
Emma and Killian go to their room. Emma put her phone not on silent to hear Henry's call and text messages. Emma falls asleep first and Killian cuddled with Emma until he fell asleep.
Henry walked to the park carrying Hope. Hope was looking around happily as they walked around Storybook. "Hope you like looking around little sis." He kisses her on the head. They reached the park. "Hope, this the park. When you get bigger Mommy, Daddy and I are going to bring you here all the time to play on the slides, swings and jungle gym. Henry placed the sheet on the grass area, set the diaper bag on the side. He unstrapped Hope from the carrier and placed Hope on her tummy. He goes on the ground to encourage her. "Hope, you can do it, little sis." Hope pushed her shoulders up. "Yes!" He takes a picture for his Mom and sends the picture to both of his parents. Hope did a little more of tummy time and mostly lied on her tummy. "You are doing so good in tummy time little Hope. Henry is so proud of you." After tummy time Henry held Hope and pointed Hope everything around them. "Hope, we are sitting on this green stuff called grass, over there-there are slides, there are the swings which you will love and look over there-there are trees." He placed Hope on her back on the sheet. "Are you having fun with me little Hope?" Hope cooed to her big brother. Henry smiles. "I am having fun with you too." Hope chewed a teething ring that he gives her. Henry took pictures for his Mom to see later on. Robin sees Henry with Hope. "Henry, hi."
"Hi, Robin, Hi Roland Hi Rowand."
"Are you giving your parents a break?"
"Yes, I am. Hope loves being with me."
"Henry is that Hope?"
"Yes, Rowand. Do you want to say Hi to Hope? Be gentle." Rowand sits next to Hope. "Hope. I am Rowand." She holds Hope's hand. Hope suddenly crying hysterically.
Henry instantly picks up his baby sister. "Hope, it is okay Hope. You are with me, little sis. Shhh...shh.. Henry has you Hope do not cry." He rubs her back and bounces her and kisses Hope on the head.
"Daddy, I did not hurt her."
"I know sweetheart. Roland take your sister to the slides."
"Yes, Papa." Roland takes Rowand to the playground.
Hope was gripping Henry's shirt. "Hope, it is okay baby sister. Henry got you. There is nothing to be scared about Shh...shhh."
Robin waited until Hope calmed down a little bit before asking Henry a question. "Henry, is there a reason why Hope is afraid of Rowand?"
"Yes. Zelena threatened and tried to hurt my mom when she was pregnant with her. She also threatened both of them when Hope was a few hours old while they were in recovery. Hope has a good memory for a month old."
"She is locked away."
"Yes, ever since my Dad and my Mom put her in their while I was calming my other Mom and Hope down."
"I wonder how Hope knows Rowand is Zelena's daughter?'
"I have no idea. Maybe she senses Rowand is Zelena's daughter." Hope still was gripping Henry's shirt. "Henry, you are protecting your sister and she knows you are never going to let anything happen to her. I am pretty sure once Hope is old enough they will get along." He talks to Hope. "Hope, you are in good hands with your big brother." Hope still gripping Henry. Robin goes back to his two children.
Henry did some snuggles time by lying on the sheet with Hope on his chest to help calm down Hope. "Hope I love you baby sister, I will never let anyone hurt you. I promised you that." He rubs her little hands kisses them. Hope grabbed his finger. "Hope, I love you too sis." After a while of snuggle time, Hope began to fuss. Henry checked her diaper. "Hope, Henry will change you, little sis." He kisses her on the head and placed her on the sheet. Henry got out a clean diaper, baby wipes, and the baby powder and changes Hope. "Hope, you have a lot of poop little sis." Hope did not give Henry a hard to change her. "You are being a good girl Hope." He placed the dirty diaper in a plastic bag. "You are all clean little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry read Hope on a story from his book. He held her as he was reading. The park was getting less crowded and the sky was getting dark. "Hope, I think it is time for us to go. It is getting darker" He packed the diaper bag he put the carrier on and swaddled Hope as best as he could. It was getting cooler out and covered Hope and the carrier with the quilt. "Hope, we are going to meet Mommy and Daddy at Granny's. I had so much fun with you little Hope. I cannot wait to do this again very soon." Henry began their walk to Granny's. He calls his Mom. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi. Henry. How is Hope?"
'We are heading off to Granny's. She is not hungry yet but I have a feeling soon."We were having so much fun we lost track of time."
Emma smiled."Henry, we will meet you both there soon."
Emma got off the phone with Henry.
"What did Henry said?'
"They were having so much fun at the park they lost the track of time. Hope is not hungry yet."
He hugs Emma."See, Emma you made the right decision. Henry is an excellent babysitter."
"Yes, he is. Now let's go meet our kids at Granny's."
"Aye, I love the sound of that." They go to their family car and drive to Granny's.
Henry and Hope arrived at Granny's first. "Hope, we beat Mommy and Daddy here. We got here first."
"Hi, Henry and Hope."
"Hi, Granny." He sets the diaper bag and took Hope out of the carrier and held Hope in his arms.
"What are you and Hope been up to?"
"Well, Mom let me babysit Hope today. I wanted to give Mom and Dad a break since mom fainted a few days ago and needed more rest. I asked Mom this morning and she let me watch Hope for a few hours. I took Hope to the park for three hours. We had a lot of fun." He bends down to Hope "Hope, you like when I babysit you? We have fun together right little sis?" He kisses Hope on the head and Hope smiles. "Yes, I got you to smile."
"Henry, you are a great big brother. She loves you so much."
"I was the only got her to stop crying when Mom fainted a few days ago. My grandparents could not stop her crying when she was with me I got her to stop crying it did not take her long to calm down."
"I was there when your Mom passed out and Hope was crying so much and your grandma was in shock."
"Yes, they called my other Mom to pick me up so I can be there for Hope and my Mom."
"How was the park?"
"It was fun, I pointed out everything to Hope, I read to her and she did tummy time."
"Henry you are a great big brother to Hope, she loves you so much."
"Thank you, Granny. I love Hope so much." Hope coos. He kisses Hope on the head. The bell of the diner open and Henry turns around seeing his parents. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are here." Emma approaches her two kids. "Henry, did Hope give you any trouble?"
"No, only a poopy diaper that is about it."
"You changed her poopy diaper?"
"Yes, I did. She did not give me any trouble."
"Kid, you are amazing with her."
"Thanks, mom. Can I babysit her again?'
Emma and Killian laughed. "Yes, you can lad. We need to get some sleep." Hope began to fuss in Henry's arms. "Mom, Hope wants you."He hands over Hope to their Mom.
"Hi, baby girl. Did you have fun with your big brother in the park?" Hope cooed. "Mommy missed you so much baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. They sit down at the table. "Henry, please show me pictures of you two at the park. You two were there for a while?"
"Aye, lad. How long were you there for?"
"Three hours."
"Wow, kid. I am impressed you kept you little sister awake and have fun without issues."
"Uh. About that."
"What is it, kid?"
"Robin, Roland, and Rowand were at the park. They came by to say hi to see us. And.."
"Henry, what happened?"
"Once Rowand came to say hi to Hope and she held Hope's hand and Hope went into hysterical crying. Roland took Rowand to the playground."
Emma held Hope a little tighter. " Did Rowand did anything to Hope?"
"No, she just said hi to her and held her hand and Hope went from happy to instantly crying. Maybe Hope knows the Rowand is Zelena's child."
"Well, when Zelena came into my room, Hope cried sensing something was wrong and I woke up seeing Zelena was at my hospital room."
"Aye, Zelena did threaten you and almost attacked you when you were pregnant with her."
"Mom. Hope has a good sense of feeling something was off. Or evil"
"Maybe kid. I am pretty sure Rowand is not evil." They ordered their usual orders. Hope began to cry. "Hope, is it your dinner time?" Emma preps to feed Hope and she latches on quickly. Henry shows his Mom the photos he took Hope at the park. "Henry, Hope's tummy time her shoulders are up? You caught her tummy time doing this at the park?"
"Yes, I did."
She shows the photo to Killian. "Our little lass is getting stronger."
"Yes, she is."
"Mom, Hope did tummy time, I showed her around the park, and pointed out everything to her like the grass and trees, we did some snuggle time to help her calm down from seeing Rowand, I changed her diaper and I read her a story from my book. The next thing we knew it was getting dark."
"Lad, it sounds like you both a have a fun time together. Hope is so happy now."
"Yes, I love babysitting Hope. I want to watch her more."
"Kid, you are our babysitter for now on." Hope was full and Emma burped her. "Hope, you look like you had fun with Henry. You want him to watch you again?" Hope happily gurgled. They all smiled at Hope's response. "Hope, Henry is going to watch you a lot in the summer, Henry will be playing with you a lot in the summertime baby." Hope began to cry again. "Hope, do you need change? I will change you, sweetie." Henry hands her the diaper bag. Emma and Hope go to the restroom.
Killian looked at the photos from Henry's phone."Lad, you did amazing with your sister."
"I know. She and I had fun together. It will be very helpful for you to watch her so your Mom can rest."
"Yes, that is why I offered to take Hope out of the house today so you and Mom can rest, especially Mom I do not want her to faint again."
"Lad, she will not faint again she has us helping her. "
"I know, I heard you having storytime with Hope during the night."
"For us to help your Mom with Hope your Mom will not get sick again."
"When are we going to New York? "
"We are planning the trip in July after Florida."
"I have a feeling not too soon, Mom needs to rest more and driving from here to New York will be longer because of Hope."
"Aye, lad. You are correct."
Emma returns with Hope. "Little love, it is my turn to hold you." Emma's hands Hope to her Daddy. Their food came. Emma and Henry ate and talked while Killian held Hope and listened. When Emma finished eating Hope cried. "Little love, you want your Mommy?"
He hands hope to Emma. "Hope. Do not cry, baby. Mommy has you, sweetie." Hope instantly stops crying once she is in her Mommy's arms. "You just wanted Mommy Hope." Hope smiles and Emma smiles.
"Mom, she missed you when I was with her. She did not cry only the Rowand incident but that is all. She was very happy being with me Mom."
"Well, since you like babysitting her so much. You can babysit her during the summer when I need some sleep."
"Mom, am I already doing that?"
Emma giggled. "Yes, you are kid." They paid for their meal Emma and Killian took their kids home. Hope was asleep by the time they came home. Emma put Hope to bed in her crib. Before Henry tutoring session with Killian. "Henry, I just wanted to thank you for babysitting Hope today. I know you offered to watch her today so I can rest."
"Mom, I am here to help with Hope and you."
"Henry, you are the best. I love you so much." She hugs him. "When you need a break from babysitting, your Dad will gladly take over you and I get one on one time together."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I would love that Mom. I love watching Hope."
"I can tell, she loves her special time with her big brother. You can babysit her here to so your Dad and I can sleep."
"Can I watch Hope at my other house?"
"I do not think so kid, not until Hope gets less afraid of Rowand."
"Can we go sailing soon? Just the four of us?"
"Henry, after your exams than sailing."
"Aye, your Mom is right lad. Sailing is after your exam. Love, rest now, while hope is asleep. I need to tutor Henry before bed."
"Alright. Killian not too late. He has school in the morning."
"Love, we will not study for too long." They kiss. "Goodnight."
"Night, Mom." Emma hugs Henry.
"Night, Henry. Thank you for helping me with your sister today."
"Your welcome Mom, I will do anything for our family. You know that."
"Yes. How did I get a great son like you?" She hugs him tight." She kisses him on the head. She goes to bed.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now