Not to waste is probably the iron rule of Taoyuan, and it is on the same level as not to use violence.

A few people formed a team again so that they could share supplies - there are always inconveniences for teams that are away from home. Each of them has a Taoyuan account and left a lot of information. The credibility is high. Therefore, temporary accounts allow material sharing, and material transactions are allowed after forming a team, but the amount and frequency are limited to prevent fraud and robbery.

Currently, the only way to form a team is to line up and register in the mission hall, which is considered a restriction, but it is much more convenient than before. Of course, Ma Linlin and her party would not go empty-handed. They had discussed in advance to bring something with them. Some are available in supermarkets and vegetable stores outside. For example, beef, mutton, pork and lettuce do not need to be prepared slowly.

Teacher Mu also brewed rice wine, and the old man made steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice.

When the group entered the hotel, they were all amazed. Each five-star hotel has its own unique appearance and design. Although Wenzhu is too lazy to name it, it is called Taoyuan Hotel, but its appearance is like a sail, the interior decoration is quite unique, and the service is even more considerate.

There are many ferns with wide and dense leaves in the hotel lobby, which have a strong fresh and comfortable atmosphere. It does not look like a hotel, but like being lost in a tropical rain forest. People's eyes couldn't see the layout of this place quickly, so Wei slowly sent a dedicated butler to take them to the reserved garden.

Everyone didn't know what was going on. They turned around, walked a short distance, opened the door, went out, turned around, walked through a few doors, continued walking, and suddenly walked into the garden.

This is a very luxurious scene in the last days. The green grass spreads into the distance, with a retractable roof above the head, as transparent as water, filtering out gentle sunlight, and the dense shade of the trees casting coolness. The grass blades are mixed with wild flowers, and there are clusters of flowers everywhere along the path. Lilacs, yellow thorn roses, wisteria waterfalls, and especially tall crabapple trees are spewing snow-red flowers. Late peonies and peonies are still in flowering stage, with wet drops of water dripping from their leaves.

In the distance, there are lavender, hydrangeas, and rose trees of various colors, arranged in varying heights according to color and variety. There is even a living pool full of water lilies.

"Oh!!!" Ma Linlin exclaimed: "It's great to have money!"

Indeed, it's great to have money. Not only is it very beautiful, it's also very luxurious. The end of the world will have an impact on the entire human world. Many things that are commonplace are now extinct after losing the supply of an entire upstream and downstream industrial chain. For example, in the gardening flower and tree industry, from breeding, seedling raising, planting, trading, pruning and service, countless people are behind every step. Related industries include flower fertilizer, flower pots, and flower soil...

Without any one of these, it cannot become a modern horticulture industry.

Grassland is even another subject.

So it can be imagined that the points spent to enjoy life in such a fresh and beautiful place are not too many. Teacher Mu and his wife had eaten before and met each other before. Even the youngest daughter Zhang Luyun had the memory of being well-dressed and well-fed when she was a child. She was not surprised and could only admire them. However, Li Daiyue was still young and could only remember the miserable wind and rain, the dusty base, and an unstable life. Now she was intoxicated by this beautiful scenery.

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