The Biggest Jerk pt1

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I made the list of people I need to talk to and share the news of my engagement to Qing. It was a short one and I decided to talk to the easiest persons there first.

My two bestfriends of more than twenty years.

Meng and Xiao.

These two people I've known for almost my entire life. Xiao since diaper days and Meng since first day of pre school.

I did a JiJi and messaged my friends to ask them to set a date where they can be together and video chat with me. We three have a private chatroom, just us three in there.

Me: (via chatroom) Anywhere but your own places. Not there...

Meng: Why?

Me: I don't want anyone knowing what I am about to tell you two. Just you guys need to know. If you are in your homes, someone might hear us. Your wife or Auntie.

Auntie is Xiao's mother. Xiao still lives with his mother. Don't judge him. Since his father's death back in highschool, Xiao promised to live with his mother as long as he can. That's why he is praying that he will find a lady who will fall in love with his mother as well before he will marry that said lady.

I hope Xiao found that in DaLin. But it looks to me like Xiao and DaLin are in no hurry to get married. Understandable because DaLin is still young. Only 22.

Xiao: This is interesting. Does this mean whatever you are suppose to tell us are for our ears only? Is this a top secret secret? Are we like spies now?

Me: Yes!

Meng: Don't feed his spy fantasy, Feng Jian Yu! Argh, you two...

Xiao: Meng is a killjoy. Don't worry, Dayu ah, I will look for a nice private space for me and Meng then we will have a private video chat with you😁

I smiled at the grinning emoji Xiao sent.

Meng: If you both start taking your clothes off I am out, do you both understand?

Me: What if YOU started taking your clothes off, Meng?

Xiao: I will have him arrested. No worries.

Meng: I hate you both. Set that place and date, Xiao. We will chat with you soon, Dayu ah.

Me: Okay. See you then.

Xiao: Okay. And he loves us, Dayu ah. Don't believe his grumpy ass.

Me: I don't. I love you both too.

Xiao: Me too! I love you both, my two bestfriends!

We waited for Meng to answer us. I watch his name with the bubble dot moving signifying that Meng is typing a message. It was a long...

Meng: Bye!

Xiao and I sent the laughing emoji and that ended our chat.

Two days later, we were ready for our private video chat. Xiao and Meng decided to drive around and I will talk to them while they are in Meng's car. Qing gave me a goodluck kiss on my lips to lessen my nervousness before he left our room where I set up my IPad to talk my friends.

The three of us were all smiles when the video chat started.

Meng: (on the driver's side of the car) Wow, Dayu ah...when will you dye your hair back to dark tones? You have been light haired for months now, right?

Me: (touching my hair) Oh yeah...I don't know.

(Your hair is light, Dayu ah?)

Yeah...with all that happens, I forgot to tell you guys that I started the year dyeing my hair every two weeks to achieve it's light color. Right now my hair is close to blonde than ever.

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