As for these businessmen, they peel and remove the skin and bones, and the meat can be sold as cooked food. The bones are boiled into soup and noodles, which are all good businesses. When they rent a store, they are always crowded with guests. In winter, people always like to eat a steaming bowl to warm themselves up. Moreover, the game in the mountains has varying degrees of variation, and everyone thinks it is better for the body.

Besides, it is meat after all. In this day and age, whoever says he doesn’t like meat is a waste of natural resources and will be condemned.

However, after all, game meat has the risk of being infected with viruses and parasites, so one of the expenses for these businessmen is to rent sterilization machines. When receiving the goods, they must first go through the machine to sterilize and disinfect, and check whether they are fresh or not.

Flexible businessmen are already planning for the future. The more frequent and large-scale human activities become, the more the beasts' living space will be suppressed. Under such large-scale hunting, the game on the mountain is unlikely to last long, so we have begun to consider breeding.

Although the cultured ones lack efficacy and flavor, they increase safety and ensure supply. Wenzhu should also support it. Obviously this industry has great potential.

As for the leather, of course it is sent to another production chain, from salting and tanning to cutting and sewing. How many jobs are there! Since autumn, some people have been teaching classes, reading books and studying, and they are in full swing.

With more people, talents will gradually emerge. Some people's skills cannot be used in the apocalypse, but four years is not enough for them to forget them. Isn't there a place for them to use them now? Coupled with the fact that some smart people are self-study by reading books and enrolling in specialized courses at school, a number of practitioners have emerged in industries that everyone needs.

Because the population of Taoyuan is always increasing, these practitioners so far only feel that they can make endless money, and do not feel that the market is saturated.

Because of the choice, many financially well-off and motivated people have chosen to go to school in the winter to study, either to prepare for the public examination or to learn a trade - vocational and technical training is a newly opened The direction of study can guarantee employment, and only requires completion of the intermediate examination. The score requirements are not high. It is very suitable for those who are motivated and able to endure hardships and want to set up a small stall and become self-employed.

In the dormitories of factories and farms or orchards, workers' lives are also orderly. The production tasks in winter are relatively easy, and they have become more skilled at it. The eight-hour work system ensures workers' study and entertainment life. There are also special libraries, schools, recreation rooms, gymnasiums, cinemas, etc. in the dormitory area. You can choose from .

Realize that there is a path to promotion in the factory, and those who are motivated will continue to learn and work hard. Lively and lively people have now begun to spontaneously organize and rehearse Spring Festival Gala programs - if you are in a good mood, you need to express it. This kind of festival is more popular than before.

So Wenzhu planned to come back before the Spring Festival.

After she got on the plane, she opened the invisible shield. The entire plane was invisible to the naked eye. It not only ensured Wenzhu's safety and privacy, but also sent out electrical signals that allowed birds and other flying objects to detour.

Because Wenzhu flies relatively low, it is easier to observe the ground.

After being in this world for so long, it was Wenzhu's first time traveling, and he felt quite relaxed. It's just snowing everywhere, and there's not much to see in winter. Wenzhu just lets the system collect map information and various materials, rarely going down. She didn't like taking photos when traveling before, let alone now.

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