More Ramblings

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I was scrolling through the social media, as one wont to do when they have some free time, and I encountered this post that made me react like this...

Me: (while reading the post) This is impossible for me to do because Qing won't stand for this. He will go ballistic if I even suggest this.

(Oh intriguing...what's the post about, Dayu?)

The post are about people who has separate bedrooms from their partners or spouses. All of you might be surprise to know but there are a lot of people who practice this kind of thing.

Sleeping separately.

Qing: (baffled) While living together?

Me: Yes.

Qing: (snorting) That doesn't make any sense. Why live together if you're just gonna sleep separately?

Me: Well, their reasons for doing this are varied. Some says they like their own space. Some sleeps like this when its summertime and cuddling will be too hot. Others because their partners or spouses snore too loudly...

Qing: Ah, that I understand.

(Baba LOL)

I glared at him. Qing grinned at me.

Qing: Continue.

Me: Some because they got use to it. Sleeping alone while their significant other is sleeping next door.

Qing: (humming) That's weird. (frowning at me) Why are you reading that to me? Surely you are not suggesting we sleep at different bedrooms.

Me: I mean...when it's summertime...

Qing: (hard tone) No. If I have to buy a snow making machine and install it in our room during the summer then I will if you are feeling too hot.

Me: (twisting my lips) That's too much.

Qing: Then no sleeping separately during the summer.

Me: Well what about my snoring habit? You complained to me about that.

Qing: Yes, I'm the one who has some complaints. Why are you the one suggesting a separate room? Wait for me to get fed up of your snoring and we might sleep separately.

Me: Well, when will you get fed up with my snoring?

Qing: (deadpanned) When I am dead.

(Baba LOL again...)

Me: Wang Qing!

Qing: What else do you got? Wanting your own space? I'll buy you another condo, make that your own personal space. But you'll come home to me and we will sleep together in our bed.

Me: Does that make any sense to you?

Qing: No. That is why I don't understand people wanting their own space. I mean, we barely see each other during the day. We are both busy working. Why would I want a separate space from you during the night, the only time I get to have you.

Me: Maybe these people work together or they work at home or...

Qing: Then they should change job. Something that will make them miss their partners so they'll clung to each other at night.

Me: That is your privilege speaking. No one can just change career at a snap of finger. No one could be that lucky.

Qing: Exactly. Not everyone is lucky to find someone to love and live with them as well. Those people are too privilege that they already found someone yet wanting their own space. If you want space from your partner, break up.

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