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Zhafir POV

Me and Antonio hopped off the jet.

" OK song a hotel was on the dress and who is your meeting lobby in business right quick."

Honestly we've been touching a lot of money lately. Too much to even fucking count. Mission after mission.

they put our luggage in our car and we hopped in our car and they transported us to the hotel.

"Hey baby." I smiled at The sound of Ri'asia's voice.

"Hey baby."

"Did you just land?"

" yeah we pulled up to the hotel right now."

" you around my dad?"


" he has been ignoring my calls and I don't know why." She sighed. " I don't even know what I did. Probably because I'm pregnant but he wasn't mad before it would be weird to be upset four months later."

"Yeah I am not sure but knowing your dad he probably would tell me later. If anything he will be mad at me before he is mad at you so I don't think is that. Did you and your mom get into it?"

" she texted me talking about she told him everything and what happened. I don't even know what she's talking about. Nothing happened." He groaned in aggravation. " I am so fucking hungry and I can't eat shit without throwing up. My dad is mad at me. You are like 80,000 hours away. My life is over."

I muted her and laughed.

When it comes to this dramatic shit her and her dad got it. She gets it from him it's so over the top its funny and you can't help but laugh.

" baby your life isn't over. Whatever you going through right now is going to pass by and I'll be home in like two days." we pulled up to the hotel and they grabbed our luggage out the car and me and Antonio made on way to check in and get our room.

Antonio ass been sleeping a lot lately. He ain't been motivated and shit. He talking about he feels sick but when we went to the doctors nothing was wrong with him.

"I feel like I gotta throw up." I patted him on the back.

"We almost there." I waved at the lady as we stepped on the elevator.

I watched him.

I swear this shit is like I'm still in a crib with Camille. He acting pregnant as fuck.

" come on bro you gotta get your shit together. We gotta do this drop tonight. We got shit to do before that you can't be sick."

"I don't know man." He bend over and I rubbed his back. "I feel pregnant."

" you sound just like my husband when I got pregnant." She spoke. " me and him shared symptoms I think it's called Couvade Syndrome. It's a manifestation of pregnancy symptoms because your partner is pregnant and it's like a sympathetic thing that your body goes through. If it's a pregnancy symptom you'll be fine in about 30 minutes." We laughed.

"Ri'asia." I spoke softly.

"Baby my back hurts." She sighed.

"Sis I think I'm taking on your pregnancy symptoms. You need to stay away from me. My fucking back feel like its about to snap in half. I told you no matter how many times I asks don't let me rub your stomach and you still let me do it." I laughed. "You have no back bone."

"I'm sorry."

"I am playing." He sighed and leaned against the wall. "I am tired." He threw his head back.

This nigga really going through it. This nigga should've stayed with his bitch I'm not taking care of him this whole time. He is a fucking big ass baby when he is sick. He can't do shit and he sleep all fucking day and then he don't wanna eat so you got a force the nigga to eat. He lucky he my brother Cuz this shit a little ticklish.

"You sleep baby?"

"I am so sleepy today. I-" she stopped talking. "What was I talking about?"

"Nothing just get some rest."


We walked in the room and Antonio went his own way. We got a two bedroom suite. I decided to do is jump in the shower and get dressed to go to this little business thing that Lenny has set up.

I got out the shower and checked my phone and Ri'asia was still sleep. I don't know but that made me want to go home.

"Change me oh god." I song to myself. "Make me more like you,"

I couldn't help but think about my grandma. Honestly I do miss my grandma and I don't understand why it was so easy for her to just let this go. She was my best friend and all because it I want it better for us she was willing to let everything go.

I sighed snapping out of my thoughts and got dressed.

"Baby you can sing." Ri'asia yawned.

"No I just know how to control my voice."

"Exactly." She laughed. "Why you ain't tell me you could sing?"

"I ain't no singing ass nigga. My grandma had me in the choir and shit in church growing up. I don't really say because I don't know I just don't." I sighed.

" do you miss your grandma?"

" every second of the day, every second of my life." I shrugged. " she good though... Where she at. She can't respect the way that I get money or the way that I live. She doesn't understand that this is the way I know how to get by. She judges me like her kids never did wrong when you were raising me for a fucking reason. You damaged your kid then he grew up to be a fucking crackhead who made a baby with a bitch in a crack house like... it all starts with you. Then she will still bring up the fact that I am selling what destroyed my father like bitch that is not my fault. you cemented my foundation in struggle. I feel like every day I try hard to crack that foundation. Now I got a kid on the way now was really time to go hard. At the end of the day generational wealth and hustle will be installed in my son even my daughter. I wanna be able to take care of my family provide for my family I don't want you or my daughters to ever have to lift a hand."

"So what is you thoughts on marriage?"

"It depends if it is with you I am down for any and everything thing. I wanna do right by you and our kids. I wanna build us a life that we both want. Right now I am just not where I want to start of yet but I am definitely on a mission fassure." She laughed.

"Whenever you are ready my answer is yes baby." I smiled.

"I love you Camille."

"I love you more Baby."

"I don't know about all that but it sound good to hear."

My love for Ri'asia is unconditional. It doesn't matter and I think her having the power and will to carry my child showed me that. I don't think there is anything that she can do to make me hate her. I would love her to the death of me even if we break up or if it doesn't work out the woman is the love of my life. I have a different level of respect and love for Ri'asia.

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