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Zhafir POV

"I can- stop." She laughed. "Watch." She pulled out the shirt and I took my shirt off.

She laid it down on the bed.

"Put that on." She pointed and I put it on. "There are more colors than blue Ahmaz." I shrugged. "Look at your skin, you would look great in so many colors."

"I like blue."

"I bet your gloomy ass do, see look how that green looks against your skin." She turned me towards the mirror. "Shorts." She tapped me.

"No, I am a grown ass man."

"I brought you some."

"Stop buying shit thinking I am going to like it." She laughed.

"You will and you are going to wear it." I shook my head. "Hm..." she handed me the shorts. "You are my prop."

Somebody knocked on the door.

"Come in." I pulled the wife beater on and she fixed my chain.

"Put your head..." she held the shirt and I put my head through and she helped me put it on.

"Wussup?" I looked at Ri'asia and Sierra stepped back.

"Hey girl, I am in here playing dress up." Sierra laughed and Asia nodded "I am trying to make him explore new colors, I am a stylist... He's not gonna walk around with me looking a mess... hey Pick." She walked over laughing softly and Asia snatched her back.

"What is this?" She looked at her.

"Nothing, he is just my fr-"

"Save that bullshit." Sierra smiled disappeared. "You keep trying to sell me the same bullshit. Y'all in here-"

"Calm down." Sierra pointed to Ri'ja .

"Don't tell me to calm the fuck down."

"Asia relax, she is my friend but no matter what... we aren't together." She stared at me.

"The bitch played in my face."



"Okay I get why you are anger but it's not like that. We aren't doing anything. Seriously." Sierra tried to rationalize.

"Asia we aren't doing anything, she just helping me pick out clothes. Relax, we are friends. No fucking, none of that."

"Just relax, I completely understand what you're saying and feeling but it is not like that." Asia sat the car seat down and stepped to her.

"We not on that, all that crazy shit  when you have a nigga is crazy."

"So what? That is different! He is somebody I ran into and so happened to like! You made me feel bad for speaking the true!"

"Made you feel bad?"

"Yes! So did this bitch!"

"I didn't say anything to you, I told you the truth! He is my friend and I feel bad just for being his friend. I am sorry. I feel bad everytime I think about it. I don't really care to have him in that way."

"I walked in here and y'all- no I am not going for it."

"Just go." I grabbed her and she started swinging on me. "Asia! Chill!"

"No fuck you! You lied to my face! Get off of me! You did this to us! You did this!" She started crying. "You did this and you wanna make-"

"I was trying to make the right choice for us and you went and did this to us! You! It's always been you!"

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