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Ri'asia POV

"No Yaya, look at your fucking face!" my dad snapped. "I knew some shit was up."

"Dad, I understand that you are upset but please do not hurt him. I am done with him, please daddy. He is in the past and that is what it is." I grabbed his arm. "I am fine and I am doing really well, dad. My grades are amazing and I am getting back on track. He is not a priority to me so please don't make him a priority of yours." We slowly sat down on the couch.

"I don't understand how you got off track. I sent you to college to further your education and set you up for a great future. Not to start fucking and get beat on Ri'asia Camille Davidson! Do you not know how this makes me feel, I have protected you your whole life. Now you sitting here begging me to spare a motherfucka that needs to be dealt with! " he shouted and i instantly started crying at the tone in his voice.

"I know dad, I really messed up and I sincerely apologize if I disappointed you. I don't know how I got here, I was doing so well with being by myself and he just made me feel wanted and loved. I never felt that from a guy, I was always the ugly friend and I jumped in head first and now look at me." he wrapped his arms around me. "Dad you were right, I shouldn't have lost my virginity. I should've waited for marriage like we planned. I just messed everything up daddy." he kissed my forehead.

"Listen baby, you did no wrong. You loved him and you gave him something so special. He did his dirt but you need to walk away from this situation with your head up knowing you did your fucking best and gave it your all. This is a lesson learned, that is all. Everybody has been here, we all hit rock bottom before relationship wise. I can see it in your eyes you have nothing else to spare for him and that is okay. He isn't for you and that is okay too. You are beautiful, kind, smart, and funny. I love you and I am proud of you." he carefully wiped my face. "I love you so much Camille."

"I love you too daddy." I gathered myself.

I know at the end of the day the people that I am close to want the absolute best for me. My worst fear is to disappoint my dad and that was exactly what I was doing. I know my dad isn't going to say it but it's true. I can see it in his eyes when i call him with my problems, problems i create for myself just by doing dumb shit and being guilable.

"How's mom?"

"The same, out and about. She wants to live the party life and do her own thing. She is grown and we both deserve to be happy. I am thankful for my beautiful baby girls."

My sister hates me, my mom cheated and got pregnant. She calls me her step sister which i don't think she understands when you come from the same mom there is no step. Maybe I am the only one that thinks that way.

"I'm so thankful for you." He smiled. "Is you guys relationship getting any better."

"Sixteen years." he shook his head. "I love your mother with all my heart. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I just can't allow her to continue to drain me or my wallet." we laughed.

"I know you love mom daddy. There is no doubting that and I hate that she doesn't give you the same love. I am not even sure if she is capable of the kind of love that you have for her."

"I just don't understand why I was never enough. I gave her  twenty four years, I always provided and even after she did me dirt and continues to do me dirt I still give her whatever she wants. I love her so much, man." he shook his head. "I have been married to her since I was eighteen and we have been together since I was fourteen. I stole her young years, I keep using that excuse but look at me. I never cheated on her in my life. I never even stare too long at another woman but I am always the bad guy. She is getting calls and leaving all types of hours of the night. She had a damn baby on me for christ's sake... i just don't want you to be like me Camille." he stared at me and i nodded.

"Okay dad."

The door opened and Jayda walked in.

"Hey, dad." She ran and hugged him. "Where have you been?"

"Hustling, how have you been, baby girl?"

"Good, you know if I got her I am straight." they stared at me smiling.

"What?" I chuckled.

Zhafir Reed

    "Yo Bossman."

    "Yo young?"

    "Where you at? I gotta give you something and we need to talk."

    "I am at my daughter's place right now but we can meet at your place."

    "Alright i'll meet you there now."

    "Alright, stay dangerous."

    "You too old man." he laughed and I hung up.

    "So I'll see you tonight?" Amber walked up to my window.

    "What is the move?"

I meant Shorty at a party and she got a chill little Vibe to her. She talk too fucking much but other than that she cool.

    "My friend is throwing this party and shit. You wanna step with me or nah?"

"Yeah, we out." she smiled.

"fassure ." she pecked my lips.

She lives about thirty minutes away from my crib so when I pulled up he was sitting on my steps smoking."

"Old man Lenny." I dapped him up.

"Young bul' Zha.'' I sat down. "What's up man, what you got to give me."

I pulled out the money and gave it to him.

"Where is this from?" He examined it.

"I've been doing some shit. The noise is dying down to slow for me. I would never be cool with sitting on my ass. I need to touch money, I need to make moves. I can start doing the big shit like drops or pickups. Me and YG are ready for that shit. We are ready to touch real money, like your old ass. Stop underestimating us, I am done with being a block boy. I am ready to be able to do more than just get by. I wanna have houses and cars and shit. I am a hustler and I am good for it. Me and YG made that in two nights. That is five Gs, we work smart and do what we have to do."

He sat in thought.

"Yeah you're right. I'll give y'all a chance. I think yall at least deserve that, i can see the hunger in your eyes and hear the passion in your voice. I got this drop next month in Florida and I want y'all to come with me." I nodded.

"Thanks for the opportunity."   

"No problem, how's your grandma?" I shrugged. "You still haven't talked to her?"

"No, she doesn't want shit to do with me. I tried so many times but I still haven't talked to her in about three years. She can't respect the hustle so she can stay where she is. My pops a deacon now he wants to preach to me about life. Nigga you aint been in my life until last year. You left me when my mom died so fuck you nigga. He can't respect the hustle either, he gotta go too." he laughed but i was a dead ass.

"Nothing comes before the money."


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