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2 months~

Ri'asia POV

I sighed getting aggravated at the feeling of Zhafir touching me.

"What you huffing and puffing for?" I looked at him and the smile on his face annoyed the fuck outta me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry and you won't stop touching me." He sat up. "Thank you."

"Don't be mean to me." He hopped up.

"Shut up."

"The pregnancy thing is getting real man. What you want?"

"I don't know." I got up.

"You can stay here, I am gone get it."

"You don't want me to go?"


"Why?" I felt like crying because he is acting like he don't wanna be around me.


I stared at her to see what the actually fuck is going on. She just said she didn't wanna be around me and she didn't want me touch her.

" if you cry I cry."  I spoke and her lip started to quiver. "Camille *her middle name* please... baby. Please I am trying... come on put on your shoes we out." She hopped up.

3 month and half months pregnant. I got a long ass time to go.

I help her get into the car and I closed the door and hopped in myself. I just decided to drive into the fast food plaza to let her pick out where she wanted to eat.

This girl has been so iffy lately it's not even about her being emotional she's always been emotional. I can deal with it but it's like such a quick switch. One minute she can be asking me to cuddle in the next minute she's mad that I'm touching her.

and as for Amber she isn't answering any of my calls. She had the baby like three months ago and even before I found out that Ri'asia was pregnant she been stop answering my calls. I am about to take that as the baby isn't mine.

"Yo old head." I answered my phone.

"What's up youngin? I wanted to invite you to a little family dinner that we having. Now that you are forever a part of our family maybe you wanna meet our family." He sighed.

"Fassure. I am down when is it?"

" tomorrow."

"We are there. How you doing? You sound stressed." I put him on my AirPods and sat my phone down. "Just tell me." I rest my hand on Ri'asia thigh and she put her hand on top of mine.

" is just a lot of shit with my wife. Like I told you before she always on bullshit but now this bullshit's biting both of us and their ass. We have been married for so many years and the fact that I don't know if the child that you're pregnant with is mine... again... it's fucking ridiculous."

"Yea man, I apologize that you gotta go through it. What happened? Why did she cheat?"

" she don't even know why she cheated. I sit back and I ask her why like what is it? why? is it the sex?... Is our sex boring now? You know, sometimes you have to be honest with yourself it's always a possibility. Then she says no but in my mind that is the only possibility that is making her run to other men. Then she keeps saying this partying and stuff it's just her trying to take her life back because she was so young when we got married but that doesn't make sense. That's another day when we started this relationship we wanted to grow old with each other. That was the point of getting married so fucking young. It was her fucking idea so I'm not understanding what is all the bullshit."


" then it's like I always thought we will be that example for our kids. Then I see so much of myself in Ri'asia. Because it was always me and her she has subconsciously became me. She was with Trey and I can't do anything but blame myself for that. I mean her mom don't hit me most of the time..." we laughed. " she's Caribbean that's what they do I got in this relationship knowing that there's something I was gonna have to deal wit... no but seriously she just found her mom in a male form. That's why I would never judge her because she is only what I taught her. If you understand what I'm saying. She is amazing beautiful and smart and loving and caring and just all-around a bundle of complete everything that you would want in a person. Now her love life is something that I know I played a major roll in and that alone is destroying me."

" but like you said she is a bundle of everything that you would want in a person. You taught her all those good things as well. You made her a hustler when it cause to the school shit, she is so intelligent. you made her just all-around amazing. That was your doing as well. Have you fucked up yes maybe nobody's perfect. See you damn near raised me, Jayda, Antonio. You are an amazing person you help so many people in so many ways. It isn't your fault that other people make mistakes in life. Yes it may be a pattern but she gets a choice on whether she wants to follow your exact footsteps or go the opposite way. But don't forget that you were also one of the major reasons that she knew that it was okay to leave that situation. When she needed reinsurance to better herself you were always there. You helped her out of that."

" I think you helped her out of that." I chuckled. "What it's the true?"

" we didn't start dating until- shit I don't know." I mumbled and he laughed. " she is gonna kill me." He laughed. " all I am saying is from what she was telling me when we used to be on the phone you are one of her main reasons of leaving. We weren't dating until she was officially done with him, you know?"

" yeah man..." he sighed. " look at you... being a shoulder to cry on."

" you were always there for me this is the least that I can do. I love you man."

"I love you too. See you tomorrow at 8."

"See you at 8." He hung up.

"Baby how am I am going to be able to tell that I am pregnant when I'm already fat?" I looked at her. "Don't look at me like that." I chuckled.

" baby... I can tell you're pregnant. Your stomach is rounder and it pokes out. But you're only three months pregnant so it's not really going to show yet. You are not that big babe."

"That big?!" She yelled and I turned back to her.

" you're well proportion and I like your tummy. You're perfect. Chubby and chunky."

"That is not a complement."

" that is part of what I love about you. I love everything about you so I don't know what to tell you." She rolled have eyes and intertwined our fingers

"Thank you." She chuckled.

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