Socializing pt1

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Even the devil couldn't outrun his responsibilities.

Mama finally cornered Qing to attend a social function with her. I don't know what kind of guilt tactic Mama used to make my fiancé say yes to attending the event and to be honest, I don't want to know because I'm afraid to get that kind of ammunition and used it against Qing as well.


Look, it must be something really damning because Qing said yes to socializing with other society matrons and their children. I mean, I have attended those kinds of events and even I find it boring and superficial. I don't blame Qing and JiJi if such gatherings challenge their patience for enduring frivolous chatterings about nonsensical subjects.

But the thing is, golf games are not the only event where you can make substantial business connections. Or so Mama told me.

Mama: Women sit on CEO chairs as well, Dayu ah. More and more women hold important positions in different companies and in bureaucracy. Socializing with various groups led by women could give you insights on the workings of their organizations. Gatherings like this could be an opportunity to gain more informations. In business, holding informations about companies and people you could one day sit together around one business table while negotiating a deal, is never bad. Remember that. It'll be useful once you married Qing.

Me: Right.

And as you have read, I remembered Mama's words. Sure, she said it while we were drinking delicious rosé and nipping on tasty canapes during one of those boring gatherings but the most important tidbit in that moment is that Mama expect me to attend these types of gatherings when I eventually married her son.


(Dayu ah...)

Anyways like I said, Mama finally cornered Qing and my fiancé grudgingly nodded to attending an event with Mama. But as true to our motto of "not going down alone in this miserable hell", Qing coerced me to come to the event as well.

Me: Why?

Qing: Because as you always say, misery loves company. And you are right. In this case I am misery and you are company.

(LOL Baba...)

Don't lol at what he said. He is throwing my words back at my face.

Me: Sure, that's nice. But also remember how many times I have rescued you from such misery. How many events I attended to stand in your position as Mama's companion.

Qing: (sighed) I know. And I have been grateful everytime. But Dayu ah...

Me: You know, Mama said that attending these kinds of events are advantageous because...

Qing: (groaning in psychological pain) Oh spare me my Mama's lecture. I am aware about the purpose of these social events. I grew up attending them. I grew up hating them. But Mama is not accepting no this time. She wants me there or she will really disown me.

Me: (snorting) She won't do that.

Qing: That's what she said. In her "I am not kidding this time, Wang Qing" voice that gave chills all over me. If I won't attend this event with her, she will disown me.

Me: (blinking) Well then...tough luck Qing...

I turned away from him. Qing got a hold of my arm to turn me right back to face him.

Qing: (scowling) Tough luck, Qing? That's all you have to say to the news of me getting booted out of my family?

Me: (shrugging) What else do you want me to say? I mean, is that my problem? You are the one who might get disown. Not me. I firmly believe that Mama loves me enough not to disown me even if she disown you.

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