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Zhafir POV

"Of course baby." I laughed as she walked up to me.

"We totally should. We need to get married first though." She shrugged. " I would want to build a house, I would still wanna live in this area, but I want to build my own house."

" we get married, we start having kids and building our life. It's only right to build a house first. How many kids we having?"


"Okay that is a great number. I am down."

" And now we can have a big wedding, you have your mom and your dad and your family that can come. I know you haven't met your family yet, but I'm already so excited for you. I have my dad and I have my family. Everything is just aligning so perfectly. I just have to figure out who would be like my bridesmaids. I already know that Jayda is going to be my maid of honor and I have Carmen and Sierra, I can do Megan, I can do Shanice. I am sure she will fly in. She doesn't like Jayda anymore so if one gotta go, then she gotta go." She explained and I just nodded. " Dana is really upset with me so I don't know if she will want to be in my wedding. I would still invite my mom to my wedding just because I want her there. We have had our issues, but my wedding requires her."

" Yeah, I am pretty sure she would come to your wedding. Your issues weren't that serious." She looked at me and I shrugged.

"You are so cute baby."

"Thank you baby." She walked over to me and sat in my lap. " as for you and Dana I'm pretty sure you guys would be over it by then. You guys both said things to hurt each other. I feel like maybe if you guys had one fair one, y'all would get over it." She sighed and I kissed her shoulder.

" I don't know, I didn't know or care what I was saying to her before but now it's really weighing on me. I wish I never said it in the fact that she has told me so many times how it makes her feel... I just wish I never said it. she still owe me, I am going to beat her ass, but what I said was fucked up. I didn't even fully say it, but she knew what I was going to say and that right here is fucked up."

"Jayda!" Somebody yelled and Asia  hopped up and I followed suit.

Don't yell in the house, everyone knows that.

"What's up?" I walked out the room and it was Bryon.

"What? Carmen told me to call Jayda." He frowned up his face.

"I'll get her and please no yelling in the house." Asia spoke calmly.

"My fault."

Carmen is finally moving into the house. I guess her and her boyfriend broke up and now she is moving in with the girls. I guess they are back fucking around too. 

"Relax with all that energy bro."

" I don't have no energy, I just have to be prepared around y'all. Y'all got some type of animosity against me. I always gotta stay my toes that's all." He waved me off and walked back down the hallway.

that's his fucking problem, he talks himself into situations, and then be surprised when shit happens. Talking about some fucking animosity... Nobody has no type of animosity against you. If I want to punch you in your motherfucking mouth, I would have. And you still mad about the last incident... Get over this shit you are a grown ass man. We brothers we fight that is just what we do. He in his feelings, he has been avoiding Asia and Ant. 

"Yeah... I know. They are probably going to ask me something that I don't know." Jayda laughed and Asia took the baby.

" I kind of regret getting him beat up." Asia sighed. " he was actually funny and cool, then it felt like the guys broke down in shambles slowly. I miss having us all around. Jay doesn't come around anymore, Byron is acting like a fucking weirdo I don't know why like then Malik doesn't really hang out with us anymore because his friends aren't around."

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