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Zhafir POV

"Why you here?" I asked as I walked to into my grandmas room.

" because she wants me here. Could you stop being rude to me?" She rolled her eyes. " all the history that we had you can't find one piece respect for me?"

"No, you are a snake."

" you are talking about a life-changing decision that worked out for the better of both of us."

" you don't know what could've been happening right now if we would've just stayed on the track that we were on. But I'm glad that you did get rid of that baby because breaking loose from you made me realize what I really want out of a relationship."

" oh yeah I forgot, you find you a partner." She made quotes with her finger. "What a bitch?" She shook her head.

"Watch your mouth."

" I never took you for the type to fall in love with girls like her."

" girls like who?"

" her, you know white washed, prissy, Valley girl, college girl with a bunch of white friends."

" how did I ever like your ignorant ass? You have always been stupid." I scoffed and her smile dropped. " Black people are capable of having proper English and good vernacular. It doesn't make them white washed. it makes them intelligent and just a regular old fucking person in American. Didn't you kill our baby to go to college? How did you end up here."

" End up where?"

"Here, you know broke, bitchy, bored, and miserable with no friends." I mocked her.

" because I came running back for you and fortunately enough I was there to take care of your grandmother when you were out running the streets with who was it first Ashley and then Valentina and then some bitch name Amberelle." She frowned up her face. " Amberelle is actually a friend of my cousin, cute baby." I tilted my head to the side.

"She had a baby?"

"Yeah by some nigga named Rodney, but about the Ri'asia... cute girl."

"We know."

"Nasty mouth, she looks down on people like us."

"No she looks down on you because you stoop so low she has no choice. You disrespected her first and she returned the energy which is going to happen everytime. You may have your opinions of her but you don't know her. You can trick yourself and make all these scenarios and fantasies in your head about you whipping her ass but I promise you if I sic... she's gone fold you the fuck up." 

" I done ran into a lot of girls like her before."

"Yeah whatever."

"Hey baby."

"Wussup grandma?"

"Where your friend?"



"Ri'Asia." She held her fucking up. " why are you acting like this? We have had plenty of conversations about her and you know her name so don't be disrespectful."

"Oh boi calm down it was a little mistake."

" no, it was you disrespecting my relationship and the woman that I'm in love with."

" everything is temporary but that's OK because you have Amerie." I scoffed.

" no you have her not me. If I leave my wife I would never get back with her. So all it is you're coming to some type of cahoots and trying to get me to get with her llamas with all that shit in the toilet because it's not gonna happen." I shrugged. " what's up with you? You were not just on this type of time when we had so many conversations about her. Why are you moving different now?"

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