Take Two Pt1

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Our take two started simple enough.

Me: What did you pray for as your first wish this New Year?

Qing's family has a tradition of celebrating New Year together as a whole family because they want to send their prayers of first wishes for the brand new year.

But this year due to...well you all know what happened...Qing didn't attend his family's New Year celebration. He called his parents who just got home from having their Christmas vacation in the US with Uncle and Auntie Wang and lied to them.

Qing: I told them I was down with exhaustion and couldn't muster enough energy to attend.

Me: (wincing) They didn't ask to talk to me. See if I am taking care of you?

Qing: No. Because like I said, my parents can be sensitive too. They must have thought that the proposal was a bust and I am in a dark mood. So they let me go and have my dark moments.

Me: (sighing) They didn't call me.

Qing: I told them not to call you because you are with your family.

Me: And they bought that excuse? Do you think they called my parents to ask about us and our time in Heilongjiang?

Qing: Probably. I mean, our parents are close.

Me: (nodding) True. So they let you not attend.

Qing: (nodding back) Yeah. But I did send my first prayer in a letter. Jin delivered it. He handed it to Mr.Lu because my parents are not at home and he left before they can come back. He said and I quote, "I'm not waiting for Auntie to come home and accost me with questions about you. I am smarter than that.", end of quote.

Me: If Jin is smart he will not try anything funny with LiPin. I will kill him.

Qing: Let them be. They are big humans already. They can make their own decisions about their romantic lives.

Me: (sighing) True. (perking up) So, what was in your first prayer?

Qing: (shrugging) The usual stuffs. Health for my family. Success for everyone.

Me: Me, realizing my mistake? Did you wish someone will punish me for rejecting your ring?

Qing: (smiling) You and your guilty conscience...tsk tsk...

Me: Because it makes sense for you to be angry at me and wish me ill.

Qing: I am not petty like that. We, in our family, take our first prayer seriously. We don't mess up with it.

I stared intently at him. Qing sighed in resignation.

Qing: Fine. I did something about it...

Me: Aha! I knew it! What is it? What kind of misfortune did you wish to descend on me?

Qing: (smirking) I left you out of the list of people I wish to enjoy their life this year. I said in my letter, I hope Dayu will have a boring year ahead of him. That you will be too busy to travel and you won't get to adopt a pet you will want...

Me: (gasping) That's mean!

Qing: I don't care.

Me: How dare you?! I would like to travel more this year. I was hoping to travel with your mother this summer...

Qing: Well, forget about it. I wished that you will be mired with too much work that you will be too busy and exhausted to travel around. Even if your feet get too itchy to roam around.

He puts a curse on me. A "you will get a boring life this year" curse.

Me: (whining) Why will you do that?!

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