Socializing pt3

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In hindsight, I should probably stop using men's restroom. Now, I know that may sound ridiculous, because it is can you stop answering the call of nature...but you see, strange things happen to me when I am using the men's room and people following me there.

I even half wished it's Yohan again, proposing for us to hook up somewhere. Maybe that will give me some validation to punch his face or do any violence. But it was Theo who followed me this time. Qing said I should stop deluding myself in thinking it was all coincidence...Theo deliberately followed me in the bathroom...and I cannot punch his face because aside from annoyance...I also felt pity for the guy.

Qing said I should stop feeling emotions for people who doesn't deserve my emotions and I think he is right. But how can I not pity the guy, he is...pitiful.

So what happened was, I walked to the direction of the men's room but before I could even enter it, Theo was already at my heels. It started quite fine.

Theo: Need a little break?

Me: My bladder says its time.

We went inside the men's room and did our business. I washed my hands carefully, like I always do, and I think that was my mistake. I shouldn't have lingered and not give the other party an opportunity to ambush me.

But...I'm stupid so yeah...

Theo: (washing his hands on the other sink) How long have you and Qing known each other?

Me: Since first day of college. We met at the entrance exam. So...about a decade now.

Theo: And you two have been going out...

Me: Over four years.

Theo: Wow. Four years. That's impressive.

Me: Nah. You and Yohan are already talking about settling down. That's impressive. How long have you two been together?

Theo: On and off for almost six years.

Me: See? Six years. That could be consider achievement.

Theo: It is a lot of work. Dealing with Yohan ask for patience.

Me: Yeah? He seems like a steady guy.

Theo: (reaching for the paper towel) At times he is. Sometimes he is a lot of work. But I think I still got lucky. I could imagine I will be insane if I am with Qing.

That gave me a pause. I stared at Theo. He is...plain looking, as I said. His eyes a bit beady,   his nose wide, his lips are full but not in the enticing way. His skin looked smooth enough but I think using good and expensive skin products helped a lot in that department. He is stylishly dressed and he smelled quite nice.

In short, he is not bad long as you won't compare him to anyone. And really, we should stop comparing because...oh what am I talking about. Its human nature to compare things and we are doomed to always be doing it.

Anyhow...back to him saying he will go insane if he got into a relationship with Qing.

Me: (reaching for a paper towel as well) (looking at our reflection in the wide mirror) Why do you say that?

Theo: Oh, Qing must not have mentioned it but our parents used to talk about forming a match between us.

I nodded. Yes, Qing didn't mention it but its not like I didn't know about it. Mama and JiJi mentioned it and they also made sure to make me understand that the idea of a match between Qing and Theo was all Mrs.Ching's idea. Theo's mother wanted Qing for her son. Mama refused that idea because of...well...she thinks Qing and Theo doesn't match at all.

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