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Asia POV

"Ri'ja please stay still." I laughed and she kicked her feet. "I got to put you little pants on." She smiled.

"She doesn't like pants." Zhafir walked up behind me and I sighed. "Ri'ja. Hey little girl. Hey daddy's baby."He coed at her and she went crazier.

"You are no help." He smacked my ass. "Sir, I am not your girlfriend, do not touch me like that."

"But you in my house and in my room."

" because you refuse to come to my house, but you always want to be around my baby."

" our baby."

" our baby."

"Good girl, you catch on quick." He grabbed my neck and I laughed and covered my face.

"You trying to get me." He gripped my chin bent my head back and kissed my nose and the tingling sensation on my lips called out to him. "Don't get me like this infront of my daughter. Don't do it."

"Then stop acting like you don't know who that pussy belong too." I smiled and he kissed me and let me go and smack my ass.

Today we have to go to the engagement party thing that we have set up. Basically we're going to do a surprise engagement party. We're not really sure how we're going to do it but we know that we want to do something special for them because they've been kind of doing everything by themselves, well, Dana has been doing everything by herself. She has Jayda but I want to be more involved.


"Okay so I will say I am going to have something for Jaiden and I want everyone dressed up." Jayda said.

"But know her she is just going to throw on some jeans and a Aunties baby shirt." Sierra shook her head and we laughed.

"Yo yo yo." Kenny and Hassan walked up.

"Yo brodie." Antonio dapped up Kenny and Zhafir dapped up both of them.

"Hey y'all." Jayda gave Kenny a side hug and I gave them both a hug.

"Wussup sis?" Kenny turned to Sierra and she sent him a small wave. "Damn it's like that." She nodded.

"For right now yes." She shrugged.

"Understand." He laughed softly and sat down.

"Wussup." Hassan waved at Sierra.

"Hey." She stared dead at him with a straight face and he smiled.

He was just happy to get a response.

"Can we tal-"

"No." She shook her head. "No but we can say it's a girls day or something a bunch date that we set up. She wanted to do that."

"Oh yeah and the theme she be red. They both love red."

"But the both love green."

"But red would be better, sexier." I added.

"Yes and she likes to wear red anyway. She says Malik like her is red." Carmen added. "Damn she is really about to get married."

"Hey!" Some girl walked up and people walked up behind her.

"Hey Nijay." Jayda and Sierra got up and greeted them.

"Hey guys." Regina came and hugged us.

"Hey babes." I hugged her.

"Okay y'all so this is Nijay and Christopher. The is Danielle and Marq."

"She looks like Dana." Antonio pointed out and she really did.

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