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Ri'asia POV
I pulled up to my parents home.

I put in the pin to the door and walked in.

"Mom!" she didn't respond.

I searched the house for her.

My mom called me over here to talk to me today for some odd reason. Me and my mom dont talk at all, it was very rare that we spoke. It's not my choice, I would love to have a mother and daughter relationship with my mom. My mom is just so self-absorbed everything needs to be about her and what she wants in on her time. A total disregard for her kids in general it's fucking disgusting. She rather stay in a Jamaican club partying all day and night.

I walked into the kitchen and she wasn't even in the kitchen. I know she did not invite me here and she's not even here.

"Mom! Are you here?" i opened her door and they were having sex. I instantly closed the door.

Wait my dad is on a business trip in Florida.

I opened the door and she wasn't in the bed any longer.

"Who the hell is this?" I walked in the room and the guy covered himself.

"I am Gene." he held out his hand and i just stared at him like he was fucking crazy.

"Are you serious mom? In dads bed! In the house he pays for. How could you do that to him and he treats you so fucking good?"

She came out the closet with her clothes on.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"You invited me to talk, please this is our family home. You have no respect at all. Why do you keep doing this to him?"

"Alright now, don't get beside yourself. Stay in your lane and stay in your damn place. You don't question me, i am the parent." she snapped at me. "Gene, get out of my house!" she yelled. He gathered his stuff and raced out the house.

"You aren't a real parent, we literally talked five times since I went to college two years ago. I have every right to stand up for my father, the one who's been there from the beginning. How could you mom?" She shook head and threw her head back.

This is when I knew the victimization of herself was about to start.

"I am so sorry." she started crying.

"You are sorry you got caught."

"Please don't tell him." She grabbed my arm. " it will Crush him, I will figure out everything later but please do not insert yourself."

How would I even tell my dad, he loves this woman so much. I can't watch his heart break behind her actions again. However if i don't tell him i would feel like i am betraying him, which would also crush him possibly more.

"Please Asia. i don't ask you for anything but please just do this favor for me. I don't want him to find out that way, I will tell him myself." she begged.

"Why did you even invite me over here? Damn." I walked out the house and hopped in my car.

I didn't know what to do.

I called Jayda.

"Hey Hoe." she yelled.

"Girl tell me why-"

"What?" She looked concerned yet excited. "Wait aren't you supposed to be out to brunch with your mom."

"Yes girl but why i walk in the house and she was freaking some guy in our home in their bed." she slapped her hand against her mouth. " I know, she has no respect at all, in his house! She asked me not to tell but I don't know what to do."

"You better tell dad because he would be more hurt that you didn't. It's gonna come out sooner or later. Everything comes to the light, I doubt you wanna be apart of the betrayal."
I sighed because she is right.

"Anyway, we should do something today."

"Yes, because i am starting to miss my boo."

"They come back tonight right."

"Yeah, you still haven't talk to zhafir?"

"Nope." I shrugged. "I stopped calling him after the fourth time he ignored me."

"Well he is with Ant so he is alive, that's all that really matters. He is probably busy."

"Ant calls you all the time and he is right there with him."



"Jayda, get off your damn phone please." Nelly snapped. "We are at dinner have some fucking class please."

"Yes you've been on your phone all night." I sipped my wine.

"Sorry my man just got here."

"What man?"

"Oh yeah. Antonio, You need to start coming back around more. His name is Antonio but we call him Yg or Ant. he is so fine and he is a sagittarius and he is funny as fuck."

"You and this zodiac shit again. I met him when he came to the house."

"Spoken like a true capricorn always dissing shit yall dont understand."

"Sagittarius Men are serial cheaters." i laughed.

"But the sex is great."

"Wait y'all did it?"

"If by it you mean sex, yes."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know but bitch it was amazing."

"Was it big?"

"Was what big?" I turned around and Antonio and Zhafir stood there.

"Hey baby! I missed you." Jayda hopped up and hugged him.

"I missed you too." I looked at Zhafir and shot him a smiled and he slide in the booth beside me.

"Hey Zhafir." They said in unison.

"Wussup." he continued to observe me. It was no shame in his game, it was like he was trying to intimidate me in a way.

"Nice to see y'all again."

"Same too you, wassup?" He finally greeted me.

"Hey houdini, how have you been?" he chuckled.

"Damn, you mad at me?" I shook my head and Nelly was staring at me.

"Look at me when I am talking to you." he gently grabbed my chin, making me face him.

"I said I am not mad." I avoided eye contact.

"You nervous?" his face held the same mug that it always did.

"No." I waved him off. "I am glad you're alive, I thought you died or something. You kept ignoring my calls, i thought we were friends but i guess not bec..." I looked at him in his eyes for the first time. It felt like we were in some type of battle.

"We are friends. I had to go to work and I, unlike Y- Antonio, don't like distractions."

"I am a distraction?" he nodded.

"Good one or a bad one."


I gasped.

"Stop talking to me." i put my hand in his face and I could hear his soft chuckling.

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