After finishing the meal, Wenzhu handed the tableware to Cosmos - it knew how to use the dishwasher.

Walking outside, Wenzhu opened the store door and found that it was snowing outside: "Oh! The snow here is very much like the snow in my memory. It looks clean and refreshing, fluffy and soft, and is very suitable for playing in the snow. No. 1 City and The snow in City No. 2 is so fierce that it blocks the door at all times. It’s not like a giant can’t get through it.”

As she said that, she clicked on the light sign and turned back to the store: “I don’t know about the weather yet. When can I expect customers to come to my door?"

The layout of the store is very clear. There is a partition on the left side of the entrance and another small door. When you walk in, you will find a gardening store, which only has various herbicide kits. Walking straight ahead, you will see the same layout as the original canteen in No. 1 City. Next to the long counter is the cashier, and behind it are the shelves. There are tables along the right side of the store, with steamers, cooking pots, and sausage ovens.

Wenzhu felt quite nostalgic. He was knitting a scarf for himself behind the checkout counter, with a thickened scarf on his legs. The flannel blanket looked very much like her stereotype of the proprietress of a canteen. But Wenzhu doesn't know how to do knitting, so she's learning it from scratch.

Anyway, now that I have nothing to do all day long, I can take my time in knitting scarves.

It's not that Wenzhu doesn't want to start a big business, but she has a lot of turnover on her books now, but she doesn't have much to use. Once we get to the south, we have to start from scratch, and we really can’t rush it. After all, her foundation is still in the north, and she came to the south just on a whim. She can't ignore the base camp for the sake of preliminary preparations here.

Since it was something that couldn't be rushed, Wenzhu wouldn't blame himself harshly. Take it one step at a time and do it calmly. Anyway, looking at the weather in the south, it is unlikely that people will freeze to death. There should be no people wandering around outside after it snows.

The entire city was occupied by the shadows of plants and heavy snow. It actually looked like the atmosphere of a horror movie. It had been snowing intermittently for several days, and the sky was always gray. Wenzhu didn't wait for any customers to come. He ate, slept, played games and watched TV shows for several days. Time seemed to fly by.

When Wenzhu woke up this morning, he found that the sky outside had become sunny and the snow had stopped. She suddenly felt something expected in her heart. She made herself a pot of mashed potatoes and rice noodles, then sat in front of the cashier, drinking tea and knitting sweaters, waiting for customers to come. After knitting and dismantling knitting in the past few days, Wen Zhu felt that his understanding of knitting had begun. She continued her knitting with confidence.

She knitted scarves just to pass the time, and she found it quite interesting, so she still maintains her enthusiasm. On the other hand, the system felt more uncomfortable, but there was nothing that could be done to her, and most of the time it was out of sight.

It's been snowing for a few days, but the weather hasn't warmed up yet and the snow hasn't melted yet, so the temperature outside is still at an acceptable level. One kilometer away from Wenzhu's shop, there are gradually more traces of human activities outside.

In the south, fire and thunder power users are even more popular than in the north, because there are some situations that only they can solve. These two talents are natural enemies of grass and trees, especially those who are proficient in large-scale attacks and can control the speed of power consumption. They are the core of a team and the top of the pyramid with the highest status.

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