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Ri'asia POV

"Trey no, this is why you think you can talk to and treat me any type of way now." I sighed.

This was just another day of the same fucking shit. After the whole thing was Zhafir he has been on my ass about the stupidest shit. Just for me to call his phone and a girl pick up. I don't know how I got myself back into this trap but it is getting old.

He loves to pop up at my place whenever he wants sex or anything like that but he never takes me anywhere he never takes me outside or anything. But now it a problem I'm reciprocating energy.

"Here we go with this bullshit. You know I fuck with you heavy. I am just a private guy and I don't like to plaster my relationships everywhere." I rolled my eyes at the lame ass excuse he gave all the time.

"When you were with Kia it was different." I rolled my eyes. "I am only good for sex trey so what's the problem! I literally come over to your place at booty call hours and you don't talk to me in class and you let your friends talk to me any kind of way."

"I am not going to fight my friends for you, so that is a dub." I mentally smacked my forehead because he is not getting what I am trying to say.

But you'll fight me for even talking to your friends or standing up for my fucking self. This is getting tiring, i gave it almost two years and it's only getting worse. I am done!

"That is not what I am saying, listen, moral of the story I am not coming over tonight so go do you."

"You sure about that?"


"Okay." he hung up.

I am so tired of this quote-unquote relationship. It's all bullshit, he does what he wants and if I even talk to a guy then we have to argue and fight about it. Fuck him and that bullshit ass situationship.

He prances around with Kia and expect me to be okay with it. This is why I broke up with him the first time not only can't he keep his fucking hands to himself, he just all around so disrespectful to me for no reason.

I walked in my house and went straight to my room.

"Hey bitch." Jayda burst into my room. "Why that face? What did jackass do now?" she flopped on my bed.

"He acts like my feelings means nothing and he can treats me like shit and no that isn't gonna fly with me anymore." I shrugged off the feeling. "I regret ever meeting him or giving him my virginity because he changed so quickly and drastically after that. He stopped trying and I just let him. I just regret even taking it this far with him." I blinked away my tears.

Honestly this tough persona I am putting on is slowly starting to break. I love Trey but something has to change, I am done with him.

"Yeah, we've all been there before."
Jayda sighed. "Lord knows he should've given me a redo because that big headed nigga was the worst. Fat ass teeth." she stuck her teeth out making a sucking noise.

"You are a idiot." I laughed.

"Anyways bitch we are going out tonight."

"You asking or telling?" I gave her a side eye.

"I am telling because you like being told what to do." she got up and went into my closet. "Nelly is coming back tonight and Jay invited all of us to a party."

"Did he invite all of us or just you guys?"

"All of us, like always. Jay is very cool and he fucks with you but you are so iffy with him." she threw some pants on my bed. "All your clothes are shitty, you need a new look and some new clothes."

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