Spooky QingYu pt2

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Me: So when night descended and its time for bed, we got in on the sleeping bags our advisor readied for us. The advisors told us to stay in the room no matter what we hear and close our eyes if ever we feel a presence moving close. The ghost of the headless monk wont touch anyone he deems dead like him.

Qing: Hmmm...

Me: Yes. Hmmm. So we got on our sleeping bags and the lights were turned off. The only light in our room is a little emergency light on top of our advisor's desk. Then the door was closed and we all waited to fall asleep.

Qing: And then what happened.

Me: I heard the moaning first. Its not actually moaning...its like someone is weakly wailing their agony. Like they were so hurt, they are crying but there was hopelessness in it. The ghost of the headless monk is crying.

Qing: Woah.

Me: Woah indeed. And then it felt like the room got cold. I heard little noises. I think my classmates were all moving in their sleeping bags. They probably heard what I heard and felt the sudden cold that I felt...

Qing: Which is in fairness to Heilongjiang, its always cold there.

Me: But that time, inside that classroom, it was a different kind of cold. Its bitter. And deathlike.

Qing: Oh...deathlike.

I think I am getting into Qing by now. He will feel scared soon.

(Really? That is not the vibe we are getting from Baba? But sure, you do you...)

Oh he is getting scared of my story. Who in their right mind won't be scared on a ghost of a headless monk?

Let me continue my story.

Me: (nodding) Yeah. It was like that. And then the sound of metal against metal sounded in the cold air. The ghost of the headless monk is dragging the axe that killed him against the school railings.

Qing blinked.

Me: And the wailing/moaning grew louder...

Qing: Wait a minute. If he is headless, how can he moan his sorrow and pain?

That made me stop.

Me: I don't know.

Qing: (frowning) You don't know?

Me: I'm just relaying what I heard and feel that night.

Qing: Is it possible that your teachers were the ones making those sounds?

Me: Our advisors sleep with us.

Qing: Other teachers. Surely the teachers of the younger grades were not on that overnight camp and they conspire to...

Me: I hate you. You ruined a good scary story. You ruined it.

Qing: (wincing) Sorry.

Me: You are not scared by my story at all?

Qing: It has its moments but if you think about it in a logical ways...

Me: Scary stories are not logical at all!

Qing: Yeah. I'm sorry, Love. That didn't do it for me. Is it my turn now?

I huffed a breath. This daft man that won't even know a scary tale if it hits him in the face.

(We told you, Baba is not scared of your headless monk)


Me: (resigned sigh) Oh, might as well. But a fair warning, I will think logically about your story as well. Its probably boring too.

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