No April's Fool pt2

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JiJi was looking stunned after I told her about Qing's first proposal. The colors on her face turned paler as well.

JiJi: (trying to recover) You...left my brother in that meadow? Wang Qing? You left Wang Qing in that meadow...our Wang Qing? Huh?

Me: (wincing) Yes, that Wang Qing.

JiJi: Uhuh...and you said no to his proposal. You said you won't marry him. Did I hear that right?

I nodded before eating a cracker. This confession session with Qing's sister is making me hungry. I also plucked some grapes from the bunch on the plate to eat them.

JiJi: (having a hard time wrapping her head on my story) So you said you won't marry him and then you left him there. Then what happened next?

I told her what happened next. How Qing holed up in Jin's place, drinking himself blind. How every phone calls between us ended up with us screaming at each other. How Qing tried to make Jin pack some of his stuff. How we stayed in one house while we were both hurting.

JiJi: Correction, my brother was hurting. You rejected him.

Me: (snorting at her) You think I had a great time saying no to your brother? It wasn't exactly a party for me, JiJi. It was hard for me too. Qing didn't come home here, instead he was at Jin's place. And carrying that unwanted guilt on my chest was hard work.

JiJi: (nodding) Okay, I can understand that. (wincing) You mean, you and Qing stayed here together even though you are the guy who rejected him and he was the guy you said you won't marry. Wow. Wow! How did the two of like that?

Me: I don't know as well. It was so stressful I even forgot at times what day it is. I just want it all to be over.

JiJi made tutting sounds again.

JiJi: And so, what happened after the two of you living together while that disastrous first proposal was hanging over your heads?

Me: (smiling) I convinced Qing to propose to me again.

JiJi's eyes widened. I laughed before proceeding to tell her the story of Qing's more memorable and successful second proposal. JiJi was amazed again while listening to me. We ate and drank between each moment of the story I am telling her.

JiJi: (reaching for the bottle of wine because her tumbler is empty) (looking baffled) Wang Qing let you drag him back to that meadow to propose there again? Our Wang Qing? That Wang Qing? Wow...

Me: (nodding while chewing some creamy cheese on my mouth) That I did.

JiJi: You are amazing!

JiJi gave me a thumbs up. She laughed in merriment before sipping more wine. She gave me meaningful looks.

JiJi: (wriggling her eyebrow) You used your body to convince Qing to do it again, right?

Me: (shrugging nonchalantly) I did what I have to do.

JiJi: And good for you! Attaboy!

We did a high five. Then JiJi captured my left hand to study my engagement ring again. A small smile appear on her lips.

JiJi: I'm happy for the both of you.

I heard sincerity in her voice and I never doubted that she meant it. For all their problems and bickerings, JiJi loves Qing. She loves her brother and Qing's happiness meant a lot to her.

JiJi: (letting my hand go) (looking confuse again) But then again, why the secrecy? Why? I don't understand. This is a good news. You two would make anyone happy if you will share this news to everyone. Why keep it to yourselves?

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