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Ri'asia POV

"It's not that serious." Zhafir sighed.

"To you!"

"Okay to me it's not that serious." I groaned loudly in aggravation because he was really pissing me off.

He says he doesn't want me to hit him and then he does shit like this. If I am telling him, something is serious to me, and I have a problem with it and he needs to fix it Then he needs to fucking fix it. He sits here, and he stares at me like I'm fucking crazy.

"Calm down." He grabbed me and I snatched away and he stood up.

"Don't. Not right now." I instantly felt like crying. "Don't touch me."

"Ri'Asia I am sorry." He sighed and I started crying. " I am sorry that I cannot control how females act if I could I would. The only thing I can control is how I behave. I tell you things when they happen not to upset you but to let you know what the fuck is going on. Period, the bitch came up to me and I dismissed her just like I do everybody else. I told you because I wanted you to know. Not for you to get upset and get angry at me like I did something wrong when I didn't do anything. I have always been honest with you, and I have always communicated with you, and you always blow things out of proportion. And get mad at me why are you mad at me for doing what the fuck I was supposed to do?"

" that shit is starting to get on my motherfucking nerves. every other day is something with a bitch. I am tired of this shit. It just keep progressively getting worse and worse. I can't fight every bitch and that is what is really making me upset." he kissed my cheek .

"Come on baby, be realistic. You can get mad everytime. That like me getting mad everytime a nigga hit on you."

"I am ugly so it is not the same."

"Ri'asia shut the fuck up. You are fucking gorgeous, from the moment I saw you you were definitely the prettiest- THE Prettiest girl I have ever seen in my entire life. easy, without question. Why do you feel like you're ugly, did I do something to make you feel like that?"

" no but you can definitely see the difference in how people treat me and other girls."

" that is their problem, you belong to me. I am the only one that should be treating you any type of way. Stop worrying about how other people treat you. I don't give a fuck about nobody else in this world but you and our folks. We all treat you good here, all of you girls around me are gorgeous. all of you get treated exactly how the other gets treated. Stop looking for validation and other places when we give you it here, why aren't we good enough?"

" it's not that, I just been going through this shit my whole entire life. I am tired, and yes, sometimes I do feel like I'm not good enough for you. What if you get bored? What if you find something better or you stop being attracted to me? I can't even imagine my life without you and that is so scary."

" I can't even imagine my life without you either. I am scared of the same shit, I feel like I'm not good enough for you. The shit that I do for work, just how I am as a person. We are two totally different people and I feel like you deserve way more than me. I am your second relationship, so what if you get bored with me? What if you feel like there is more out there to explore? What if you decide one day that you are over me? What if one day my sex stop being good? What if one day you stop being attracted to me? These are normal, self doubting questions that everybody experience. That does not mean it's going to happen. I would rather be nailed to a cross and threw into a volcano of hot lava before I leave you. Before I even think about hurting you, never in my life have I ever thought about any other bitch, you are enough for me you are actually way more than I need. It's always exciting with you. You are fun and you are out of the box and look at me, I am boring I do the same thing every day, I have a routine, I want to live one way and one way only. I have those same questions that you have trust me I do. But I can't allow myself to go crazy and take it out on you because of how I feel. I trust you enough to know that you would never hurt me."

"I don't know sometime it just becomes a lot and it's like as of recently, it feels like it's getting worse. I never realize how fucking disrespectful bitches was."

" we look good so we had to expect these things. We look too good to just not notice." I laughed and he chuckled. " I mean... What can we really do about it? Look at us." I laughed and he wiped my face.

" you are such an asshole." I pushed him and he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back into his arms. "I love you so much."

" I love you more and I always will love you completely and unconditionally. You can't get boring to me when you are the one that makes my life exciting. You give me a feeling that I've never felt before and trust me. I have felt a lot of things, but when it comes to you, I can't hide how I feel. I love you, and you will know that."


"Okay, now can we please continue to have a great day. Our day has been going very well." I nodded and he kissed me.

Jayda POV

I can't believe this is my first POV and my motherfucking Coochie, Feels like it's about to pop open.

"Antonio please shut the fuck up." I sighed.

"Baby but I love you." He whined and continued to kissed me all over my face.

"I love you too baby but please shut the fuck up." I groaned. "My face is swollen, my nose is fucking huge, I have a toothache, my Coochie hurt, just please leave me alone."

"Would you love me if I was a blow fish?"

"What?" I looked at him.

"Like ms.puff."

"No, no I wouldn't." He sighed. " I am just playing, if you are a blowfish than I am a blowfish, and I will still be blowing you off." he laughed and it brought a smile to my face.

"We start school next week." He groaned and laid his head on my boob and my nipples started to sting.

" I know in my fucking coochie is about to bust open, I can't believe we are really about to have a kid." He laughed softly and rubbed my belly.

" I know sometimes I get caught up and I forget, and then I would randomly remember."

We sat in silence.

"Are you scared?" I asked.

" of course I am scared, but I know at the end of the day, we are surrounded by people who love us. I love you and I wouldn't ask for anyone different to share my life with. I am so glad that I am having this kid with you, I really am. From the bottom of my heart I love you so much, and I've never been in a relationship before, but I feel like this is the only one that I will ever be in. You are my fucking world. I know we talked about marriage in the beginning of our relationship and I said that I didn't want to get married but once we get where we want to be in life, I wouldn't hesitate to marry you." I smiled and continued to run my finger through his hair. " of course we are gonna be scared. It's normal. We are about to be responsible for a whole human being. Our life is going to change drastically, but I would rather go through it with you. We got this we love each other like no other. I've never felt this way about anybody."

"Stop you know I hate deep talks... and I don't even know why I'm bout to cry." I covered my face and he hugged me.

" don't cry baby."

" I know, is just that I love you so much and even though I don't say it a lot or I don't show it which is fucking horrible and it's something that I really want to change, I really do love you. I've been in to other relationships, but no one and I mean no one has made me feel how you made me feel this pass, year and a half. I love you so much."

I wiped my face and I looked at him and realized tears were rolling down his face.

" you are so ugly when you cry." He joked and I wiped his face and I laughed.

"So are you." I grabbed the back of his neck and I pulled him in and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed me again.

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