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Ri'asia POV

"Three meanings for purple!"

"Spiritual, success, weath or wisdom." I answered. "I am going to pop corn to Bryon."

"Damn Ri. Really?" I laughed. "Blue. Clean, conservative, calm. Popcorn to Kia."

"Uhm... yellow. Positivity, joy. Energetic." She looked around the class. "Pop corn to Trey."

"Red. Anger, dangerous, passion or power." He looked at me. "Pop corn back to Ri'asia."

"You can't do that-" he shot Kia a look and she shut up.

"Brown. Stability, friendly, comfortable." I answer. "Pop corn to Sarah."

"Grey. Calm, mature, intelligence. Pop corn to Rodney."

"Send that shit back to Ri'asia. I don't know that shit."

"It was Pop corned to you, so."

"She looks like she wants more Pop corn." Trey and his friends laughed.

"Don't get mad at me because you are fucking retarded. You are going to fail out of college for trying to pretend you're still high school famous. You are so stupid Pop corn is one of the easiest ways to loose weight. Are you in Med too?" He stopped laughing. "Grow up we are not in k-12 anymore. Anyway he doesn't know it or anything else in this class, nothing new. so I'll just go, even though it's game day and he is still lost as always. Orange, youthfulness, creativity, imagination or excitement." The class laughed.

"Shut your fat ass up." He yelled.

"Hey calm down." Mr. Thomas yelled.

"My fat ass that you told me you wanted to eat. You practically begged me to sit on your face." The class went in a uproar.

"Blah blah blah, you spiting a bunch of lies. Why would I want you and your own nigga didn't even claim you?"

"I don't know you gotta answer that yourself everyone be quiet he needs about 5 hours and complete silence, y'all know he is dumb. " they laughed. "How did you get in this school? I doubt you had a 3.2 gpa how much money did you pay?" I looked at him and he looked so upset.

"Fuck you."

"No, I declined before and I decline again. Now leave me alone, I don't even understand why you figured you have a chance in a round off with me and you aren't even able or willing to comprehend the words that come out my mouth."

I looked at Trey and he was so made mad. Usually I would never do this because Trey would kick my ass in a quickness. His glare doesn't scare anybody. I done seen him get pressed too many times to be scared.


I walked into our apartment and the door was unlocked and it was already unlock.

"Jayda!" I was in and I closed the door and turned around and felt a hard sting sensation across my face and I slammed into the floor.

"Bitch!" I looked up and Trey stood there. "Hard ass teeth." I white my mouth and the dark red liquid made my hand glisten.

"What the hell!" I jumped up and I punch him and I started fighting like always, a continuation of me fight for my life. "Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled and pushed him and he fell and I grabbed the lamp and crash it on the back of his head as he tried to get up.

He groaned and I grabbed my phone and ran in my room and locked the door and call Zhafir and he didn't answer. I called jayda and Trey started banging on my door.

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