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Ri'asia POV

My dad have called Zhafir and invited us over. He hasn't been talking to me for some reason I don't know. I hate that it is so easy for him to not talk to me. The. He didn't even tell me what I did. The only thing I can think of is that he is mad at me because I am pregnant. Which is understandable, I have been disappointing my dad so much lately and it's like everytime I try to fix it I do something else wrong. I know he hates me sometimes and maybe he just hit the last straw with me. I have been nothing but drama and a bill. I hate that I made my dad dislike me.

"Why are you crying baby?"

"I am fine." I sighed. Wiped my face and went back to doing my make up.

"What is wrong you been really sad lately. Is it the hormones or some shit like that? What is it? I will fix it."

"I am fine it is just sometimes life hits me and I don't know why I am sad but when I find out I'll tell you." He signed and left.

I am so embarrassed that I failed my dad. I have always tried so hard to be perfect or be his little girl and I just was a burden and I keep telling myself I am over thinking but it's all right in front of me.

I wiped my face as zhafir came but in the bathroom with a chair and sat beside me.  He placed his hand gently on my stomach and rubbed it.

"What do you wanna do for you birthday baby?" He asked.

"I don't know but I was talking to Jayda and we were think going on a trip." I shrugged. "Do you think I should forgive Carmen?"

"I mean you beat her ass and shit so y'all mineswell move on. Just set some boundaries and move accordingly. If you guys weren't living together I would tell you know but since y'all live together  You mine as well try to co-exist with her because it's always this weird energy in your house." He shrugged.

" i'm not even gonna lie I kind of miss her I honestly wish that things didn't take a turn the way they took. Everything that happened was so unnecessary."

" yeah soon as you start thinking a bitch cool she start doing weird shit."

"She really crossed the line I don't even know what to say. I do miss her though and I can tell that she regrets it but like you said even if I forgive her it's not going to be the same."



"Hey." I gave my mom a side hug. "How you been."

"I been good. Growing." She rubbed her belly and I smiled.

"Good for you." I felt Zhafir body press up against me.

"Hey, you are cute." She laughed.

"Thank you. I am Zhafir Reed. Nice to finally meet you." He stuck out his hand and she. Pulled him into a hug. "Oh okay."

"Youngin!" My dad walked over to us.

"What?" I spoke softly, why would he greet him first.

"Old man. How you been?"

"Good just trying to get this dinner together and actually make it happen." He shrugged and looked at me and sighed. "Okay so we just waiting on the chucked so y'all can go make y'all self up home. Dana upstairs." He walked off.

That shit made me feel like complete shit. My  heart fell to my ass.

"Well fuck you huh?" My mom frowned.

"It's fine." I shrugged. "Excuse I'll be back." I smiled until I got up the steps. That really hurt my feelings. I went into my old room and flopped on the bed.

My dad is being so petty for no reason. I don't even know what I did. It is really weighing down on me.

"You okay?" I wiped my face and Dana sat beside me. "You and Dad still fighting?"

"Fighting? I don't even know why he is upset I did nothing to him." I sighed.

"Mom said that you were trying to hook her up with some guy to break her and dad up. She told us that at dinner a couple months ago. I didn't believe it but I guess daddy-"

"What?" I frowned up my face. "Why would I do some stupid shit like that. That makes no sense. I don't even talk to her to even try to do something like that."

"Even I know that, mom has always try to get dad in the hate Ri'asia team I guess this did it." She shrugged.

"Hold up." I hopped up. "That is fucking stupid."

I walked downstairs and walked in th kitchen and they were all sitting around.

"How could you ever believe I would do something like that to you?" I stepped in front of my dad and he stared at me. "You are so willing to throw our whole relationship away because of some bull crap she pull out  of her a-"

"Ri'asia!" My mom yelled.

"What?! Why would you say I tried to hook you up with someone. That makes no sense at all but I don't put it pass you because I know what type of person you are!"

"Lower your damn voice!" My dad jumped in.

"I thought you knew me! What sense does that make sense that I would hurt you like that? Introduce her to another man? Really. It is-

"Ri'asia you-

"No you should have stepped to me and gave me the chance to tell you the truth. She cheated on you you guys whole relationship but when she lie on me you are so ready to exclude me from your life and you know she lied you are ready to just throw me away. I am pregnant and I need you! I wanna call you and I can't and all over some dumb stuff! It makes no sense! Me and her have no type of relationship, we don't even speak for months and you know that but you took her word without even asking me?!" Zhafir stand up and walked over to me. "No don't." I pushed him back.

"Ri'Asia he-"

"If you don't wanna deal with me then just let it be that but I never would thought it would be because of her." I sighed. "This is really messed up but it's fine. It's all fine. I am fine." I ran my hands through my hair.

The tension in the room was so thick and my dad just sat in thought.

This shit don't even make sense. Like at all but if he is tired of me it is what it is I am not going to force him to be around me. Obviously he doesn't trust me or know me how I thought he didn't.

I am still not understanding what is really going on.

"Let me talk to you I my office." He finally spoke.

I shook my head.

"It's fine. Zhafir are you ready to go."

"Ri'asia-" my dad called me and I kept my eyes on Zhafir.

"Baby I think you should-"

"I am ready to fucking go! Now!" He frowned up his face. "Please."

"Let me speak with you right fast." Zha motioned for me to follow him and I did.

"Who are you talking to? You never speak to me like that so don't start now." I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my face and kissed me. "Baby you should speak with him. You and your dad have always been close."

"I just don't understand how it was so easy for him to shit on me like that. He hasn't talk to me for two months."

"Maybe he was trying to figure everything outs. You know your dad  is an over thinker."

"He dragged on a situation we could've just handle. He shouldn't just asked me and it it's like it doesn't even make sense for him to take my moms lying ass side. She cheats on him all the time and he tells me everything so why would I do that. We don't even talk." He ran his fingers through my her and kissed my forehead.

"Just talk to him because it doesn't make sense at all. I don't know what he was thinking but I don't think he really believed that shit because that is dumb."

"Then why would he treat me like this." He sighed. "I don't wanna talk now I wanna leave." He stared at me.

"Okay tell them we going." I nodded and walked back.

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