She didn't directly refuse, because the future is not clear, and there may not be no need for human employees at all. Besides, the system is pretty good so far, and it is reasonable to be a boss and overseer, Wen Zhu is still a human way of thinking after all, and he feels that his attitude should not be too tough.

The system doesn't sound dissatisfied: "Okay.

Du Fang returned to the base in advance very smoothly, and asked someone about where her sister Du Fen and daughter Du Jingjing had been working recently, rushed over with food, and asked the two to go home.

Du Fen and Du Jingjing were both thin, Du Fen pushed the cart back and forth to carry the stones, and Du Jingjing helped push the cart beside him, and his eyes became more and more protruding on his face. Du Fang saw that his heart was unbearable, and he greeted the two of them with a sad smile: "How long does it take to finish?"

This trip was delivered to the place, the car stopped, Du Jingjing happily ran over and hugged Du Fang's waist, her little arm was smacked by Du Fang's waist bag, her face immediately released the brilliance of hope, and quickly covered it up, hugging Du Fang tightly: "Mom, I miss you so much!"

Du Fen also walked over, looking at his sister with doubts, worries, and distress: "You have been there for many days this time, Jingjing and I are worried about death... What do you think?

As an ordinary person, Du Fen couldn't feel Du Fang's ability level increase, but he felt rewarded by looking at his sister's expression. Du Fang motioned to go back and said, "Don't do it, buy two bath tickets, and we'll take Jingjing to wash well."

That means a good harvest. Du Fen also suddenly relaxed, and touched Du Jingjing, whose eyes were full of hope and was swallowing saliva: "When my aunt finishes work, we will go to the bath with my mother, and then go to dinner, okay?"

Du Jingjing nodded vigorously and grabbed Du Fang's hand.

Du Fen worked for a long time, received a half-discounted payment, and went home with Du Fang first. This base is the first large base to be established after the disaster, and it is organized by the remnants of the local military region, which is the largest and has the strictest rules, but the living conditions are very poor, but for the Du family, which lacks combat effectiveness and drags the family with a mouth, it is the most suitable to live in, and it is also the most friendly.

If you want to live a better life, don't think about it.

Ordinary people do a day's harvest is nothing more than a few vegetable and meat dumplings that don't know what the ingredients are. The vegetables may be moldy, dried, wild, or hard-to-swallow vegetables that have been barely grown on polluted land. Don't think about the meat, it could be a rat or a bug. Mixed with some rice flour, or flour, steamed in balls is the most common food in this base.

At such a time, don't think about it, eat it, and you can also supplement some protein.

Du Jingjing has been starving every day for four years, looking at the black vegetable and meat dumplings and swallowing saliva. Du Fang took out one and handed it to her: "Eat, eat one first."

Du Fin hesitated, but did not stop. Du Jingjing raised her head very sensibly and looked at the two adults, and wanted to break the dumplings and give them to them. Du Fang shook his head: "I've eaten outside."

Du Fen also refused: "Auntie is not hungry, you eat first."

How is it possible not to be hungry? Du Jingjing insisted on handing it to her, a pair of eyes that were clear and immature, reflecting the faces of the two adults. Du Fang pushed it back to her, bent down and whispered in the child's ear: "Mom brought food back, you eat a dumpling first, and we will eat delicious food when we go home after taking a bath."

✓Disaster: My Taoyuan front store and back factoryWhere stories live. Discover now