Beloved pt2

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Two days quickly passed and Qing messaged me that he will pick me up from a photoshoot that I was doing. I wondered why he volunteered to pick me up but Qing didn't tell me the reason why until we got on his car and traveled on the main road.

Qing: We are going to ZhiMing's place. You talk some sense to him.

Me: What?

Qing: Antoine called us. Jin, Yao and I. ZhiMing is not eating and clamming up. Antoine said ZhiMing hasn't uttered a word since yesterday and all his ideas to get ZhiMing to talk is getting exhausted. You talk to ZhiMing.

Me: Why me? Why not you?

Qing: I might punch him first before I urge him to talk.

Me: (wincing) And what made you think I won't punch ZhiMing first before I urge him to talk.

Qing: You hate violence. You might love it on movies or games but in real life, you don't like violence.

Me: (nodding) True. I don't see any sense on it.

Qing: So you talk to ZhiMing. I don't care what you have to say to get ZhiMing to talk or move. Just get him moving and talking. Okay?

Me: You don't care what I say. What about what I have to do to get him moving and talking?

Qing: I don't care about it either. Just pull him out of his grief.

Me: Okay.

We got to ZhiMing's place. Only Yao was there with Antoine waiting for us to arrive.

Qing: Where is Jin?

Yao: In Tianjin. Visiting his mother. He cannot be here. He said he'll see ZhiMing tomorrow.

Qing: I see. (looking at me) Do your thing, Love.

Me: (eyes narrowing on them) You will owe me big time for this.

Antoine: I will be nicer to you if you can get him out of the room. Or convince him to put down Miss Daisy's ashes.

Yao: (wincing) He is that far gone. Shit! Did he think he died with Miss Daisy?

Qing: He loves her. Lets not blame him for being this hurt about her death.

Antoine: I'm not blaming him for mourning. But he can't go on like this.

Yao: Antoine is right. He needs to get a grip on himself.

Me: (snorting) Oh shut up, all of you. Let me see him.

I pushed them out of my way so I can go up to ZhiMing's room and I saw him by the wide window sill. Sitting there quietly with the little box on his lap. If he was sitting there for a time now, he probably saw us arriving and arguing in the driveway about what to do with him.

Me: (standing close to ZhiMing) There is this cat, Carlos is his name, and he hates me. He scratched me even. All I wanted was for him to like me, but he just wont. Even now, he still doesn't like me. Carlos is the cat of our neighbor.

I received no response from ZhiMing. I was not expecting any response anyways so I forged on.

Me: So Qing did this sweet thing. He took me to an animal shelter where I met little kittens abandoned by a cruel person on a trash bin. They barely opened their eyes and they were already discarded. There are many stories like that on that shelter. Want to see some kittens?

ZhiMing finally turned his head to look at me.

Me: (smiling) They are really sweet. Kittens. I swear, you might even find someone who looks like Miss Daisy there.

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