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Zhafir POV

"Daddy I swear to god I didn't!" Ri'asia yelled. "Why would I do that?"

" calm down." He motioned to her.

"Yes she did." I spoke up.

She looked at me with a straight face, and I'll returned it, because who the fuck she think she's scaring.

" listen we apologize, it won't happen again. I mean as far as like you walking in on us." he sighed.

"Baby stop."

" baby we are grown we were just kissing."

"Ri'asia calm down." He laughed. " it is fine, I love that is important to you to respect my wishes. I should've knocked on the door. You guys are grown, you were pregnant, for fucks sake."

"That is so embarrassing." She sighed.

Basically, Lenny caught us kissing, but it wasn't a regular kiss. It was like I'm about to fuck you on this counter kiss. I am still gonna fuck her on that counter.

"Relax, we can breath. It's OK, it's all right." he grabbed her face and she nodded.

"Daddy." She whined and got up and hugged him.

that one trick works every time. It don't matter what it was if she hit him one of those it worked. I live to have a weak spot for my kids like that. He is such softy.

He rubbed her back soothingly.

"She is dramatic." I laughed. "We apologized baby, he understands." He kissed her forehead.

This is why she expects me to baby her because this is what she has been getting her whole entire life. It isn't no problem because she's my fucking baby but from the outside looking in it's funny.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course." She sat in his lap and he held her.

"Say it." 

"I love you Camille, I love you so much." He looked at me and rolled his eye an annoyance and I laughed.


"Baby I am fine." Ant pushed her gently. "I need to try to do things myself so I can get back in motion."

" I know baby I'm so sorry, I'm just a little nervous and paranoid." She shadowed him slowly.

"I am fine, thank you baby." He laughed and limped away with his one crutch that he barely fucking needs.

He's just cannot put a lot of pressure on his leg right now he has to warm himself up. He has to slowly get back to walk him on his own without support.

Ant is officially getting back in the groove. Smiling more and he is getting shit done on his own.

I grabbed Jayda and she sighed.

"You okay?" She nodded.

"Yeah, just a little nervous with him walking by himself. This is too much." she played with the ends of her hair.

"Look me when I am talking." I stood in front of her and she looked up at me. "Are you okay?" She sighed and he head dropped and I hugged her as she cried.

Jayda has been a warrior this entire time. She hasn't complained, she just handled her shit and went on about her life. Because a different mannerisms I can tell that she's very stressed and tense.

I don't know if it's because she is a mom now, but she has been way more worried about everybody recently. She has the baby to worry about, she has Ant, she has Camille, Carmen, she just recently started worrying about Dana for some reason. I mean I get it, but she has been really really worried.

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