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Asia POV

" I don't know, I'm way more excited than I was last time." I shrugged and my dad nodded.

" I can't say that I am ecstatic about it because I want you to finish college, but I am so grateful to be able to redo this experience with you the right way."

" I am going to finish college, I do a lot of my classes online. I don't know being in the class and in school just doesn't make me happy anymore. Everybody else is in the classroom Zha and Anthony and Jayda well sometimes Jayda has to go online because of the baby. Everybody is still on top of their stuff. These last couple of months I can say that I was slacking a lot. But I am back, and I am promising myself to be better."

"Yeah, you graduate next year?" I nodded.

"Yes sir." I nodded and eat my fried.

" OK so we got a throw a big ass party or something. I know that Dana graduates high school this year and she's going to either where you guys go or to the one that is in Philly. Temple I think. I honestly would rather have come to this school."

" yeah she's always talked about coming to the school so I don't know when she started looking at Temple." I sighed.

" so I talked to your man and he told me some of the things that have been going on in the house." I nodded slowly. "What is your problem with Dana?"

" I don't have a problem with her, I thought we were doing good just with how we was and then she did the whole blowup thing about what happened at the mall. That's when our issues started." He nodded. " I was really upset because she punched me in my face."

"Huh?" He frowned up his face.

" yes like directly in the middle of my face and my nose was bleeding and everything."

" why didn't you say that the first time? We could've adjusted then and all of this shit would've been over."

" because I had plans on getting revenge how I had plans on getting revenge. I didn't need a lecture about it."

" so you been starting arguments with her every day since then just so you can fight her."

" in a way, yes. I fought her, and it was a fair fight, and that is all that matters to me. I am over it."

" I definitely think you need to start thinking more maturely, I am going to ask her about that because she should've never put her fucking hands on your face."

" more maturely? I don't know how much mature I could've been, I should've just did what we had to do then. Everybody was around and it was just so much going on so I just let it slide. But I got my lick back for sure and now I'm over it and now she's acting like she's scared to come out of her room." I shook my head. " everybody's judging me about the situation... Everybody fusses, and fights with their siblings. But when is me, I am just such an evil bitch and I am miserable. That's not fair. maybe I have been quote unquote bitchy lately because I have been angry. I have been and I don't care." I shrugged.

" you should care because it affected the people around you that you so-called love. You should've just fought her that day and kept pushing. Why did you antagonize and do all this shit for a fucking month."

" because I wanted her to hit me first."

" why?" I shrugged.

I really don't know and honestly, this conversation is getting very boring to me. it happened and I don't apologize for it, I don't regret it. Do I regret arguing with her for like a month and a half yes because it was a waste of time and it was so unnecessary when I could've just fought her.

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