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Asia POV

"Dana!" I yelled.

"Yeah?!" She yelled back.

"Come here for a second." I heard shuffling, and her room door opened.

"Yeah." She walked past me and sit down and the couch.

"I just wanted to speak to you because, I feel like we have been on the outs for too long. We both did what we did and we both said when we said, and I feel like that is where we should leave it. I honestly can understand what you were saying. When you said that you do, this relationship was getting better because I thought the same thing. I was actually having fun being around you and you being able to come into my world and you fit so perfectly. You found your own permanent spot in my world."

" honestly don't know how to feel about it anymore. And this is not me causing problems. This is just me realizing how easy it is to throw away everything that we built." I sighed.

" listen I don't know if I said this before, but I can tell you right now I will never ever bring up the fact that we don't have the same dad ever again. I am so sorry for saying that." She nodded. " I really am, and I would never do it ever again."

"Okay." She sighed. " I really don't like when you say that and even though I feel like such a fucking loser telling you this again. That shit really hurts my feelings because if I had the chance to have dad be my biological dad, I would take it without a doubt. If I had the chance to know my biological dad, I will take it without a doubt. I didn't choose this life for myself. I hate that I feel like in a way I am clowned or punished for mom's decision. And you are the only person who says that type of stuff, you and Shanice but she doesn't come around anymore. I hate that you pick on some things that I can't control."

" I had this conversation with dad and Zha and Ant and I have a whole new understanding on how you feel. I am so sorry and it won't leave my mouth again and if you are willing to give this relationship, another try, I will put in 100%. You are my little sister, and even though I can't change the past, I will try to better the future."


"Okay. Now stop isolating yourself in your room. You can come out and you can speak, I would never want you to feel uncomfortable in this house. I hate that he even got to that point." I expressed.

"Okay." She sighed.

She got up and went back in her room. I don't even know where we can go from here, but I am glad that we talked about it finally.

"Good morning." Jayda walked out her room.

"Good morning." I shot her a smile.

" I was about to come out but I saw that you girls were talking so I decided to just let you guys be. Zhafir went home?"

"No he is still asleep, which is surprising." I laughed.

Zha always wakes up at six or seven in the morning. It is now 10:30 so maybe he's feeling a little sick. This is the only time he really sleep say when he is under the weather.

"He is probably sick."

"Antonio ass has a cold too."  She shook her head. " that is why I hate when it's chilly outside because Antonio gets sick at the drop of a fucking hat. I am glad that your dad took the baby. I think they have a little obsession with my fucking son. they think the baby is theirs.  They need to adopt or something." We laughed. "Do you like Tabby."

" yes I love her for my dad. She is a beautiful person and she is so kind and sweet. I love how they are both so nice to each other and once she told her story about her ex-husband, I knew that her and my dad meant for a reason."

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