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I want up and made my way downstairs.

I saw the guys spread out on the couch.

"Y'all get up and clean up. This bitch look a mess." I snatched the covers off of them and Malik goofy ass flew across the room.

"Damn." He groaned.

I need to chill I don't be knowing how strong I am. I need to start getting back in the gym.

"My fault bro."

"Come on with all that strong shit. Hulk smashing at 9 in the fucking morning." He got up and limped.

" y'all grown as me why do you wanna sit and fucking filth all day." I laughed.

"You have an disorder. It is not dirty down here. What are you seeing?"

"Line y'all shoes up and use coasters before you get circles on my fucking table. hang up your jacket and go to your bed we have a fucking closet. Get off the phone covers put them in the closet because you're staying again because Yall don't know when to fucking go home-

" you sound like somebody fucking irritating as mom. Like you said we're grown ass men. If you not gone straighten up. Fuck up." I walked in the kitchen.

I sighed.

These niggas done eat everything in the fucking refrigerator.

I decided to just get dressed and my day.

I hopped in my car in very heat up for a little while it was cold as shit. I called Ri'asia.


" why don't you check your caller ID? I am sick you answering the phone like you don't know my fucking number."

"I'm sorry baby." She started FaceTiming me and I answered.

It was still dark in our room so I knew that she was just waking up.

"What's up with your hair?"

"I just woke up." She yawned. "Plus I have to get my tape ins redid." She got up. it went silent for a about 30 mins.

I pulled up to her place and got out. I knocked on the door and I heard shuffling and Jayda opened the door.

"Wussup Brodie." She let me in.

"Good morning." She yawned.

I walked in Ri'asia room and she was singing her heart out in shower. I laid on her bed and closed my eyes

Ri'asia POV

"He makes me feel wanted like no one has beforeeeeee. And he don't want nothing from it but to know my loves fassure... I hate to be you watching him love me." I song at the top of my lungs and I exfoliate my skin real good and then get my last around a wash and hopped out the shower.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I walked out the bathroom and damn near jumped out of my skin.

I screamed and Zhafir looked at me like was crazy.

"What the fuck are you screaming for?"

"You scared me." I laughed and he just stared at me with the same face. "What are you doing here?"

"Fucking zebras, what it look like?"

"Ew attitude."

"I am hungry."

"You need to stop skipping days of eating." I dropped my towel and his eyes darted to me body and I wanted to teased him so I grabbed my lotion and put my leg on the bed and started to lotion my legs and he raise his eyebrow.

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