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Ri'asia POV

"Stop staring at me like that?!" I yelled and he just kept the same face. "You really make me wanna slap you."

"You aren't not gonna fucking touch me. We not on that." he waved me off. "That shit is getting outta hand."

"Well stop looking at me like I am fucking crazy when I am clearly stating the problem." He stood up as I stepped to him.

"You have a heavy lack of respect for me and I ain't dealing with this shit. You are not gonna keep putting your hands on me." He pushed me back softly.

We sat in a silence and he let out a heavy breath of aggravation.

"I am really getting of the deep rooted disrespect you have for me or just for men in general. I am not going to ever put my hands on you because I love you and I respect but obviously the feelings are mutual and they aren't reciprocated. "I grabbed him and he snatched away. "Don't touch me."

"Zhafir I respect you. I am sorry." He sighed.

"The shit is draining and it's frustrating because you know I would never hit you and that is why you do the shit. The shit Trey did to you was fucked up but that don't mean you do it to me."

"I don't mean to, I just- I am sorry. I will stop."I hugged him.

"It's whatever. You always say this bullshit." He pushed me off gently and went in the bathroom and I followed. "I wanna be in here alone." He closed the door in my face.


"Zha you got this. You knew this was gonna happen. She is high in emotion right now. You just have to be there."

I tried to calm myself down.

She has been arguing about the dumbest shit lately. She is driving me fucking nuts.

I didn't know it was really this tough. Her attitude sucks, she cries about everything. She has gotten so fucking aggressive.

She has a serious lack of respect for me for her to even wanna put her hands on me or hurt me. I would never in my life do that shut to her. She has physically put her fucking hands on me everyday for the last week and I know it's like well your a man. The shit hurts and it make me feel uneasy and I am always on my toes. It is fucking with my mental and it is draining.

I called Ant.

"Yo Wussup?" He answered. "Y'all fighting again?"


"You do know I am in Jayda z's room and we can hear her yelling. Can y'all please shut the fuck up. We wanna sleep for one day Damn. If we not jumping up to pull her off of you we are sitting up because we can't sleep with her yelling. Please I am tired this is like the tenth day in the row."

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong bro."

"You are in abusive relationship." He laughed. "I am laughing but it's not funny. I am sorry."

"I don't know what to do, how can I stop her from doing it."

"Stop her from hitting you?"

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