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Ri'asia POV

Today I decided to go to class because I had nothing better to do. And actually being physically in class felt good. I don't think I ever really took the time to appreciate it. I learn way more when I am there and I am present.

Online school is convenient and easier but it's hard for me to grasp certain topics and overall it's boring. Half of the time I go into class and cut off my camera and go back to sleep.

"Yo!" I hear someone yell and I look up from my phone and Trey was walking in my direction.

I looked back to see if some on was behind me and it was just us in the hall.

I haven't seen him in forever. I would've like to keep it that way, but I guess that was in God's plan.

"Who me?"

"No, the bitch behind you." I looked and he laughed. " can I speak with you?"

"One second." I took take out my phone and called Zhafir. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, I thought you were in class?"

" I am on my way there now but I was stopped by Trey and he said he want to talk to me." He laughed.

"Okay, talk to him. If he gets disrespectful, just tell me."

I texted him to just stay on the phone and he text back okay.

"What is it?"

" I have been seeing a therapist and I have been getting my life together. I am a father now of a beautiful daughter." I nodded and motioned for him to hurry up.

" hurry up. Hurry up, hurry up." I rushed him.

"Okay okay okay." He mocked me. "Calm down killer." He joked and I stare at him.

"Trey bye."

" no I just wanted to say that I apologize. I have been going to therapy like I said before and she help me realize a lot of the trauma comes from being molested." He frowned and I sighed. " I was very violent towards you and I did a lot of horrible shit to you. I did a lot... A lot of bullshit to you and I sincerely apologize. I am so sorry."

"Okay. When I forgive you I will let you know." I smiled.

I looked him up and down and he had like a robot hand.

"That is cool, move it." He laughed and show me how he moved it.


"Yes beautiful?"

"He has a robot hand now." Zhafir laughed.

"He a transformer!" Zhafir yelled and I covered my mouth.

He has been being silly all morning. These are my favorite days where he just is like a little kid and he is so fun and playful.

"No that is cool Trey." He nodded. "I am glad you are in a better place in life and I wish you the best."

"We could be friends."

"No we can not, my man trust me and all but I'm not gonna push it that far. I have to respect my man, and even if I wasn't with my man, we both know." I waved my finger back and forth and he chuckled. "No sir."

"That is fair."

"I'll see you around."

"Same to you." I made my way to class.

"Baby I miss you!" Zhafir yelled.

"I miss you too baby. I've got two more classes and then I'll be home.."

More Than ExpectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora