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Asia POV

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you." Dr, Phillips shook Dana hand.

"Same to you." I sighed.

She convinced me to bring Dana. I'm a little worried because this appointment can go one way or another. It can be blissful and life-changing, or it can be pure chaos. She feels like I should tell Dana my side of everything. With us growing up in stuff like that. Why I did what I did... Why I said what I said.

" so the reason why I told her to bring you is because of some of the things that we've been talking about in here. The main thing that concerns me is a relationship with you. She has a lot of resentment toward you." Dana nodded.

" yeah..." Dana looked me. " I always knew that, I think it's because of how our mom treats her." She looked back at Dr. Phillips.

"Yes so what I want you guys to do, is speak to each other. Not how you speak to each other on the regular basis, I want you guys to dig deep and remain respectful and conscious so you can really hear each other." We nodded. " OK so for this exercise I'm going to need you both to grab a seat from a table." we got up and grab the chairs. " face them towards each other, face-to-face, and sit in them." We sat down and for the first time I actually looked at Dana. I never realized how gorgeous she was. "Okay so you can start us off." She pointed to me and scooted out of provision.

"Um, I want to start by saying, even though I haven't given myself a chance to love you, I love you so much. I just haven't loved you the right way." Dana nodded. " I have done so many things to you. Just out jealousy and resentment that doesn't even belong to you. I was so mad at mom and because I couldn't take it out on her, I took it out on you. I didn't really think it would affect you as much as I did because to me, compare to my life, you had everything easy. You had two great parents who loved you, you grew up in the mansion, you didn't have to go through the arguing and screaming in a studio apartment. It's like you were the blessing baby who made everybody wanna change for the better. You added so much luck. Even when dad gave you my name."

"Lucky Charm?" She asked and I nodded.

" yes, that crushed me. It made me feel unimportant. Being his lucky charm was my job, he needed hugs and kisses for me to get through a bad situation or a bad day. When you came around, it's like he didn't need me anymore. He started calling you his lucky charm, he needed hugs from you. Kisses from you to save his day. That used to be my job. Then mom, she has always made it clear that she didn't like me because I was the reason your dad left her in America. Your dad told her to get rid of me and she didn't want to because I was a rainbow baby. She had I think she said four or five miscarriages before me. So he ended up leaving, and she ended up being with my dad. When she had me, my dad said everything seems great, until he went through some financial troubles, and then her true colors starting to show. She has shown and said plenty of times that she didn't like me, that she hates me, that I ruined her life, that I'm stupid, I am fat. I just didn't like how she was nice to you and mean to me. I was here first." Dana nodded. " then not only did she treat you like the golden child, my dad begin to treat you as such to. I didn't matter anymore. I felt so alone, I was the one here for my dad when your mom left him. It was me and hearing is the world ending. You came in and changed everything. You were all that matter to them. I mean, of course, I reap the benefits of having money, but other than that I was just a shadow in the background. Doing anything to get attention. I was fucking mean to you, I was because I felt like you had it too good. I felt like you needed to go to the struggle too, you needed to see how I felt."


" I wanted you to know that you weren't better than me. Anything that you were worthy of I was too. I wanted you to know that not everybody is going to kiss your ass and lick the ground that you walk on." I found myself getting riled up.

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