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Ri'asia POV

I was tired out of my mind. Class was the last thing on my mind. I hopped up and did what I needed to do and even through my head was thumping out my damn skull, I hopped in my car and went to school.

As soon as I stepped in the bell rang.

"Look at you, right on time."

"Good morning, Mr. Thomas."

"Good morning, Ms. Davidson. Glad to see you."

Kia walked into class and sat beside me. She always chooses to sit next to me for some reason. We never have had beef or anything of the sort. There were never bad vibes. Jayda thinks she does it to be smart but I don't think either of us care that much to be anyway towards the other.

"Good morning." she smiled.

"Good morning."


"What is a type of fracture?"
Everybody just looked around.

"You have a Greenstick fracture which is a crack in the bone which can appear to look bent or actually be bent." I read from my notes and he looked at me for me to continue. "Open or compound fracture which is a complete break causes ruptured skin. Simple fracture is the same thing, a complete break with no raptured skin. Depressed fracture which a piece of bone moves inward. Spiral fracture cause but twisting of the bone. Comminuted fracture which involve bone splinters and bone fragments. Stress fracture which isn't broken but cracks are present in the bone."

"Thank you." I nodded. "Great job."


"Trey, why are you here?" I walked up the steps and he was leaned up against my door.

"Why you block me? You thought a nigga wasn't gone slide. I know where you live, Asia." I walked in the house and tried to close it but he put his foot in the way and pushed the door open.

"Why you acting dumb? You can't answer the fucking question!"

"Go talk to your girlfriend and get out my face, Tremaine. I dont have time for this stuff, you wasted enough of my fucking time. I am not a fetish or your dirty little secret. Go find that somewhere else."

"Why are you acting this way? Why is it so important to you for motherfuckers to be in our business?" he flopped down on the couch.

"Here you go spitting the same bullcrap you've been spitting since jump. Then you pull shit like what you pulled at the party a couple of days ago. You dont mind people seeing you with Kia but then when it come to me now you're just so private. Please you are the worst. How did we ever get here? I really been so dumb for you for so long, I am over this. Trey I am done and I honestly mean that, so you can leave."

"What you fucking on somebody else?" i just stare at him like he was stupid because he is fucking stupid. "What is it? You just so done now." he stood up.

"No Trey... maybe I am tired of feeling like crap because you beat on me all the time. Maybe that is why i am done. You been playing me since i met you. The stuff you put me through you would never to Kia. you love her so go be with her." i choose my words wisely.

Trey will get physical with me when i don't jump or do what he says and I just don't have the energy today. He will throw a fit it things don't go his way.

"You are not leaving me." he towered me. "I can bet my life on that."

"I am though and that is in effect today, right now. Immediately. And if you touch me again I am going to tell my dad." he jerked his head back.

"You threaten me?"

"Trey, I swear to god I will get my dad." I felt the stinging sensation across my face. "You prick!" I started swinging for my life.


"He has no respect at fucking all, look at your face!" she yelled. "This is why i told your goofy ass to stop fucking with shawty. He bodene as hell."

"That is why he beat my fucking ass. I am done, I have been done."

"He is a fucking bitch, please call your dad because i will call my fucking cousins to be beat his ass right now. This is unacceptable, he is a bitch." jayda paced.

"She aint gone call her dad, i doubt she wants the nigga dead. I aint even sure if the bitch really done fucking on that clown ass nigga. She lies so damn much. She should've left the first time he beat her ass or the second or the third or anytime after that. But no 'i hit him first' or whats the other one 'he didn't beat me, we were fighting' and all the other bullshit dumb ass excuses she made for him. That is why we are here again patching you up."

"Okay I get it, it's my fault I get it, Carmen damn."

"Yes it is. I don't understand why you don't feel like you deserve more than that Ri'. damn, i hate seeing like this or going through this. You should have never got back with him. Now look at you back stuck in the same situation you ran from."

"I wasn't we had sex one time and he started fucking acting crazy. It's just swollen." I grabbed my cheek and after four days it was still tender. "I know i shouldn't have slept with him again but he was the only guy i ever did it with and i just wanted sex nothing more."

"He is so horrible." She paced the room.

"I know, I know. I made a very intelligent decision but when I am in class I just tell people I got stung by a bee."

"I would do his ass in." Jayda rubbed her hands together.

"Nobody ever let him back in this house, I don't feel safe with him around. Jayda do you agree?"

"Yes that nigga tried to hit me." I sighed.

I hate that I put her in that predicament.

"Ri' do you agree?" They both look at me with totally different expressions.

Jayda looked at me with sympathy, while Carmen seem to be daring to say the wrong thing.

"Yes, I totally agree."

I know I deserve more than this but I don't know why I keep going back. I don't know why I can't leave him when I know he means no good. I tried so many times and she is right, I always fail myself. I put my self in these situations because I am dumb and guliable and i wanna so badly believe that trey is a great guy and he wants whats best for us. I know he can be a good guy because he was before. When we first met he was so perfect he made me feel so special and so pretty. He loved everything about me and he helped me love things about myself. I felt so good with him. Now I just feel like shit everyday and I cannot continue to allow myself to be treated this way.

"Don't cry Ri'asia. I hate to be harsh but you need to hear it so you can do better for yourself and I understand you may think he is gonna change and become the old him but the old him was lies. That's why as soon as he got some he changed and your attachment to him because he was the first guy to show you attention made it no better. He thinks you are weak on him and he does whatever he wants. I've been through it before and so has Jayda. That is why we try to tell you and help you. We want what is best for you babe." She hugged me.

"I don't want to go back, I am so tired, I really am Carmen, I swear."

I was so so tired of the way he makes me feel.

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