The Door pt2

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Me: (dumbfounded as I hold the broken door handle on my hand) Oh no! Qing!

Qing: Dayu ah! What happened?! I heard something breaking. Please tell me its not your bones...

Me: (a little scared) I broke the door handle. It came off the door. Why? Am I that strong? What?

Qing: You broke the door?

Me: Just the door handle!

Qing: Well, how will you get out of there now?

Me: (standing up) (still holding the broken handle) Open it from your side.

Qing: (rattling the handle outside) Dayu, it won't open from this side. You locked it, remember?

Silence broke between us. And all of a sudden, I realized. I am now trap inside the bathroom with a door without the door handle on my side.

And I am not the only one who realized the dilemma I suddenly found myself in.

Qing: (amusement on his tone) Dayu ah...I think karma just found her way to you. Love, I have bad news for you...I think you are trap there. kidding! Shit! And now that I realized I am trapped inside the bathroom, naturally...getting out of it became my most fervent desire.

Me: (standing in front of the door) Well, that won't do! Do something! Open the door, Qing!

I banged my right fist on the door.

Qing: Hmmm...I don't know. I think you need time for yourself there. Don't worry, you have water in there so you won't die of dehydration. And if you get hungry...tissue will do. Just dip on the water first so it'll be easy to swa—...

Me: (livid that he is throwing my words back at me) Wang Qing! Open this door! Now or I will really kick your ass! For real this time!

I kept banging the door with my fist.

Qing: Oh, alright! Let me get the key.

I heard his footsteps moving away. I pressed my ear against the door to hear more clearly if he is coming back. After two seconds, I started panicking.

Me: Wang Qing, you are getting the keys, right? You didn't go back to the living room to talk to someone on the phone again. Right? (banging my hand on the door) Qing, I swear to god...if you are pranking me...

Qing: Oh grow up! I am not like you.

Me: (feeling relieved and suddenly tearful) I love you.

(You...Baba was right. You are one freaking piece of work...)

Look, give me some sympathy here. I am trapped in the bathroom. That moment should be relatable. Haven't you all found yourself trapped in the bathroom one time because you broke the door handle when you tried to prevent your fiancé from opening it after you ran away from him because you were teasing him by kicking his butt while he was in the middle of an important business call? No? Just me?

Alrighty then...

(You are a menace)

I know! I know. I deserve this. Qing was right. Missus Karma finally found her way to me. And it came fast it was almost digital.

And it is merciless because...

Qing: (sounding worried) Dayu ah, the key is not working.

Me: What?! What do you mean it is not working?! It's the key to this door! That's its only purpose, to unlock this door! What?! 

Qing: (rattling the handle on his side) I think the lock got jammed when you broke the handle on your side. The key is not working. What should we do?

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