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Its way past the middle of April and it finds me a weekend of whining to Qing while in bed.

Warning: You are all free to judge my ass for this entry because if I am not me, I will judge this selfish jerk to hell and kingdom come. So..,


Me: (while cuddling with Qing in bed) Your mother didn't take me for some Spring shopping this year.

Qing: (holding me tighter) Shit.

Me: (sniffing) She takes me every year since we started being together. Even when we were just dating...she takes me shopping. And I know this is so lame but...

Qing: It's not lame. If you consider everything that happened, asking why Mama hasn't invited you to a shopping spree is something you should think about.

Me: She still hates me.

Qing: She doesn't hate you. Maybe she is still upset about us (sighing) I don't know...

Me: Maybe. I don't blame her if she is still upset. What we did was wrong and I am ready to wait for their's just...

Qing: You feel bad that Mama didn't take you to shopping.

Me: (nodding) It's not that she didn't take me to shopping. It's more like I feel bad that she didn't invite me to go shopping. She always does that. Invite me to go shopping with her. Sometimes even to go grocery shop with her. She's always been gracious to invite me to go along. Sometimes I will decline and she will be fine with it...I don't know. I guess I just miss her inviting me to shop with her. It's our bonding time.

Qing: I understand.

When my fiancé said he understood what I'm babbling about, I suddenly felt emotional. I tightly closed my eyes and pressed my face on Qing's collarbone as I sniff.

Qing: (hugging me tighter still) Oh Love...

Me: (sounding teary) I'm pathetic.

Qing: You are not. You miss spending time with Mama. You miss her showering you with attention and love. What's pathetic in that?

Me: Because I took her attention and love for granted. And now Mama hates me.

Qing: For the last time, she doesn't hate you.

Me: I miss her.

Qing: Then call her. If you miss someone, call them. Contact them. Isn't that the rule? You want me to dial her using my phone? I can do that!

Me: (pushing Qing away) No!

Qing: (startled with getting pushed) Woah! What?

Me: (wincing) Don't call her. (grabbing Qing's shirt) Promise you won't call her. Don't call her and don't let anyone know how pathetic I am...

Qing: (sighing as he pulled me close again) I already said that you are not pathetic. Love, listen to me...

Me: No, you listen to me. Are you listening to me? I am whining about Spring shopping. Spring shopping! How shallow can one get? Probably not as shallow as me...

Qing: (patiently) You are telling me that you miss spending time with my mother. How is that whining? How is that pathetic?

Me: It's pathetic because I didn't actually said that I miss your Mama. I started this conversation by saying that your mother didn't take me to Spring shopping this year. You are the one who decided to read between the lines.

Qing: And that's what people should be doing when listening to you. You always try to make it sound like you are not smart or sensitive or deep. You say things that could give other people the impression that you are shallow and stupid when in are the smartest person I know.

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