RoadTrip pt1

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Qing and I finally took pity on ourselves and took a little break from working and family drama. We packed some things on a huge ass luggage and with some of our friends, we went on a road trip. Qing dragged his motorcycle on this trip because someone else also took their big boy bikes (insert eye rolls here).

I haven't told you what happened when I learned that Qing paid a fortune to get a motorcycle, right? It was all drama. The words "you are just my fiancé" was spoken and I don't want to write about that yet because I think we all have enough drama with Mama and Auntie fighting. Along with Qing and his Baba having a pissing contest on who will give up and approach the other person first.

Anyhow, I am ever so glad that Xiao was on that trip. Like his promise, he came down to Beijing from Harbin to visit me. He is boarding with us for five days.

Me: Aren't you here in the Capital for work?

Xiao: (with console in his hand as he and Qing play some video game) No. This is a vacation leave.

Me: And you decided to stay here and not with your family and girlfriend. Why?

Xiao: (fingers busy with the console) DaLin is busy, she has no time for dates until next month. Mama doesn't want to spend time with me. Your Baba asked me to shoot some ducks with him but I don't want that. Meng clung on me to stay and play with him and his son and I...(sighing) I love our godson, Dayu ah...but until we learned how to bottle his energy and sell it for money so we can be rich, I don't think I can keep up with him.

Me: So you decided to run here.

Xiao: Yes. And look, just a few hours here and I am already enjoying myself.

Qing and Xiao looked at each other and chuckle together.

Me: (shrugging) Okay. Just tell me when you need anything.

I left them on the entertainment room so I can go to the bedroom for some privacy as I call Meng.

Me: (when my other bestfriend answered the call) Is there something wrong with Xiao?

Look, I know my bestfriend and I know when something is wrong with him. I might be a shitty friend at times but I can do at least that. And something is wrong is Xiao had time and he decided to away from the people he loves the most.

Meng: Yes. His company is offering him a job. A promotion of sort. Like an assistant managerial position.

Me: That is great.

Meng: It'll mean he'll be transfered to ChengDu.

Me: Oh shit!

Meng: Yeah...fuck. But Xiao told me that the pay increase is tempting as he is trying to save money...for you know...the future. But on the other hand...

Me: He'll leave home. Auntie and DaLin. He must be feeling torn.

Meng: I already offered to look after Auntie but I think that just pisses him off. He said I already have my hands swamped with a wife, child, my own parents, my sisters, your parents...

Me: Shit. Sorry, man. I asked you and Xiao to look after my parents. I'm sorry...

Meng: Hey, we volunteered for that. And its not like we are taking care of them. Auntie and Uncle are the ones looking after us to be honest. When you left to go there, they became more caring to us.

Me: Still...Xiao would not want to leave his mother and...DaLin...what about DaLin? What does she think about Xiao transfering?

Meng: I think they had a fight about it. You know DaLin, she probably encouraged Xiao to take that promotion and salary increase. She is a practical girl but deep inside...

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