Chapter 175- Snow.🌨❄

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The entire Mikaelson extended family sat on the cool grass, it was slightly wet from the snow and that caused Rebekah to moan along with Caroline but when they saw that the others would not budge, they sat also.

"I love that we can go on holiday now" Henrik expressed and momentarily glanced over at his parents who were sat in one another's embrace, Bella's legs laying over Klaus's and her hands tucked close to his lap, her hood up and hat on to protect from the cold.

"I am to" Stefan smiled, it may seem peculiar for a large family to sit alone in a desolate meadow in Iceland when snow surrounded them but they couldn't of been at such a great peace anywhere else and almost all of the vampires present were unaffected by the cold, except Bella and the humans.

"We'll go on more, maybe we can even all go to the treehouse in Brazil" Klaus suggested as he held Bella closer, her slight form shaking like a leaf in a storm from the cold.

"That sounds great, I want to see what all the fuss is about" Jenna smiled and Katherine giggled from her left, Nadia sat in Elijahs lap wearing a giant parka that was more of a snow suit than anything else, every inch of flesh covered by thermal material.

"It's magical" Isabella stuttered out and they all looked at her blue lips, none of them had truly taken it into consideration that it was freezing and that she only wore thin clothing, the majority of it soaked from where she'd fell. 

"Maybe we should go back?" Klaus suggested nervously but she shook her head with a smile, pushing her smaller form closer to his warmth. Nik dug his hands within the depth of his pockets and produced a pair of thick gloves belonging to him. "Here" he smiled and pulled them on to her small hands, the material almost twice the size.

"We won't stay for much longer, I want to get Nadia back so she can have her lunch" Elijah informed, the two parents had taken it upon themselves to create an exact schedule for their baby and it was of course failing due to the dysfunction of the system.

"Can we go back now?" Rebekah asked and nobody answered her as usual, she was being extra irritating for no reason on that particular trip and nobody could explain it. Bella shivered when it began to snow, the flakes catching in her long lashes and making her vision go filmy.

"Come on them my beautiful snow white before you catch hypothermia" Klaus smiled and pulled her to her feet. Her species was odd and nobody could completely explain it. She was not a vampire with witch powers; she was half witch and half vampire which meant she held the same powers as a witch but the same weaknesses also, she felt the cold and she got Ill, she could procreate but she also held some hefty vampire advantages, she healed quickly and ran fast, and it was near impossible to kill her.

When she was injected with cold one venom, all it really did was enhance her beauty and her powers, for some reason changing her eye colour and enhancing her bonds with everyone.

"Yeah, let's get back" Stefan nodded and pulled Jeremy to his feet, the boy shaking despite being a hunter, Lavender huddled close to matt as they took the lead, attempting to shake the snow from her curls, the bright red contrasting the pale flakes.

"It's getting windier" Elijah noted as he held Nadia closer to his chest, his hand gripping Katherine's as they ventured through the trees.

"It looks like a storms coming" Enzo informed as they walked, his hand holding Henrik's forearm as the human boy slipped.

"Well let's hurry then" Alaric ushered and they all instinctively sped up, rushing inside the house when they reached it, the men had to push against the door to get it to shut due to the wind but they somehow managed.

"Everyone go warm up, I'll make hot chocolate?" Caroline suggested as she stroked her hands through her knotted curls.

"I think I'm going to go for a bath so don't worry about making me any" Bella shivered out, her hands a startling blue as she removed the gloves from her skin.

"Yeah that's a good idea, come on love,  let's get you warmed up" her husband smiled and took one of her blue hands, leading her up the many stairs to their bedroom. "I'll run it, you get out of this wet clothes"

"Okay" she shivered out and quickly kicked off her boots, her coat falling to the floor seconds later, he soon came back as she removed her shirt and jeans, he picked them up and put them on the warming radiator before removing his own coat.

"Lie under the blanket darling or you'll never warm up" he chuckled and she slid under it, the fluffy blanket warming her skin. She must of dozed off in the warmth because the next thing she knew, Nik was shaking her gently and telling her the bath was ready.

She got into it quickly and made him join her, not that he minded as he held her shivering naked form, she hadn't slept long enough to fully warm up.

"How are you finding Iceland?" He queried as he rubbed the shower foam down her arms, her body relaxing into his.

"Cold and tiring"

"I think you're coming down with something love, you aren't usually so tired" he stressed and pressed his hand to her forehead which was warm despite her shivering.

"Nothing a good sleep can't fix" she smiled and he chuckled before helping her finish washing.

✔️| My True Family (A Twilight / TVD /TO Crossover)(K.M Love Story) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now