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Zhafir POV

is she fucking kidding me right now. I was already pissed off because she text Sierra all of this dumb shit. Why didn't you just say it to her face? Trying to make it seem as though I said something to her to make her feel that way... After we talked on the phone tonight... I didn't say anything to her about Sierra. Nothing in our conversation was about Sierra.

this is her getting back to her old self already and I just forgive her three days ago. This shit is exhausting and is infuriating because I don't wanna leave her alone, the only person I do want to be with is her. It's just too much... This is too much and I don't understand it.

"That wasn't why I was upset though, you literally only want me when you want me, but when I want you-"

" you were crying in my fucking lap for hours about me make you feel like a booty call so you actually fucking make me a booty call, are you crazy? Are you fucking nuts? She has been doing this therapy shit for like a year and a fucking half... When is it going to start working. You say she's in taking all of the information but she's not doing anything with it. Nothing at all this shit is exhausting, mentally." I shook my head. " she played in front of my friends, her and her nigga pull up to our table like they stunning or some shit... I would never do no shit to you like that. Never in my life. You didn't come see my baby for three weeks for that-"

" it wasn't for him, don't try to make it seem like I would abandon my kids for a man, my mom did that and I don't fuck with it. I wasn't around her for three weeks because I couldn't stand to be around you, honestly when our baby... when our daughter was born, I didn't feel the connection, and I felt so disconnected from her, and this is something that I never told him, because as you can see, he's very judgmental, I didn't feel it, it didn't feel like my baby. Maybe because I didn't really want her... Honestly, I didn't want her, but I didn't want to hurt him like his ex hurt him. He didn't deserve that, half the shit that I have done. I can honestly say that he didn't deserve it. However, that was something totally different, I was going to my home in battling that by myself, because he chose to abandon me."

"This is the same shit that you've been doing before you got pregnant, before you had a baby... You've been doing this shit since you got pregnant the first time."

" there is no time limit on postpartum depression, I have been so fucking depressed since I had my first miscarriage, which was by myself again, cause he's a coward, and he was away from his problems, but he expects everyone of you to think so highly of him like he's just macho man wouldn't really he's not."

" I never claimed to be macho man in my life, I'm young just like you, I'm figuring shit out, just like you. I never claim to be high and mighty on my motherfucking seat. I go through shit just like you and that's what I've been trying to make you understand. That's how you view me because I saved you. I'm not allowed to sweat, I'm not allowed to laugh, I'm not allowed to cry, I'm not allowed to do anything, because I always have to comfort you. If you see me week, you would not know what to do. You would never know what to do so I have to stay strong common now not only for you but for my daughter because her mother is weak."

" weak? You are calling me because I don't surpass everything I've been through."

"Yes, I do think your weak, I really really do. What is everything you've been through, you've been fed with a silver spoon your whole life. You don't pay for shit, you don't have no bills, you don't go to school no more... You don't have anything going on at all but sitting in being pretty, that's all you do sit there be pretty. Your dad does everything for you."

Asia POV

" he's my dad! I'm sorry that you don't have a dad that wasn't on crack or your crackheaded mother and you don't know how they should act but that's what fathers does." I looked at him and he stared at me.

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