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Ri'asia POV

    "But how?" he chuckled.

    "Zhafir stop." I moved my face out the camera. "I know my hair fucked up, damn you don't have to clown me." I slipped on my bonnet. "Better?"

    "Better." he rolled down his window. "Come here! You hungry? Hold up." he pulled out his wallet and gave whoever he was talking to the money.  "You have a blessed day too. Yeah I understand man, sometimes you go through shit no reason to judge. Love you too."  he rolled his window back up.

    "Who was that?" he shrugged.

    "Homeless man."

    "Awe that was so nice."

    "Got to help the less fortunate." we sat in silence. "So you doing your hair all day?"

    "Yeah, i dont have classes today and I ain't partying tonight."

    "Put your face back in the camera." I sat the phone back up.

Jayda burst through my door.

"I am hungry!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically.


"Isn't Antonio in there?" she shrugged.

"He just pissed me off, this bitch just keeps calling back to back like boy."

"You hear this shit Zhafir? Your friend tripping."

"Who is it? Ciara?" Jayda's head popped up.

"What is that his bitch or something?"

"No, she is cucu for coco puffs."

"Please come get this nigga. He gotta go."

"I am gonna call you right back, okay?"

"Okay Zhafir." I sighed because he does this every 30 mins. "Go call your bitch back." I hung up.

"Do you like him?" Jayda smiled.

"He is just my friend, I am fucking with him." my phone started ringing.
I was confused seeing Dana contact flash on my screen.


"Hey, can I get a hundred dollars?" she looked at the camera and continued to walk and I tried to figure out her environment.


"Are you gonna send it or what?"

"Do you want it or what? Because the way you talking you won't get shit."

"I wanna get these shoes, I was going to ask mommy to give me the other hundred. Then get your dad to get me an outfit to go with it."

"Okay, where you getting them from?"


"I'll just get them for you and have them delivered to you and can still get daddy to get you the outfit and you need to start having money in your pockets Nana. you getting older, i'll talk to dad about getting you a card."

"Okay i gotta go, thank you. Do something with your hair mommy would be pissed. You walk around looking like that? Damn shame." She hung up.

I know her bald headed ass aint talking.

My room door flew open.
"What the fuck?" Jayda jumped up.

"Trey?" we said in unison.

"Can you unblock me?"

"How did you get in here?" I threw the cover off of me.

"Why am I still blocked Ri'asia? You got a nigga so you playing with me?" He walked deeper into my room.

"Trey, if you come in here putting your fucking hands on her you will get beat the fuck up. As in today, right now, the second you put your hands on her." she stepped in front of him.

"Jayda mind your fucking business." his eyes never left me. "I ain't gone touch her."

My phone started ringing.

"Trey i am done, i told you that. Why are you doing this? You didn't even make this much effort when we were together. If you did we wouldn't be here,"

"You belong to me."

"Boy please, can you please leave me alone. I am so serious about being done with you Trey and you know it. You did this! Why are you so surprised? You thought you were gonna have me at your beck and call forever? No."

"This nigga got you feeling yourself. Nigga stepping to me like he checking some shit. You lucky we was in that party"

"Or what?" Zhafir's voice boomed throughout the room.

Trey snapped in his direction.

"Nigga who even are you?"

"Who are you?" Khafir sat on my bed and Trey seemed confused at his calm demeanor.

"You fucking with this clown?" Trey laughed.

He wanted to get a reaction out of him and Zhafir couldn't care less.

"Yes." I shrugged and he clenched his jaw.

"You right, I'll see you." he walked out of my room.

Zhafir and I weren't messing around but I will not continue to explain myself to him. It showed him that I care what he thinks and he loves that. He wanted me to say no in front of Zhafir. Just to prove a stupid ass point, that doesn't matter because i am done with his ass.

Zhafir Reed

"You straight?" she nodded avoiding eye contact.

"Jayda let me talk to you." Yg grabbed her hand and pulled her out the room.

"it's just-" she let her head fall and covered her face. "I wish i never met him." She cried and I didn't know what to do.

I haven't seen anybody cry so much in years.

"Everything is going to get better Ray. You doing so good. You are demanding a change and standing in power. Can I hug you?" she nodded and walked over to her and comforted her the best way I knew how.

She eventually wrapped her arms around me.

"You are the first person to ask if they can hug me." She carefully wiped her face.

"Well I'd rather ask than assume you want me to touch you." I shrugged.

"Well thank you for asking but you are my friend." I nodded.

"How did you even meet that clown?"

"Well it was a football game and jayda dragged me out of the house which is an everyday thing. He plays football and we started talking and he just seemed to be so determined to get me. He treated me like the best thing in the world. He did everything to impress me and we went on a couple of dates and he really wined and dined me. I um I ended up giving him my virginity on his birthday because he just kept asking. No matter how many times i told him no he would make me feel bad because he brought me this or that. He made it seem like i owed him sex and i just give in even though i wasn't ready. I saw myself giving it to him anyway but just not right then. He literally exhausted the issue beyond means.  Then everything changed within days, he started off being stand offish and nonchalant. I caught him cheating and he said I wasn't his girl, we got into a fight like a fist fight and he whooped my ass once I burned out and he promised to never do that again and I went back and now I am here." 

"Damn. well you seems to be doing a great job and i am proud of you." A smile danced on her face and she nodded.

"Thank you."

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