Bent pt1

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Qing's lucky streak has finally ended when one of his golf clubs got broken.

Qing: (grumbling as he pour coffee on his mug) You mean when YOU broke it.

Me: (flippantly) Semantics. Who cares about that?

Qing: Me. Especially when I had to spend a great amount of time yesterday, desperately trying to decipher why you would rather lie about breaking my golf club until you were blue in the face rather than say you broke it and promise to replace it. (tired sighing) And damn that explanation took years from my life.

Me: Stop being dramatic. You understood it in the end.

Qing: Yes. After being frustrated like hell.

Me: If you just agreed with me to let me lie to you...

Qing: (shaking his head adamantly) No. The moment I start agreeing with ALL your crazy antics and ideas is the day our relationship will be doomed. At least let me keep the sanity of our relationship together.

Me: (scowling) Stop making it sound like I am the only crazy person here. The fact that you play and like golf is something utterly crazy to me.

Qing: I never said I am completely sane. I know I am crazy. I'm with you.

Me: (affronted) What do you mean by that?!

But instead of saying anything more, Qing just kissed my cheek and took his mug out of the kitchen. He left to let me start breakfast this morning because its my turn to serve him breakfast since Qing has been preparing our breakfast for almost the whole week now.

Anyways, all of you must be wondering, what happened to Baba's golf club, Dayu ah? That or its my conscience prodding me to finally be honest to ourselves. Because its true, I denied breaking Qing's golf club 'til I was blue in the face yesterday. But rest assured that I had a valid reason why I did what I did.

(And by valid you mean its something that will break all our logical meter, right?)

Well...if you can't keep up with my logic, I think that's not my fault. All I know is that I was right to do what I did.

Anyways, what happened is this. I was in the mood to clean the carpets in our home since I have a two days off from work. So I planned what I will do on those days off and one fun activity I thought about was beating and cleaning our carpets and rugs.

(Thats your definition of a fun activity?)

Yes. Beating something up to release all my frustrated and stressed energy is always fun. Why, you all are not like that? Its just me? Okay then...

It is a fun activity for me so I put on my apron, tie a gym towel around my head, put on my gloves and slap a mask on my mouth before proceeding to do my scheduled activity.

Beating the carpet from our living room. I dragged that thing to our balcony, hang it on the drying stand and started beating the dust from it.

By the way, remind me to get a nice steam vacuum this Christmas. I will just die if I get one of those state of the art vacuum that could let out hot steams. That means it could kill bacteria and other nasty stuffs on our floors and carpets. Anything that could kill bacteria is on my good list.

I mean, those kind of things are expensive but I don't care, I will get that vacuum even if I have to steal some of Qing's lottery money.

(You will steal Baba's money? How?)

I will recruit a reliable crew for this "money heist". We will raid the bank where Qing's money are. Guess what show I started watching last week.

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