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Ri'asia POV

"She sleep?" I asked Carmen and rubbed jayda back and she nodded.

I carefully laid her head down on the blanket the nurse gave her.

I got up and look for Zhafir he has been dead silent. I walked out side and he was smoking and pacing back and forth slowly.

"Hey baby." I walked up to him and he kissed me. "You okay?" He nodded. "Don't feel like talking." He shook his head.

"Yo. Yo. Yo." I looked up at the sound of my dad voice.

"Hey dad." I walked over to him and hugged him and he looked at Zhafir.

"He not talking?" I shook my head and we watch him pace.

"No, he shut down hours ago. I think the wait is really bothering him."

"Yeah, give me a minute." I nodded and made my way back to Zha.

"My dad is here." He looked around and he saw him and his whole demeanor changed it's seem like his body release some tension. "I am gonna give it guys a minute." He nodded.

Zhafir POV

I watched Rain walked in the hospital and I turned back to Lenny.

"Wus-" I covered my face and I broke down. "I am sorry." I cried and my body shook.

"Don't apologize, you are alright."

"This shit... this is just to much, I hate this." I calm down a little and wiped my face and i my body felt so weak. I could feel myself physically shaking and trembling.

"It's alright, Come here." He held his arms opens snd I walked over to him and he hugged me. "You have every right to feel this way man. That is you brother, y'all always had each other. He got this. You know Ant ain't going out like this."

"I feel like a bitch." I wiped my face.

"Sometimes shit gets heavy and you have to expressed yourself, I told you that I am here. I love you like my own son, you know this. I would and will never judge you." He hugged me again.

"I don't know why this shit had to happen. I can't deal with this shit. What am I gonna do? We do everything together." I wiped the fresh tears from my eyes and he reach in his pocket and pulled out a napkin and gave it to me. "You are so old." We laughed.

"You know my daughter is a cry baby, you never know when and where. You got allergies, Ant always doing something and making a mess like a fucking four year old. Jayda got Allergies, Dana always wanna wipe her hands and she don't touch door knob with her bare hands, I am just always on dad mode around y'all." We laughed. "that was some old lady shit though not the random tissue in my pockets." He dug in and pulled out a jolly rancher.

"Candy too." I asked and he laughed.

"Here, you need some dopamine." He gave it to me.

"The doctor is out." Carmen came out and we made our way in the hospital and he stood there with a smile on his face.

"Okay so he is okay." He nodded.

It felt like my heart start to beat at a normal pace again.

The girls rejoiced.

"He is in comatose." He nodded. "He will wake up when ever he is ready, he is a fighter so I give it maybe a weeks time. He has a broken leg and his thumb is broke and if you look at this-" he showed us the X-ray.

You can see where it look shattered.

"He is very lucky, his car was totally but we were think by the second in packed he threw himself into cover. This could have been a different story if he wasn't aware and alert. Whatever he did saved his life."

"So when he wakes up is there anything that we have to do."

"From the looks of it maybe, therapy, physical therapy, check ups, rest, he isn't paralyzed or anything. Then again we won't really know until we see him up and active." He explained. "He did loose a lot blood we have him on transfusions right now..." I nodded.

"Okay I am his father, they have had a long day and night. We can discuss the on the side. They got all the information they need right?" He looked at me and I nodded and the girls did the same. "You guys have any questions? You sure?" We nodded again.

"Wait, can we see him?" Jayda asked.

"They are getting him set up now so not right now but soon. We will let you know."

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