That Night pt1

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Dear Diary,

First, let me apologize for neglecting you for a spell now. I know its been almost two weeks now since I last pen anything in this journal and to be fair to me, this is not the longest time I have ignored you. Remember a couple of years ago when I almost didn't write anything on you for a month. That was a fun time...not.

I know.

Anyways, I am back, and ready to ramble. What should we talk about?

(How about why you are having a hard time writing anything on your journals?)

Right. I should write that. Well, its because too many things are happening in my life right now. Work, that's constant and I feel grateful that I have work. I won't babble about how many people lost their jobs this year because of the virus etc all know that. Just, I am saying that I feel blessed that I still have work. Lets always count our blessings.

What else? Oh, we attended Auntie Wang's sort of thanksgiving dinner. Its the affair where Qing got to use the tuxedo suit I paid in exchange to not paying for his golf club I broke. Long story. If you want to reread that one...look for it in my journal, I couldn't be arsed to summarize it all for you.

It was...a night of total disaster for me. And the days that followed that event was no better. I mean, if I am counting blessing, at least I am not standing on Qing's father's shoes. Baba is currently the "persona non grata" of the family at the moment. No one is openly talking to Baba, and Baba ignores all the stinky stares he is receiving. The pride of that man. Its both magnificent and painful to witness.

I still talk to Baba. Which frustrates the hell out of Qing and Mama. They think I should absolutely be the last person who should be talking to Baba but you see...I get his point. I get it. to phrase this? I would also be cautious about receiving a person with an obvious mental condition in my family.

(Dayu ah!)

Oh I know! I know its bad. I know that. I think Baba also knows that. We all know its bad thats why its now like two pink elephants in any room we are all together. Its a sensitive topic that no one wants to touch even though its widely open in the middle of us. Its like an infected sebaceous cyst (boil) ready to burst any moment. We are watching it throb and spew blood now and then, its swollen as fuck and we are not doing anything to address it. I think the patient (this family) will soon experience a seizure from septic shock because we are not doing anything to address the problem.

My parents are not happy as well. And I am not happy with Qing for dragging my parents into this mess.

Qing: Why not? They have the rights to know that the father of their son's fiance is questioning if their son should be married into that family while suffering from a mental condition.

Me: Yeah, don't phrase it like that. Your father raised a valid concern.

Qing: (scowling) What valid concern?

Me: I mean, surely...its not easy to deal with a condition like mine. Qing, I have panic attacks.

Qing: And so?

Me: Well, if I am in your parents' shoes I will also ask my son if I am sure about marrying someone with a condition like mine.

Qing: (irritated as hell) Then you are as bad as Baba. You are an asshole like him.

Me: Exactly. Wait? What?

Qing: (sighing) Maybe I shouldn't worry about marrying someone with panic attacks. I should worry about marrying an asshole like you.

After saying those words, your Baba left in a huffed. Walking out like the diva that he is capable of being. I was left scratching my head.

And if those doesn't give you an idea of what is going on right now in my personal life, don't worry, I will go and explain every details of it. Lets just say I had to treat Pau to coffee and pastries to make it up to him.

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